
Sheikha A.
is from Pakistan and United Arab Emirates. Her work appears in over 100 literary venues, both print and online, and several anthologies by different presses. Recent publications include Eclectica, Dreams and Nightmares, Poetry Repairs, Uppagus, Poetry Super Highway and elsewhere. More about her can be found at
“My country calls it weeping” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Bill Abbott
is the author of Let Them Eat MoonPie, the history of poetry slam in the Southeast, and the poetry collection (My Life and Other) Famous Train Wrecks of Ohio. He has been published in Ray’s Road Review, Radius, The November 3rd Club, Flypaper Magazine, and The Sow’s Ear. Mr. Abbott lives in Ohio and teaches creative writing at Central State University.
“National Illness” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Jonel Abellanosa
lives in Cebu City, The Philippines. His poetry and fiction have appeared in hundreds of magazines and anthologies, including Chiron Review, Thin Air, Poetry Kanto, Star*Line and The Anglican Theological Review. His poetry collections include Songs from My Mind’s Tree and Multiverse (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, New York), 50 Acrostic Poems (Cyberwit, India), In the Donald’s Time (Poetic Justice Books and Art, Florida), and Pan’s Saxophone (Weasel Press, Texas). He is a nature lover, with three companion dogs, and three other beloved dogs who have passed on beyond the rainbow bridge. He loves all animals.
“Aliens vs. Predators” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“The Audience” • Vol. 30, No. 2
“Hope” • Vol. 32, No. 3
“Light” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Adetokunbo Abiola
is a Nigerian journalist and writer. He has published Labulabu Mask, a novel (Macmillan Nigeria). He has also published in print and online magazines such as Rake Journal, BBC Focus on Africa Magazine, Flask Review, Zapata!, Liberation Lit, Sage of Consciousness Review, Africa Writer.Com, Big Pulp, the One World anthology, The November 3rd Club, and the Mainstay Press Anthology. His work is shortly to be published in Relief Anthology. He’s currently working on his short-story collection.
“Returning Home” • Vol. 22, No. 1
“Firewood Girl” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Amr Abouelleil
is an Egyptian-American who makes his living surfing digital genomes, and lives to write contemporary and speculative fiction. His work explores the intersection between East and West, waiting to see what happens when—at the same time—all the lights turn green. He resides in the greater Boston area with his expectant wife and son. “Voices from the Corral” is his first published story. You may write to him at or visit his website at
“Voices from the Corral” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Lisa Dominguez Abraham
Her work has appeared in many journals including The North American Review and Poetry East. She’s a native Californian who rations water to grow tomatoes and cucumbers, despite the drought.
“Stone Soup” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Harold Ackerman
lives in Berwick, Pennsylvania, where he writes poetry and captures frames of light. He is a retired teacher. Welcome to visit his web gallery at
“Trying to Pronounce ‘nuclear option’ ” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Daniel D. Adams
is the co-author, with the late Philip José Farmer, of the short novel The City Beyond Play (PS Publishing, 2007). Some of his shorter work has appeared or is forthcoming in Abyss & Apex, Appalachian Heritage, Asimov’s, the Clinch Mountain Review, Ideomancer, Not One Of Us, Paradox, Star*Line, Strange Horizons, and Weird Tales. He is currently wrapping up a four-volume historical fiction series called the Shenandoah Saga. Daniel and his wife Laurie live deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with however many cats in their area need rescuing at any given time.
“The Lighthouse of Ajax Mountain” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Viccy Adams
is close to finishing a PhD in creative writing at Newcastle University, where she has been researching the boundaries between short-story collections and novels. Her writing has been published by—among others—Cinnamon Press, Unthank Books, Notes From The Underground, Spilling Ink Review and 4’33’’ magazine. Read more about her writing at
“Reconstruction” • Vol. 22, No. 1

John Adkisson
is a retired civil rights lawyer, political consultant and activist, living in Sacramento, California with his wife Anne Stausboll. New to short fiction in 2015, Mr. Adkisson holds degrees in journalism, political science, urban studies, and law. His seminars on violence and discrimination prevention have been attended by more than 250,000 individuals throughout the United States. After a 25-year career as a trial lawyer and speaker, Mr. Adkisson headed up the California State Senate’s Office of Oversight and Outcomes, editing and managing leading California journalists and publishing dozens of investigative reports which led to widespread media attention and legislation. He is the father of two.
“As American as Apple Pie” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Sarah Ahmad
is a photographer living in Pakistan. She had solo exhibitions of her work in 2007 and 2008, and won the 2009 Sony World Photography Award as well. Her photography blog:
Tangled • cover art for Vol. 21, No. 1

L.M. Alder
has work appearing or forthcoming in theNewerYork, Asimov’s, Ghost Town, decomP, and elsewhere.
“Convention. Hurricane.” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Carol Alexander
is  the author of three poetry collections, the most recent of which is Fever and Bone (Dos Madres Press). Her work appears in About Place Journal, The Common, Denver Quarterly, Mobius, Mudlark, RHINO, Southern Humanities Review, The Summerset Review, Sweet Lit, Sweet Tree Review, Stonecoast Review, Third Wednesday, Verdad, and elsewhere. With Stephen Massimilla, Alexander co-edited the award-winning anthology Stronger Than Fear: Poems of Empowerment, Compassion, and Social Justice (Cave Moon Press, 2022). A new collection of her poetry is forthcoming in 2024 from Glass Lyre Press.
“Foreclosure” • Vol. 23, No. 1
“Migratory Patterns” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Fallout” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Elizabeth Alexander
Her short story collection, On Anzio Beach, was published in 2017 by Ravenna Press. In addition to Mobius, her work has appeared in Gargoyle, The Journal of Feminist Studies in ReligionBlazeVOX, and many other places. She lives in Santa Fe.
“Accommodations” • Vol. 24, No. 3
“Mr. Green the Funnyman” • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Passing” • Vol. 33, No. 2

R. A. Allen
Poetry has appeared in the New York Quarterly, B O D Y, The Penn Review, RHINO, The Hollins Critic, The Los Angeles Review, Pennine Platform, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for a Best of the Net and two Pushcarts. He has short stories in publications such as The Literary Review, The Barcelona Review, PANK, and Best American Mystery Stories. He lives in Memphis, a city of light and sound.
“Macroeconomics” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“Sapioselective” • Vol. 34, No. 4
“Roomba” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Aleph Altman-Mills
Aleph Altman-Mills is an autistic writer who collects acorns and likes to buy books other people have already written on. She has been published in The Legendary. She blogs and posts poetry snippets at; poetry prompts are at
“How to Pass for Human, Without Passing for Normal” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Mohamad Alwahibi
is a graduate of the faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus, Syria, 1984. He is a member of numerous arts organizations including the union of Syrian and Arab Artists. He juried numerous arts and has exhibited in Geneva Switzerland, Greece, Berlin Germany, Washington USA, Finland as well as throughout the Middle East—Syria, Yemen, Qatar and others. His art found homes throughout the world, including the National Museum of Syria, in Damascus. He lives in Berlin, Germany. For further information about his art, you may reach him on Facebook or contact Dr. Rima Bitar-Wollmer, Phone +963946780766
مكان مفترض حفر مباشر على الورق الوهيبي • cover image, Vol. 26, No. 3

Khadija Anderson
returned in 2008 to her Los Angeles birthplace after an 18-year exile in Seattle. Khadija's work has been published extensively online and in print journals and anthologies. In 2009, her poem “Islam for Americans” was a Pushcart Prize Nominee. Her first book of poetry, History of Butoh, was published by Writ Large Press and she currently runs a monthly social justice themed reading series; Poets & Allies for Resistance.
“Quebec” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Liana Vrajitoru Andreasen
is originally from Romania, a country that still inspires her writing. She teaches in the Rio Grande Valley, in South Texas, and she has published stories in Interstice, The Cloud Collection, CC&D, and in the upcoming issue of Fiction International.
“The Puppet Show” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Michael Andreoni
has had stories in Fifth Wednesday, Euphony, Pif, Calliope, Ducts, Defenestration, and other publications. He lives between town and gown near Ann Arbor, Michigan.
“Fifteen Tops” • Vol. 25, No. 2
“The Cure” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Jessie Anne
(she/her) is a poet from Houston, Texas, currently residing in Utah County. She is an MFA student at Arcadia University, pursuing graduate degrees in both Creative Writing and English Studies. Her poetry is equally informed by theatre, psychology, religion, and her own life. She is previously published in The Eunoia Review.
“Never a God” • Vol. 35, No. 2

former poet laureate of Milwaukee, is author of Factory (City Lights), Last Words (Ballantine), Subterranean Rivulet (Falling Tree) and Exclamation Points ad Infinitum! (Centennial). Winner of the Walt Whitman Award from the Walt Whitman Association, the Witter Bynner Prize from the Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters and a Pushcart Prize, his poems appear in the recent anthologies Poets Against the War, Best Gay Poetry 2008, Great Poems for Grand Children (AARP) and Comeback Wolves: Welcoming the Wolf Home. In 2010 he read with Robert Bly at the Centennial Celebration of the Poetry Society of America in Minneapolis.
“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Virginia Aronson
is a poet, novelist, and textbook writer who lives in the lush, lurid tropics. Her poetry collections include Farmlandia, a novel in verse, as well as the chapbooks Hikikomori, Itako, and Tropical Diagnoses. Her work has appeared in many literary journals and has been nominated for multiple awards
“Dawn Powell (1896–1965)” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Asnia Asim
is a young female immigrant of Pakistani origin. Poetry helps her explore the many internal conflicts born out of geographical displacement. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in print and online journals including TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism, TYPO Magazine, The Milo Review, The Wayfarer, Mandala Journal, Timber Creek Review, Desi Writers Lounge, and The Maya Tree. One of her essays, “A for Altruism, B for Brotherhood and C for Compassion,” secured first position out of 1,300 contestants from 108 countries in the 2005 World Bank International Youth Essay Competition.
“Paraphernalia” • Vol. 24, No. 4

Sharon Auberle
is a poet and photographer who was delighted to serve as Door County, Wisconsin, Poet Laureate for 2017–2019. She has authored a number of books, including her most recent—Dovetail, a book of sketches and poems, co-authored with poet and artist Jeanie Tomasko, which won the WFOP Chapbook of the Year award. Auberle continues to write and take pictures, inspired by her love of the land, trees and waters of this stunningly beautiful place where she gets to live.
Interior • cover art for Vol. 31, No. 3

Miriam Axel-Lute
is working on a series about the faulty assumptions of neoclassical economics. Her favorite compliment ever is “I didn’t think I liked poetry, but I liked that!” Her poetry has been published here and there and performed from many stages, bookstore corners, classrooms, pulpits, and living rooms. She has three chapbooks, and her website is
“Posit: No Transaction Costs” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Sara Backer
teaches composition at UMass–Lowell and leads a reading group in the men’s prison in New Hampshire. Her poems have recently appeared in Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, PANK, The Mayo Review, Turtle Island Quarterly, theNewerYork, The Blue Bear Review, and The Pedestal Magazine. Two of these were nominated for a Pushcart Prize. For links to her work, visit
“next” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Ujjvala Bagal-Rahn
was a finalist for the 2023 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize and a 2021 Pushcart nominee. Her second poetry collection Memories Lounge was a finalist for the 2021 William Faulkner–William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition. Her work has appeared in The Threepenny Review, The Tipton Poetry Journal, Illuminations, Hawai’i Pacific Review, and others. She is the owner of Red Silk Press, a micropress of science fiction, science, poetry, and memoir. Red Silk Sari (Red Silk Press, 2013) is her first collection of poems. A chemistry instructor at a technical college, she lives in Savannah, GA. 
“From the Hand” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“Beverly” • Vol. 32, No. 1
“Community College” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Devon Balwit
is a teacher/poet from Portland, OR. She has two chapbooks: how the blessed travel (Maverick Duck Press) & Forms Most Marvelous (forthcoming with dancing girl press). Her work has found many homes, some of which are The Cincinnati Review, The Stillwater Review, Sierra Nevada Review, Red Earth Review, Timberline Review, Glass: A Journal of Poetry.
“Drive-Through Absolution” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Dylan Bargteil
is currently a brewer, baker, poet, songwriter, and physics PhD student. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY, and is pursuing performative and anonymous art. For information about what Dylan has been and done, visit
No hablo la lengua • Vol. 26, No. 1

Conor O’Brian Barnes
was born in Berkeley and raised in Denver and Southern California. "The Secret Address to the Physicians of the Order of Asclepius" is one of fifteen stories in a collection he has just completed, tentatively entitled In the Antechamber of the Abyss. He currently lives in the Colorado Rockies.
“The Secret Address to the Physicians of the Order of Asclepius” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Nicholas Barnes
earned a Bachelor of Arts in English at Southern Oregon University. He is currently working as an editor in Portland and enjoys music, museums, movie theaters, and rain. His least favorite season is summer. His favorite soda is RC Cola.
“paradise lost” • Vol. 33, No. 3

Ken Barnett
works as a professional software developer in California, Game Masters a Dungeons & Dragons group, and spends much of his free time writing and consuming fiction. He is a fan of animation, cats, speculative fiction, and rainy weather. You can read more of his work on his personal website,
“Pop-Pop-Pop” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Stephen Bartlett
spent 14 years as an award-winning journalist for daily newspapers in Vermont and New York, with 12 of those years devoted to covering education issues. He is currently a freelance writer and is also working on a short story collection and a novel. Stephen and his fiancée Erica live in Plattsburgh, NY with his children, Darby and Samuel.
“Beep, Beep, Beep” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Barry Basden
lives in Texas and edits Camroc Press Review. His writing has appeared elsewhere.
“Driving a Truck in Afghanistan” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Elvira Basevich
is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at The Graduate Center, CUNY, specializing in political theory, feminist philosophy, and ethics. She has published poetry in Writing for Human Rights: Protest Poems and Inertia Magazine. She grew up in Brooklyn, NY, where she still lives and writes weekly love letters to the Atlantic Ocean.
“Naturalization” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Daisy Bassen
is a practicing psychiatrist and poet. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in English. She has been published in Oberon, The Sow's Ear, AMWA Literary Review, The Opiate, SUSAN|The Journal, Arcturus, and Adelaide Literary Review. She has pending publications at The Delmarva Review, The Minetta Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, Pirene’s Fountain, After the Pause, and The Cape Rock. She was a semi-finalist in the 2016 Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband and children.
“A dollar a day” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Aileen Bassis
is a visual artist and poet living and working in Jersey City, NJ. Her artwork has been widely exhibited across the USA and is in several public collections. Her artwork in bookarts and use of text has led her back to her interest in poetry, a new passion that is starting to take over her creative life.
“In Serbia” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Mike Bates
is a corporate attorney, recently retired to retrieve the purpose of his life. He lives in the high desert of central Arizona with his wife and daughter. His work has been published in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Scholars and Rogues, and The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review.
“A Holiday Bow” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“Dead Time” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“Vasily’s Eggs” • Vol. 29, No. 4

tom bauer
lives in montreal with his sons and plays boardgames.
“voting thought” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Boyd Bauman
grew up on a small ranch in northeast Kansas and is now a writer and a teacher in the Kansas City area. His work has appeared in Plainsongs, The South Dakota Review, The Rockhurst Review, Heartlands, and Barbaric Yawp, but for some reason The New Yorker keeps turning him down.
“Bailout” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Maxwell Baumbach
makes a mean bowl of ramen. He also edits the Heavy Hands Ink publication and watches unhealthy amounts of Sports Center. His first chapbook, Suburban Rhythm, was published by cc&d through Scars Publications in September, and his second, You’re Welcome, is on the way from Alternating Current Press. His work has appeared a bunch of places: Google it.
“Technological Improvements” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Steven Beauchamp
is currently a Prof. Emeritus of English for Perimeter College, a multi-campus two-year division of Georgia State University in the metro Atlanta area. For some years he edited poetry for its literary magazine, the Chattahoochee Review. Since retirement, he spends much of his time in southwest Florida. During the past 25 years he haspublished 100+ poems in journals and reviews across the U.S. and in Canada. These include Kansas Qarterly, South Carolina Review, California Poetry Journal, Eclectic Muse, and many others.
“Birds in Flight” • Vol. 33, No. 2

B. Elizabeth Beck
is a poet who writes fiction. Her fifth collection of poetry, Dancing on the Page, will be published by Rabbit House Press in 2024. Swan Songs, her debut collection of short stories, will be published by Accents Publishing, also in 2024. Her work appears in journals and anthologies, including Poetica Magazine, Appalachian Review, Limestone Blue, and Harvard Education Press.
“Cosmic Charlie” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Carol Bell
After studying biology and chemistry at the University of Colorado, she went on to a career in the pharmaceutical industry. Now retired, she can focus on her writing. She studied at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado, earning a degree in English and has attended the Aspen Writer’s Conference and Moab Confluence Conference. She has studied with Colette Inez, Christopher Merrill, Edward Hirsch, Amy Irvine, Dr. Barry Laga, and Craig Childs. Mother of an adopted Vietnamese war orphan, she has been active in volunteer work for child- and adoption-related organizations. New work is forthcoming in California Quarterly (CQ) and RiverSedge.
“Stephen Has Lost Almost Everything” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Christopher S. Bell
is twenty-eight years of age. He has been writing and releasing literary and musical works through My Idea of Fun since 2008. His sound projects include Emmett and Mary, Technological Epidemic, C. Scott and the Beltones, and the forthcoming Fine Wives. My Idea of Fun is an art and music collective based out of Johnstown, Pennsylvania ( Christopher’s work has recently been published in the Broadkill Review and on He is also a contributor to
“Rebellion’s End” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Stacey Bell
has been published in Shark Reef and the anthology Lycan Lore. She received her MA in English in 2015 from California State University, Long Beach and now lives in Manhattan, New York, with her partner and two disgustingly cute cats.
“A Million Lights To Dance On” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Eleanor Leonne Bennett
is a young photographer and artist who has won contests with National Geographic,The Woodland Trust, The World Photography Organisation, Winstons Wish, Papworth Trust, Mencap, Big Issue, Wrexham science , Fennel and Fern and Nature’s Best Photography. She has had her photographs published in exhibitions and magazines across the world including the Guardian, RSPB Birds, RSPB Bird Life, Dot Dot Dash, Alabama Coast, Alabama Seaport, and NG Kids Magazine (the most popular kids’ magazine in the world).
Blood from a Stone • cover art for Vol. 22, No. 4

Nina Bennett
is the author of Forgotten Tears: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Grief. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including San Pedro River Review, Pulse, Bryant Literary Review, Alehouse, Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine, Philadelphia Stories, The Broadkill Review, and anthologies such as Spaces Between Us: Poetry, Prose and Art on HIV/AIDS. Nina is a contributing author to the Open to Hope Foundation.
“They Do” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Gabriel Berger
is a writer from Peekskill, New York, and is currently studying Creative Writing at SUNY Purchase. On top of being a writer, he is a musician on the side, working on several projects at a time. He identifies as Neurodivergent and Queer. A metalhead and punk, he hopes to try to inspire some change or educate others through his craft.
“Wouldn’t Send My Kids There” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Philippa Bergmann
is an artist working in Madison, Wisconsin. She enjoys painting people, their animals, and deep space, among others. The tone of her work alternates between serious, humorous, and surreal. Childhood memories, especially the tight-chested relationships with animals, landscapes, and the vast sky, are strongly suggested in her images. Philippa also works as a pet portrait artist.
Variation on a Theme #1 • cover art for Vol. 25, No. 2

Steven Bernal
iis a prisoner-poet of California, a Puerto Rican Zarathustra of sorts, determined to engage life one syllable at a time.
“Comes a time” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Peter Bernstein
is an aspiring writer living in the Seattle area. He was educated for two years at Seattle Central Community College, but dropped out in favor of a free education at the local library, where he is still educated to this day. He has had fiction published in Eclectica, with forthcoming fiction to be published in Down in the Dirt and Evening Street Review.
“Kind of a Saint” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Jennifer Jackson Berry
lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Harpur Palate, 5AM, Mead, Stone Highway Review, and Amethyst Arsenic. She is the author of the chapbooks When I Was a Girl (Sundress Publications forthcoming 2013) and Nothing But Candy (Liquid Paper Press 2003).
“I just did what I always do: eat” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Gila K. Berryman
received an MFA in Fiction Writing from New York University. Her work has appeared in Lilith Magazine and Entropy. She continues to write fiction, non-fiction and poetry, and she is working to finish her first novel.
“Lies Men Tell” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Samantha Berstler
Her poetry has previously appeared in The Kenyon Review and The Apprentice Writer.
“Credo” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Robert Beveridge
(he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in Red Coyote Review, Deep South Magazine and Aromatica Poetica, among others.
“The Empress (Reversed)” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Paul K. Binford
Originally from Arcadia, a suburb of Los Angeles, Paul spent his early adult years hitchiking around various parts of the U.S. and Canada. When he got that out of his system, he went back to academia and earned a B.A. in English Literature from California State University. After working for several years in the L.A. school system, he moved to Nagoya, on the east coast of Honshu, Japan’s largest island. He teaches at a university, travels, reads a lot, writes, and reflects on the vast divergence between East and West. He’s published a couple of dozen short stories, articles, and essays in various publications in Japan. "Additives" is his first published story in the U.S. He likes to spend his summers in the Pacific Northwest.
“Additives” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Isaac Birchmeier
is a writer from Helena, Montana. He has been featured in a number of publications, including Sidereal Journal, The Commonline Journal, The Oval, theEEEL, 101 Words, among others.
“Sheldon” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Mary Elizabeth Birnbaum
was born, raised, and educated in New York City. She has studied poetry at the Joiner Institute in UMass, Boston. Mary’s translation of the Haitian poet Felix Morisseau-Leroy has been published in The Massachusetts Review, the anthology Into English (Graywolf Press), and in And There Will Be Singing, An Anthology of International Writing by The Massachusetts Review, 2019 as well. Her work is forthcoming or has recently appeared in Lake Effect, J-Journal, Spoon River Poetry Review, Soundings East, and Barrow Street.
“From a Great Height” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Isaac Black
(an MFA graduate of Vermont College), has published in journals like the Beloit Poetry Journal, Callaloo, Poetry Quarterly, Boston Literary Magazine, and Star*Line (Editor’s Choice). Founder of a major 501(c) college help organization, he’s been awarded the Gwendolyn Brooks Literary Award for fiction and Broadside Press Award for poetry. He’s also the recipient of fellowships from the New York State Creative Artists ServiceProgram (CAPS) and New York Foundation of the Arts.
“Overthrow” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“The Poet’s Dinner Party • Vol. 25, No. 1
“Incoming Nukes • Vol. 26, No. 3

Jane Blanchard
lives and writes in Georgia. Her poetry has recently appeared in The Healing Muse, Noctua Review, and The Rotary Dial.
“Postmortem” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Philip S. Bloch
is the database manager for a children’s dental foundation, Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children. Monthly, he takes the open mic for ten minutes at Gumbo Fiction Salon and gives interpretive readings of his stories that range from suspense to science fiction to horror. At this time, he is completing a stage adaptation of one of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe murder mysteries. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Kathleen, under the watchful eyes of Slinky the Cat.
“27 Minutes” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Gunther Boccius
moved with his family from the Midwest to sunny California as a teenager. People oriented, he graduated with a economics degree from San Jose State University. A land use/local politics career in several Northern California jurisdictions followed. Gunther’s professional careers brought him in touch with a free society where not everything was as it seemed. Focus changed from people to money. Stories about how and why it evolved kept running through his head. A computer finally allowed him to put his stories into print. Novels and short stories were his favorites, often sprinkled with real-life facts and events. In Apparent Contradiction and The Fifth Device were published alongside several short stories. This hardbitten author writes fiction full time now, with no end in sight.
“The Truth about Brug” • Vol. 33, No. 3

J. Karl Bogartte
Born September 8, 1944, of Dutch and Irish descent, schooled in anthropology, photography, and various esoteric traditions, he has been an active participant in international surrealism for more than 50 years. He presently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is both an artist and a poet, having published twelve books of poetic writings. Bogartte is also a cofounder of La Belle Inutile Éditions. His work has appeared in Melpomene, Lithaire, Peculiar Mormyrid, Paraphilia, The Fiend and elsewhere.
Translunar Fiddling in the Late Hours • cover art for Vol. 33, No. 3

Fletcher Bonin
lives in Washington, DC where he is pursuing a Master’s Degree in English Literature. Before attending graduate school, he grew up in Rhode Island, attended boarding school, backpacked Europe, moved south to Charleston, and taught English abroad in Taiwan, writing all the while. The fruits of his writing efforts can be found here:
“He, in the Desert” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Steve Borst
is a retired biomedical scientist and professor from the University of Florida, living in Gainesville, Florida. Steve has been writing poetry and short stories for many years. He and his wife Michele have two grown sons.
“Lunch Lady of the Year” • Vol. 28, No. 3
“Interview with a Deity” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Jim Boswell
is a successful public servant, businessman, writer, and novelist. Works of fiction include: The Sower's Seeds; Champion Standing, and Before Monarchs Flap Their Wings.  Crush Depth Alert, a non-fiction book, provides an insider's view of what really caused the financial crisis of 2008.
“The Love of Economics” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Daniel Bourne
Books include The Household Gods (Cleveland State) and Where No One Spoke the Language (CustomWords). Poems are upcoming in Salmagundi, Yale Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review and Lake Effect, and have also been in such journals as Field, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Guernica, Epiphany, Plume, Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, River StyxMany Mountains Moving and Indiana Review. The recipient of four Ohio Arts Council poetry fellowships, he teaches at in the English Department and the environmental studies program at The College of Wooster in Ohio, where he edits Artful Dodge. He has also lived in Poland, including during Martial Law in 1982–83. His translations of Polish political poet Tomasz Jastrun are also in Penguin's anthology of Eastern European poetry, Child of Europe and in Norton’s Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness (edited by Carolyn Forché), and have also been in River StyxQuarterly West, Willow Springs, Northwest Review, Partisan Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Colorado Review, and elsewhere. In 1999 Salmon Run Press published a book of his translations of Jastrun’s poetry and essays, On the Crossroads of Asia and Europe. He has published translations of other Polish poets.
“Going to the Woods” • Vol. 29, No. 1
“Freedom” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Jennifer Hollie Bowles
writes to prolong breathing. She is the editor of The Medulla Review, a venue that caters to edgy, surreal, slipstream writing, and as of March 2010, her writing has been accepted for publication in twenty-five literary journals, including Echo Ink Review, Thieves Jargon, The New York Quarterly, Word Riot, and The Ampersand Review. Jennifer doesn’t own a TV or a watch.
“Heather” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Bethany Bowman
Originally from New York’s Mohawk Valley, Bethany Bowman has lived in Indiana for the past decade with her husband and two children. Her first collection of poems, Swan Bones, was published in 2018.
“Hoverfly” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Catherine Bradberry
is a student at the University of Virginia. She enjoys reading, writing, napping, and making terrible puns that annoy her friends.
“System.err.precipitation” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Elya Braden
is a writer and mixed-media artist living in Ventura County, CA, and is Assistant Editor of Gyroscope Review. Her chapbook, Open The Fist, was released in 2020. Her second chapbook, The Sight of Invisible Longing, was a semi-finalist in Finishing Line Press’s New Women’s Voices Competition and will be published in 2023. Her work has been published in Calyx, Prometheus Dreaming, Rattle Poets Respond, Sequestrum, Sheila-Na-Gig Online, The Coachella Review and elsewhere. Her poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and have received several Best of the Net nominations.
“1.5 Degrees Celsius” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Moni Brar
is an uninvited settler on unceded, unsurrendered territories of Treaty 7 region and the land of the Syilx of the Okanagan Nation. She is a Punjabi, Sikh Canadian writer exploring diasporan guilt, identity, cultural oppression, and intergenerational trauma. She believes in the possibility of healing through literature. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in PRISM international, Hart House Review, untethered, Rogue Agent, Existere, Understorey, and various anthologies. 
“Trial & Error” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Michael Braswell
taught ethics and social justice at East Tennessee State University. Before that he was prison psychologist. He has published books on ethics, human relations, counseling and the spiritual journey as well as several short story collections. His website is
“The Man Who Loved Potatoes” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Jason Braun
is an English instructor at Western Illinois University. He has published fiction, poetry, reported or been featured in Prime Number,, Squalorly, The Nashville City Paper, Jane Friedman’s blog, Lowestoft Chronicle, The Monarch Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and many more. He also makes apps such as Paradise Lost Office and, and releases music as Jason and the Beast. You can find out what he’s up to at
“Animatronic Song” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Russell Brickey
His poetry can be seen online at, among others, Miller’s Pond, Drown in My Own Fears, and Roadrunner, and in Avocet, Sheepshead Review, and Blue Stem, and a number of other print journals. He has an MFA and PhD from Purdue University. Originally from Oregon, Russ misses his mountains and ocean.
“That Which Was Lost Is Now Found” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Joseph Briggs
has been published in the print & online versions of Verse Wisconsin. He currently lives in Madison, WI.
“Restart” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Heath Brougher
is editor/in-chief of Concrete Mist Press as well as poetry editor for Into the Void Magazine. His work has appeared in many publications around the world and has been translated into several other languages.
“Necessity” • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Humans and Holograms” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Sean Brower
has spent his education and work experience focusing on English literature, and now hopes to extend that journey by making his own creative work known.
“Geeky Perspective: A Unique Pairing” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Adam Levon Brown
is an internationally published poet in 14 countries. He is the author of twelve poetry books. He identifies as Neurodivergent and Queer. He has had his work translated in Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, and Afrikaans. Brown is founder, owner, and editor-in-chief of Madness Muse Press LLC, a literary publishing press dedicated to enacting social change through the power of writing.
“Silence Is the Necrosis of Our Future” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Eloise Brown
is a Michigan native who enjoys beer and books. She attends Eastern Michigan University, and interns as an HR representative at a company in Ann Arbor. In her free time, she enjoys writing, cooking, and posting pictures of her food on Instagram.
“a man sits …” • Vol. 28, No. 2

J. Scott Brownlee
earned his BA in English from the University of Texas at Austin and his MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Hayden’s Ferry Review, RATTLE, Writers’ Bloc (Rutgers), Windhover (NC State), and elsewhere. Involved with several literary journal start-ups, he co-founded Hothouse, with Michigan MFA student Paula Mendoza-Hanna, and The Raleigh Review. His current writing project, County Lines: The Llano Poems, explores small-town life in the Texas Hill Country.
“County Lines” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Scott R. Brownlee
is the author of three unpublished novels. "Momma, The Earth It Drink My Blood" appeared in Foliate Oak. A short story called "A Plot Of Murder In An Unclean House" was published by Down In The Dirt. He has a BA in History, fathered two wonderful children, and works in retail management. Two works of griity, yet humorous poetry under the name of Hemingway S. Bukowski are for sale on Poetry of a Madman and Bukowski’s Blues.
“Old Crow” • Vol. 23, No. 4

A. Scott Buch
is an anarchist poet and novelist.
“The Unpublished Struggle for Change” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Cindy Buchanan
has a BA in English and a teaching certificate from Gonzaga University and currently attends online poetry writing workshops by Hugo House in Seattle, WA. She is an avid runner and hiker with a deep interest in Buddhist philosophy and Zen meditation practice. She has completed the Camino de Santiago in Spain, the Coast to Coast Walk in England, and the Milford Walking Track in New Zealand. She finds inspiration to write in these adventures as well as in the details of daily life and personal relationships.
“For You, Again” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Lawrence Buentello
His poetry has appeared in The Wallace Stevens Journal, Avocet, Paradigm, The Writer’s Journal, and other publications. He lives in San Antonio, Texas.
“American Odyssey” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Lela E. Buis
Her prose and poetry have been published by Galaxy Magazine, Pirate Writings, Thirteenth Moon and various other magazines and anthologies. She currently lives in Knoxville and is a member of the Knoxville Writers’ Guild, the SFWA and the SFPA. That Ridge press has recently released four collections of her short stories and poetry. Besides all this, she takes care of three barn cats and a part-time dog.
“Love Flowers amidst the Blight” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Chris Bullard
is a member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. One of his poems appeared in Rattle’s tribute to speculative poetry.
“Raising Them” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Ron Burch
His fiction has been published in numerous literary journals including Mississippi Review, New World Writing, PANK, and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His novel Bliss Inc. was published by BlazeVOX Books. He lives in Los Angeles. 
“MASH Reenactment Guild” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Lucas J Burford
writes books, which given the format in which you’re viewing this makes perfect sense. However, where Lucas differs is in the way he writes and what he writes about. At the heart of each of his stories is the undeniable imagination of someone who should probably be institutionalized. He brings life to stories of death and murder, and shines a light on betrayal and the darkest parts of our most hidden secrets to create masterfully intricate stories of the human condition. Not only do his stories trek across paths we hide from, but they also entertain. From exposing the seedy underbelly of San Francisco, to posing the what-ifs for a future where the world has collapsed in chaos, he is unmatched in his creativity and deranged sense of humor that make each of his stories worthwhile. 
“Pink Band-Aids and Microwave Pizza” • Vol. 30, No. 1

sean burn
actively involved in disability arts, part of mad studies north-east. recent visual poetry exhibition still alone in her voices explores psychosis and is currently showing in newcastle before touring. poetry book is that a bruise or a tattoo? is available from shearsman press. more on sean burn at
“albert ayler” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Jeff Burt
lives in Santa Cruz County, California, and works in manufacturing. He has work in Thrice Fiction, Star 82 Review, and The Write Room, and won the 2011 SuRaa short fiction award.
“Taking #71” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Prince A. Bush
is a poet attending Fisk University for a degree in English. He has been published by Glass: A Journal of Poetry, SOFTBLOW, *82 Review, and elsewhere. More publications and biographical information can be found at
“An SNL Skit” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Chris Butters
“Judge Calabrese, Arraignments” is drawn from a circulating manuscript, First Contact with the System, reflecting his 30-year experience as a court reporter in the Brooklyn, New York, Criminal Court. He has published two poetry books, is the coeditor of Continuous Performance: The Selected Poems of Maggie Jaffe (Red Dragonfly), and his poetry has been recently published in Paterson Literary Review, Chiron Review, Blue Collar Review, Home Planet News, BlazeVox, Rise Up Review and Peoples World.
“Judge Calabrese, Arraignments” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Kristina Byrne
often gets lost, whether it’s in the woods, a story, or a good conversation. A child’s fascination with jaguars and the abundance of life in the tropical rainforest planted the seeds of a lifelong tree hugger. The awesome people along the path have made her a hugger of humans as well, and an social advocate for the faces behind many ’political’ issues. Kristina has gotten involved with the DC poetry scene to contribute her voice as another thread in the rich tapestry of artists as she works on asking the question: what is the future we want to build together?
“Married to the Job” • Vol. 24, No. 3

André Braga Cabral
is a Brazilian poet from Minas Gerais who started seeing limits in the lyrical, therefore found a home in the spinning of yarn. He uses this here lingo as a dear instrument that the people in his homeland cannot hear, sadly enough. You can find him on the pages of Diagram, Word Riot, decomP, Deluge, and elimae. Hit him on Twitter: @HashBrownIV, or Yahoo:
“A Day in the Modern Age” • Vol. 23, No. 2
“The Green Note” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Ryan Caidic
is a Filipino creative director based in Germany.  His poetry has been highly commended in the Wales Poetry Award, shortlisted in the Peseroff Prize, Pacific Spirit Poetry Prize and Wolverhampton Poetry Festival, and has appeared or is forthcoming in publications across the US, Asia and Europe including Southword, Breakwater Review, Rising Phoenix Review, Eunoia Review, The B'K and elsewhere.
“Dandelion” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Peter Callesen
A Danish-born artist with architectural training, he has created many extraordinary installations around the world, including floating castles; one was in Hamburg harbor where he lived and reigned for a week (a returning theme in his work is the reinterpretation of classical fairytales). Recently he has worked almost exclusively with A4 white paper in different objects, paper cuts, installations and performances.
18.2 cm Tall Tower of Babel • cover art for Vol. 21, No. 2

Douglas G. Campbell
lives in Portland, Oregon. He is Professor Emeritus of art at George Fox University where he taught painting, printmaking, drawing and art history courses. He is also the author of Turning Radius (2017), Tree Story (2018), Seeing: When Art and Faith Intersect (2002) and Parktails (2012). His poetry and artworks have been published in a number of periodicals including Harbinger Asylum, Nourish, Off The Coast, and Indiana Voice Journal. His artwork is represented in collections such as The Portland Art Museum, Oregon State University, Ashforth Pacific, Inc. and George Fox University.
Virtual Reality • cover art for Vol. 30, No. 4

Dan Campion
is the author of the poetry books Calypso (Syncline Press), A Playbill for Sunset (Ice Cube Press), and The Mirror Test (MadHat Press) and the monograph Peter De Vries and Surrealism (Bucknell University Press) and is a coeditor of the anthology Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song (Holy Cow! Press). His poetry has appeared in Light, The Midwest Quarterly, New American Writing, Poem, Poetry, Rolling Stone, THINK, and many other journals. Dan lives in Iowa City, Iowa.
“Basic” • Vol. 35, No. 2
“The Garden of Artaud” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Charles Cantrell
has poems in recent or forthcoming issues of Mudfish, Confrontation, Free State Review, Mobius, Citron Review, Seven Circle Press, West Texas Literary Review, Appalachian Heritage, Pinyon Review, and Miramar Poetry Journal. A book of poetry, Wild Wreckage, will be published by Cervena Barva Press in 2018. He’s been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize in poetry, and has held several residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Ragdale.
“Homophobe Recommends Marrying a Potted Plant, a Dog, an Ottoman…” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Men “Experiencing” Homelessness” • Vol. 33, No. 3

J. J. Carey
is a queer poet and writer surviving late capitalism with the support of a tiny circle of fellow state enemies in Leeds, UK. They were shortlisted for the inaugural Tempest Prize and have been published in The Dionysian Public Library. You can find more of their work on instagram at @vinesthruconrete.
“100 Days Filming Her City’s Annihilation” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Barry Carlsen
was born in 1957 in Omaha, Nebraska. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1980. He then moved to Madison for graduate school at the University of Wisconsin. Carlsen graduated in 1983 with a Master of Fine Arts degree. Finding it hospitable, he has made his studio in Madison where he continues to live and work to this day. Carlsen divides time between his studio and a position as senior artist in the UW Communications Office. He occasionally teaches lithography at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and other art school venues. Carlsen has received numerous grants and awards. His work has been exhibited nationally and in Europe. They are also found in many private, public, and corporate collections.
Shift Change • cover art for Vol. 22, No. 1

Rob Carney
is the author of five books of poems, most recently The Book of Sharks (Black Lawrence Press, July 2018) and 88 Maps (Lost Horse Press, 2015), which was named a finalist for the Washington State Book Award. His work has appeared previously in Mobius, and he writes a regular feature called "Old Roads, New Stories" for Terrain: A Journal of the Built + Natural Environments. He lives in Salt Lake City.
“Recommended Daily Allowance” • Vol. 20, No. 1
“A Million-and-One Things Missing, Plus a Couple Items Found” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“Going All-In” • Vol. 21, No. 1
“Here in what Used to Be Mexico” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“Marketing” • Vol. 28, No. 2
“Astronomy” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Matthew T Cartledge
lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada where he writes short stories and novels. He is a former filmmaker of documentaries and fictional films. His work has been showcased in local film fests. One of his films deals with homelessness and the spirit world. He has had two other stories published online. He looks forward to working on one of his novels with a local editor.
“The Pigeon Man” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Andrés Castro
was born in Brooklyn soon after his family arrived from Puerto Rico, and raised in the South Bronx. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in psychology and working as a rehabilitation counselor, he fell in love with poetry and completed a second BA in English. He received his MFA from Brooklyn College. After a couple of years of teaching high school English in the Bronx, including at the school he graduated from in ’76, he resigned to found The Teacher’s Voice. Andrés has had a variety of jobs (including Special Security Officer at The Met Museum of Art) but he now finds himself happily working at an Upper Eastside Manhattan tennis club with time for poetry. He lives in Kew Gardens, Queens with his wife; his son and daughter are both high school teachers.
“The Late Watch at The Metropolitan Museum of Art” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Beth Cato
is the author of THE CLOCKWORK DAGGER, a steampunk fantasy novel from Harper Voyager. Her website is
“Sorry” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Denise Celeghin
is an emerging writer currently living in London. She is Brazilian and spent eight years in Paris where she experimented with fiction writing. Denise has completed two speculative fiction manuscripts and several flash fictions. When she isn’t wrangling with wording and phrasing, Denise works with female founders in the pre-seed startup scene.
“End of the Line” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Dane Cervine
was nominated for a 2013 Pushcart Poetry Prize, won the 2013 Atlanta Review Poetry Prize, and the 2013 Morton Marcus Poetry 2nd Prize. His new book is How Therapists Dance, from Plain View Press (2013), which also published his previous book The Jeweled Net of Indra. His poems have been chosen by Adrienne Rich and Tony Hoagland for awards, and appeared in a wide variety of journals including The Hudson Review, The SUN Magazine, Catamaran Literary Reader, Red Wheelbarrow, numerous anthologies, newspapers, video & animation. Visit
“Lost in America” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Leigh Chadwick
Poetry and prose has appeared or is forthcoming in SalamanderMilk Candy ReviewOlney MagazineSchuylkill Valley Journal, and Bear Creek Gazette, among others. Her debut poetry collection, Wound Channels, will be published by ELJ Editions in February of 2022. Find her on Twitter at @LeighChadwick5.
“November” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Kenny A. Chaffin
grew up in southern Oklahoma and currently lives in Denver, CO, where he works hard to make enough of a living to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. He writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has been published in a variety of magazines and journals.
“The Way Things Change” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Sara Biggs Chaney
lives in Vermont and teaches writing at Dartmouth College. She received her Ph.D. from Indiana University in 2008. Her poetry and flash fiction have recently appeared or will appear in Stone Highway Review, Menacing Hedge, Corium Magazine, WhiskeyPaper, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere. You can catch up with Sara at
“On A Neighbor’s Foreclosure” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Cortney Lamar Charleston
was raised in the Chicago suburbs by two South Siders, but now lives in Jersey City, NJ. He is an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania and its premier performance poetry collective, The Excelano Project. He is also a founder and editorial lead for BLACK PANTONE, an inclusive digital cataloging of black identity. His poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Rattle, Word Riot, Lunch Ticket, Storyscape Journal, Chicago Literati, Kinfolks Quarterly and Radius, among others.
“Kids These Days” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Chen Chen
is a University Fellow in poetry at Syracuse University, where he also serves as Poetry Editor for Salt Hill. His work has appeared/is forthcoming in Connotation Press, PANK, Foothill, CURA: A Literary Magazine of Art & Action, Nepantla: A Journal for Queer Poets of Color (in collaboration with Lambda Literary), among other journals. He has received fellowships from Kundiman, Tent: Creative Writing, and the Saltonstall Foundation. Visit him at
“Halloween” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Eric Chiles
is the author of What Was and Will Be (forthcoming from Resource Publications and soon available on Amazon) and the chapbook Caught in Between (Desert Willow Press, 2019). Besides Mobius, his poetry has appeared in Allegro, Big Windows Review, Chiron Review, Plainsongs, Rattle, Tar River Poetry and elsewhere. In 2014 he completed a 10-year section hike of the Appalachian Trail.
“My two wool sweaters” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“Puzzle” • Vol. 35, No. 4

L. J. Chizak
was born in New York City, received a BA in Philosophy from St. Mary’s University, Baltimore, MD, and a MA in History from Fordham University. He was a high school principal for twenty years before his retirement. Now he is a painter of people in short stories and resides in Danbury, CT, with his wife Kathleen. Published credits include “There Are No Dahlias In Detroit” in The Foliate Oak, winning second place in magazine fiction writing from the Arkansas College Media Association, also in Journey’s VIII: An Anthology of Award-Winning Stories (Court Jester Publications), “My House” in Stirring: A Literary Collection, “The Canteen” in SNReview, “Fire in the Windows” in Still Crazy, “Ralph The Rat: An Urban Fairy Tale,” in Critter Capers—For Animal Lovers, “My Devil and Me” in Takahe (NZ), “The Lone Wolf” in Down in the Dirt, and a co-author of Murder of a Beer Buddy (2021).
“Gabriel and the Chainsaws” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Claire Chow
is a writer and psychotherapist and a Chinese-American of immigrant parents.  She is the author of “Leaving Deep Water: the Lives of Asian American Women at the Crossroads of Two Cultures.” She now concentrates primarily on short forms: poetry and flash fiction. Ms. Chow believes deeply in the power of the written word to bear witness to the injustices in the world and to illuminate the tender places in the human heart.
“Documents” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Tricia Marcella Cimera
is a Midwestern Poet with a worldview. Her poems have appeared in various diverse journals online and in print. She lives, writes, despairs, and tries to hope in America. A cedar Poetry Box called The Fox Poetry Box is mounted on a post in her front yard.
“American Waves” • Vol. 33, No. 3

Michael W. Clark
is a former research biologist, a college professor turned writer with over forty short stories published. Most recently his stories have appeared in Lost Souls, Morpheus Tales Magazine, UC Berkeley’s Imaginirarium, Black Heart Magazine, Altered Reality, Infernal Ink, Piker Press, and 365 Tomorrows. He also has stories in these anthologies: Fat Zombies, Creature Stew, Gumshoe Mysteries, Future Visions vol. 3, Nightmares, Delusions and Waking Dreams, and Devils We Know. January through March 2019, his sci-fi adventure novella, The Last Dung Beetle, appeared in and was rated 4.5 on Goodreads.  He is the editor and content provider for
“Punishing Potential” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Martha Clarkson
manages corporate workplace design in Seattle. Her poetry, photography, and fiction can be found in monkeybicycle, Clackamas Literary Review, Seattle Review, Alimentum, and elimae. She is a recipient of a Washington State Poets William Stafford prize 2005, a Pushcart Nomination, and is listed under “Notable Stories,” Best American Non-Required Reading for 2007 and 2009. She is recipient of best short story, 2012, Anderbo/Open City prize, for “Her Voices, Her Room.”
“Handle with Care” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“The Debate” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Fred Cohn
is a retired criminal defense lawyer. For the last ten years of his career, he defended federal death penalty cases including one that was very high profile (United States v. Bin Laden, the embassy bombing in Kenya). Fred is now writing fiction full time. HIs first awareness of the death penalty was that informally imposed on Emmet Till. He was nine years old. Race and the death penalty have been inextricably linked in his mind ever since.
“Cornelia’s Song” • Vol. 28, No. 3
“Sauce for the Gander” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Bromme H. Cole
was born in New Orleans but having lived on the island of Manhattan for many years, he is much more a peripatetic New Yorker than a son of the Big Easy. He has also lived a good portion of his life abroad in such far-flung countries as Taiwan, Colombia and China; he is fluent in French, Spanish and Mandarin. An incurable adventurer, he is a part of the proud Dutch diaspora which bestowed on America much of our belief in individual freedom. Professionally, he has been involved in the business of health care for most of his career, from banking to investment and now has dedicated himself to a long held passion: writing. He is in the process of editing his third book, a full-length work of women’s literary fiction told with a fresh, idiosyncratic voice, a strong albeit flawed female protagonist and an inspirational message.
“The Lavender Dynasty” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Earl Coleman
Two short stories nominated for Pushcarts XXIII and XXVII and one short story nominated for Best American Short Stories. His first book of poetry, A Stubborn Pine in a Stiff Wind (Mellen Poetry Press) was published in 2001. Earl Coleman’s Greatest Hits was published by Pudding House as part of their poetry chapbook series in 2004. In April 2007 a collaboration with his son, Like Father, Like Son, was published.
“Diet of Worms” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Robert Collings
is a retired lawyer living and writing in Pitt Meadows, B.C. He’s written two screenplays now doing the rounds of the agents and producers in Hollywood, along with a number of short stories, a satirical novella, One Dog's Life, and other writings, both pre- and post-retirement. Robert has also published in the Euonia Review (, Scars Publications (, cc&d magazine (print editions “Excavation” and “Secrets”), Conceit Magazine, and Writing Disorder ( His short stories are found in his 13-story collection Life in the First Person. Robert has not won many awards in his lifetime, although he’s proud of a "Participation Certificate" he received for coming dead last in the 50-yard dash in the third grade.
“Boardwalk and the Upper Crust” • Vol. 32, No. 1
“Thong Man” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Geoff Collins
lives in Marshall, a small farm town on the eastern end of Dane County. He writes, gardens, plays with his kids, and teaches science at the local middle school. His work has recently appeared in Main Channel Voices, Free Verse, Slant, Blue Earth Review, and Willow Review.
“Falling Apart” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Michael Collins
is a graduate of Kalamazoo College, the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers, and Drew University, where he completed an MA in British and American Literatures. He teaches creative and expository writing in the Paul McGhee Division of the School for Continuing and Professional Studies, a liberal arts college within New York University. His work has appeared recently in Glasschord Art and Culture Magazine, Mad Swirl, Danse Macabre, BlazeVOX, and Eunoia Review. It will also be included in upcoming issues of Brevity Poetry Review, Inclement Poetry Magazine, Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction, The Subterranean Quarterly, Ginosko Literary Journal, Subliminal Interiors, and Grist Journal. He lives in Mamaroneck, New York, with his wife, Carol.
“Public House” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Mike Collins
His poem “‘Tight Like This,’ recorded 1928, Chicago, Illinois,” was a finalist for the 2020 Best of the Net anthology. 
from “Peacenik” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“The Census Taker Reminisces” • Vol. 29, No. 2
“The Proposition” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Amanda Conover
is a queer poet based in Raleigh, NC and Peoria, IL who often engages with themes of existentialism, spirituality, and social issues. She is the poetry editor for Carolina Muse Literary & Arts Magazine and is a recent MFA alum who works in scholarly publishing. Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in the lickety~split, Atlanta Review, Sad Girl Diaries, the Elevation Review, and elsewhere. Find her at
“the state fair” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Hunter Conway
His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in formercactusRiggwelterEunoia Review, and Tiny Flames Press. He can be reached at
“American Dream” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Steven Sheffield Cooke
grew up in Southern California and after forty-plus years of dealings with freeways freaks and frustrations now resides in central Nebraska, where the semi-rural lifestyle is much friendlier and he can finally put some much-needed time back into his writing. This is his third appearance in Mobius.
“<K>onstant” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Casey Coolidge
is an artist, musician, and poet from Wisconsin, motivated by the belief that magic doesn't exist (but that magic is what you make of it), and by an inordinate love of breakfast cereal.
Against Nazis • cover art for Vol. 31, No. 4
Belduum, Lord of Thalassophobia and Bottomless Pits • cover art for Vol. 33, No. 4

Scott Coon
is an award-winning short story writer and former U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst. He served for six years, including a tour in Kuwait where he received the Joint Service Achievement Award. Now a software developer for a major bank, Scott brings his computer and military experience into his work, along with a sense of spectacle. See his website and YouTube Channel for links to his published shorts and his papers on the art and business of writing, as well as his debut novel, Lost Helix.,
“Pirate Hotdogs” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Dominick Copas
teaches high school and wishes he had more time to read. Although he would enjoy writing the Great American Novel, he is probably writing about love. His work has appeared in Dazed Starling of California Baptist University and The Avalon Literary Review, and he continues to submit work to magazines across the country. He graduated from California Baptist University (regrets it), and he received his teaching credential from Cal Poly Pomona (doesn’t).
“Leaping Into the Sky” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Chelsea Coreen
is a poet/feminist/sparkle enthusiast. She has represented the SUNY Oneonta poetry slam team for three consecutive years, and her work has appeared in or is forthcoming in The Nervous Breakdown, The Legendary, GERM Magazine, and The Orange Room Review, among others. She released her first chapbook, Glitter Bomb, in March 2014 and wants to be a movie star when she grows up.
“Bitch” • Vol. 25, No. 3

James Bryan Cornelius
lives just outside of Austin, Texas. He is a sales executive and former school teacher. Mr. Cornelius holds a degree in English from Texas State University and his work has appeared in several literary reviews over the years.
“Playa Conchal” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Nica Cornell
is a South African writer. She has her Honours in Political and International Studies and is working towards her Masters. She wrote a weekly column in the national newspaper The Times for three years. Her work has featured on The Good Cemetery Guide and The Good Men Project. She co-authored a chapter for the third volume of South African Foreign Policy, and is a writer with the Pan-African youth organization Africa Matters.
“A Political Country” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Mickey J. Corrigan
Originally from Boston, he writes Florida noir with a dark humor. Novels include Project XX about a school shooting (Salt Publishing, UK, 2017) and What I Did for Love, a spoof of Lolita (Bloodhound Books, 2019). Kelsay Books recently published the poetry chapbook the disappearing self. Grandma Moses Press will publish Florida Man later this year. Poems have appeared in many literary journals, online and in print.
“Ladies or Tigers” • Vol. 30, No. 2
“Scan the Onion” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“Forgotten Grace” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Danielle Cowan
is a blind, Blackarican queer poet and activist based in NYC. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Causeway Lit and Anti-Heroin Chic and she has performed her work as part of Rattlestick Playwrights Theater’s Block by Block Project.
“Dealer DNA” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Terry Cox-Joseph
freelances from her home in Newport News, Virginia. She is a board member of the Poetry Society of Virginia and has been published in Chiron Review, The Blotter, Avocet and Prairie Poetry among others. She is a former newspaper reporter and editor and has had one book of nonfiction published, ADJUSTMENTS, (Hampton Roads, 1993), and one book of poetry, Between Then and Now (Finishing Line Press, November 2018). From 1994 to 2004 she was the coordinator for the annual Christopher Newport University Writers' Conference and Contest.
“Reality TV” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Maggie Creshkoff
Her writing has been published in Ceramics Monthly, Pottery Making Illustrated, Studio Potter, Cecil Soil Magazine, Mason Dixon Arrive and the Cecil Whig. Copies of her artists' books are in the collections of the New York Public Library and the Newark Art Museum. Maggie has won awards for her poetry, and her poem "Why Losing a Job seems so Unimportant Now" is included in Alternatives to Surrender, a collection of works about cancer. She has been a member of the Cecil County Arts Council's poetry group, Lunchlines, since its inception in the mid-’90s.
“The Morality Police” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Anthony Cristofani
is currently in the graduate program in Comparative Literature at the University of California, Riverside. Before that, he spent five years recording and touring with a rock band. Before that, he did three years in the California state prisons at San Quentin and Tracy, where he published his first poems and stories. Lately he have been focusing more on nonfiction. The attached piece is part of his memoir in progress, covering his years in prison. His work has appeared in Minnesota Review, Chiron Review, CRATE, and Free Lunch, among others. In addition to scholarship on prison writers and creative writing, he spends his time writing music with his wife and brother for their band.
“A Day in the Life” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Steven Croft
is an Army combat veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and now lives on a barrier island off the coast of Georgia. He has recent poems in Sky Island JournalAs It Ought to Be Magazine, Poets Reading the News, So it Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, and Third Wednesday.
“War Ghost” • Vol. 31, No. 1

J. Thomas Cross
lives and works in Durham, N.C., but was born and raised in Texas. He received degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, where he met his wife, who makes this crazy venture happen. He is currently drafting his first novel, which is a painful, wonderful process.
“Efrain” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Denton Croushore
is a nineteen-year-old resident of Colorado who spends most of his time crafting stories big and small.
“The Names of the Many” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Mark Cunningham
The term “sort” comes from John Locke’s “sorts of substances,” with our understanding of each substance made of collections of ideas that are “supposed to flow from the particular internal constitution” of the substance (An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 2:23:2-3), and from FedEx’s “sort,” the twice daily receiving and routing of packages at airport hubs. I try to include an "I" in each piece, not because the "I" is me, but because there’s no point pretending to be other than involved, not always in the most heroic way, in the social situations and relationships presented. 71 Leaves, an e-book from BlazeVOX, is free to anyone curious enough to Google it. Alphabetical Basho, a chapbook, is available on the Beard of Bees site.
“[sort]” • Vol. 27, No. 1
“[future word]” • Vol. 28, No. 3

Ron Czerwien
is the author of two poetry chapbooks published by Bent Paddle Press. His poems have appeared in a number of print and online journals. Ron is the owner of Avol’s Books LLC, which sells used and out-of-print books on the internet. Some of his handmade collages and AI text-to-image prints have been published in literary journals. In May 2023, he exhibited a dozen of his text-to-image prints as part of Gallery Night in his hometown of Madison, WI.
“The Lobbyist”cover image for Vol. 34, No. 4

A J Dalton
( is a UK-based SFF writer. He has published the Empire of the Saviours trilogy with Gollancz Orion, and various collections with Kristell Ink and Luna Press. He also lectures in creative writing for Middlesex University London, where he runs the online storytelling community – all welcome! He lives with a monstrously oppressive cat named Cleopatra.
“Resetting” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Jackson Dammann
holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Manhattanville College and a BA in English from Vassar College. He has had three poems published, one each in the magazines Rise Up Review, Sincerely Magazine and Cardinal Sins.
“Abandoning” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Mark Danowsky
is Editor-in-Chief of ONE ART: a journal of poetry. He is the author of four poetry books. His latest poetry collection is Meatless (Plan B Press). Take Care is forthcoming from Moon Tide Press in 2025.
“They Wanted Smaller Government” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“It’s Not Just Elsewhere” • Vol. 24, No. 3
“Pushers” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“The New Navigator” • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Arbitrary Lines” • Vol. 26, No. 3
“Unemployment Numbers” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Terrorist” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“Honest to God” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Jim Davis
is a graduate of Knox College and an MFA candidate at Northwestern University. Jim lives, writes, and paints in Chicago, where he reads for TriQuarterly and edits North Chicago Review. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Seneca Review, Adirondack Review, The Midwest Quarterly, and Contemporary American Voices, in addition to winning multiple contests, prizes, Editor’s Choice awards, and a recent nomination for Best of the Net Anthology. His book, Assumption (Unbound Content, 2013) will soon be followed by book two, Earthmover (Unbound Content). In addition to the arts, Jim is a teacher, coach, and international semi-professional football player.
“By We I Mean America” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“This Is Not a New Thing” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Holly Day
is a housewife and mother of two living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who teaches needlepoint classes for the Minneapolis school district and writing classes at The Loft Literary Center. Her poetry has recently appeared in Borderlands, Slant, and The Tampa Review, and she is the 2011 recipient of the Sam Ragan Poetry Prize from Barton College. Her most recent published books are Walking Twin Cities and Notenlesen für Dummies Das Pocketbuch.
“Where I’m Going” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“The New Farm” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“The Interview” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Geordie de Boer
a rambler and wrangler of rhyme (internal), lives in southeast Washington (state). He’s been published most recently by Pemmican, Deuce Coupe, Commonline, The Raleigh Review, and Hobo Camp Review. Visit him at Cockeyed Fits:
“After the Revolution” • Vol. 21, No. 3

A. W. DeAnnuntis
lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has published fiction in many journals and periodicals including, most recently, The Evansville Review, Philadelphia Short Stories, Silent Voices, The Armchair Aesthete, and Timber Creek Review. The novels The Mermaid at the Americana Arms Motel (2012) and Master Siger’s Dream (2011) have been published by What Books Press of Los Angeles. In addition, the short story “Martin and the Dead Cats” will be published in Xavier Review, and the short-story collection The Final Death of Rock-and-Roll and Other Stories will be published by What Books Press, and both will appear this fall.
“Brian’s Unemployment Monkey” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Thomas DeConna
spent his first thirty-two years in New Jersey before moving to Colorado where he has lived for the past thirty-three years.  He is a recently retired public school teacher. His wife Sheryl of forty-one years has seen him through all of life’s motions.  Over the years he has had poems and stories published and is working on a novel. 
“Summer 1963” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Kate Delany
publications include a chapbook, Reading Darwin, published by Poets Corner Press and a full-length book forthcoming from Aldrich Press. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in such journals as Art Times, Barrelhouse, Jabberwock Review, Room, and Poetry Quarterly. She teaches in the English Departments of Rutgers and Rowan Universities.
“Three Days of Peace” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Matt Dennison
After a rather extended and varied second childhood in New Orleans (street musician, psych-tech, riverboat something-or-other, door-to-door poetry peddler), Matt Dennison finished his undergraduate degree at Mississippi State University where he won the National Sigma Tau Delta essay competition (judged by X.J. Kennedy). His work has appeared in Rattle, Natural Bridge, The Spoon River Poetry Review, and Cider Press Review, among others. He currently lives in a 108-year-old house with “lots of potential” and can be reached at
“Mississippi Halloween” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Michael Denvir
is a singer-songwriter and other writer. He lives and works in downtown Los Angeles.
“That Man Has a Knife” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Mary Krane Derr
is a poet, freelance writer, and musician from Chicago’s South Side. Her poetry has been nominated for the Best of the Net Award, Best American Poetry, and Best Spiritual Writing. She read her work at India’s 2011 Kritya International Poetry Festival and the 1999 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Cape Town, South Africa. She contributed multiple entries to the African American National Biography, ed. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham (Oxford University Press) and the Polish American Encyclopedia, ed. James Pula (McFarland).
“‘Toward an Animal Model of PTSD’” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Arturo Desimone
was born (1984) and raised on Aruba (Dutch Caribbean) to parents of immigrant origins foreign to the island. He emigrated to the Netherlands at the age of 19, and after some years decidedly left Amsterdam. Since then he lived on the road, between Poland, (post)revolutionary Tunisia, and Greece, an arrangement better enabling writing and drawing. At the moment he is based in Argentina, but will not stay too long. His poems and stories have been in Big Bridge, Acentos Review 2013 May Anniversary edition, CounterPunch Poets’ Basement, Horror Sleaze Trash, Unlikely Stories, at the blog A Tunisian Girl, and in the bilingual Hinchas de Poesia. His drawings have been exhibited in Krakow, Paris, Trinidad and Tobago Erotic Art-week and Amsterdam and on the cover of the Journal of Deleuze Studies. You can read more updates on his blog:
“Dances of the Solar Ostrich-men” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Becky DeVito
has used poetry as a means of working her way through trauma. Her experiences writing poetry led her to investigate how poets come to new insights through the process of drafting and revising their poems for her doctoral dissertation. She is a psychology professor at the Capital campus of Connecticut State Community College. Her poems have been published in Atlanta Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Naugatuck River Review, The New Verse News, Ribbons: Tanka Society of America Journal, and others. Join her on TwitterFacebook or Instagram.
“That Last Part of Pandora’s Gift” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Shock” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Benjamin DeVos
is an interdisciplinary artist from Philadelphia, studying as a creative writing student at Temple University. His work is published or forthcoming in WhiskeyPaper, Pantheon, Black Denim Lit, Bop Dead City and Buffalo Almanac, among others.
Learning to Play Basketball in Indiana • Vol. 26, No. 3

CS DeWildt
has two jobs and writes stories. He is a teacher by paycheck but prefers the title "corrupter of youth". His hobbies include changing dirty diapers and preparing warm bottles of milk. He can usually be spotted with his nose in a book. His stories have appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Static Movement, The Horror Press, and now, Mobius.
Contact him at

“They Speak Mexican Down on the South Side” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Andy Dibble
is a former academic and Sanskritist turned healthcare IT consultant. He writes from Madison, Wisconsin. His work appears in Writers of the Future, Star*Line, and Sci Phi Journal. You can find him at
“Split Brains” • Vol. 32, No. 1

Mike DiChristina
is a writer and software engineer originally from Chittenango, New York, the birthplace of L. Frank Baum, who wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Mike’s stories have recently been published in Concisely and Gone Lawn. Mike lives in Connecticut with his wife and three teenaged daughters.
“Bloody Sunday Redux” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Ken Dickerson
is a writer living in Asheville, NC. He has traveled widely through Africa and the United States. He attended the University of Colorado and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His work appeared in the March 2009 issue of The Long Story.
“Digital Gitmo” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Josephine Donovan
is the author of several books, most recently, The Aesthetics of Care and Feminist Theory (4th ed.). She is Professor Emerita of English at the University of Maine and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison (Ph.D. in comparative literature).
“The Committee” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Roger Real Drouin
is an MFA student at Florida Atlantic University. One of his favorite hobbies is to get almost lost way out in the woods. He lives in Delray Beach with his loyal hound. His short stories have been published or are forthcoming in The Litchfield Review, Northville Review, Grey Sparrow Journal, Pindeldyboz, and other journals. and

“A Long Space to Go” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Jonathan Dubow
is a recent graduate of Oberlin College with degrees in English and Creative Writing. He has work forthcoming in the Boston Literary Magazine and Vox Humana. He currently teaches English in Ecuador.
“The Thirteenth Day.” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Eric Duffy
is a full-time Youth Minister at a Catholic Parish in Eagan, Minnesota. He has been writing avidly for most of his adult life and is currently working on several novel-length and short-story-length pieces of fiction. "Last Year" is Eric’s first submission to a literary publication and there will be many more to follow in the coming years. Eric has a huge passion for science fiction and fantasy and is looking forward to a lifetime of weaving tales and creating characters. He lives in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota with his wife and daughter. You can reach Eric at
“Last Year” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Rebecca Dunham
is the author of two collections of poetry, The Flight Cage and The Miniature Room, and her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Triquarterly Online, Kenyon Review Online, Colorado Review, AGNI, and others. She is an associate professor of creative writing at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
“Still Life” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Robin Wyatt Dunn
was born in Wyoming in 1979. He’s online at
“Liberation” • Vol. 26, No. 2
“we’re measuring …” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“Disassembly at auction” • Vol. 30, No. 4
[And now that it has reached arbitration] • Vol. 33, No. 3
[we the dead rise again] • Vol. 35, No. 4

Jack E. Dunning
has mostly written non-fiction, He blogs on privacy issues at The Dunning Letter,, and on politics at Nasty Jack Buzz,
“Snuffy’s Last Walk” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Alolika Dutta
is a poet based in Bombay, India. Her work has appeared in Berfrois, The Boston Globe, Indian Cultural Forum, Scroll, among others, and is forthcoming in The Penguin Book of Indian Poets.
“The Brassiere” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Tadeusz Dziewanowski
Born in Gdańsk in 1953,  Tadeusz Dziewanowski was involved in Polish street theater as both a writer and performer during the 1970s, and was a co-founder of the Gdańsk-area creative group, Tawerna Psychonautów (The Tavern of the Psychonauts) in the 1980s. More recently, he has been a poet and translator from English.  His first book of poetry, Siedemnaście tysięcy małpich ogonów (Seventeen Thousand Monkey Tales), appeared in 2009, and his poetry, reviews and translations from English appear regularly in the Polish literary journal Topos. In the U.S., Daniel Bourne’s translations of his poetry have appeared in Plume (including in a bilingual collaborative poetry project, “A Journey Between the Lands,” featured in Plume's January 2015 issue), in International Poetry Review, and in The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, where a bilingual section of his “octets” were that issue’s special presentation.  The poem “Freedom” here in Mobius is a part of this series of 8-line “alternative world” poems, many of which recently appeared in the Polish literal journal Topos.
“Freedom” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Ryan Eckes
was born in Northeast Philadelphia, and now he writes poems. You can read his work in Scythe, Fanzine, the ixnay reader 4, Elective Affinities, and on his blog, Old News ( He’s got a chapbook called when i come here (Plan B Press, 2007).
“Dear Tom Paine” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Jenny Edkins
lives in Aberystwyth, Mid Wales and teaches at The University of Manchester. Her poems have appeared in AcumenContexto Internacional, Ink Sweat & Tears andPlanet: The Welsh Internationalist among others. 
“Sometimes, afterwards” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Megan Edwards
“The Jungle” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Stevie Edwards
spent her formative years in the majestic city of Lansing, MI. She currently lives in Chicago, where she works for a non-profit by day and writes and debauches by night. She is Editor-in-Chief/ Founder of MUZZLE, an online literary magazine, and she is currently working on her first book of poetry (tentatively titled Good Grief). Her work often explores female sexuality and social stigma in the Rustbelt. Her work has appeared in several literary magazines, including Word Riot, PANK Magazine, Night Train, Bestiary, and Union Station. She completed her BA at Albion College (a liberal arts school in Michigan) in 2009, where she worked as Poetry & Fiction Editor for the Albion Review. She plans to pursue an MFA in creative writing sometime in the not-too-distant future. Check out her janky website:
“When Calling Home to Tell Your Dad About the Good Job” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“Praise Song” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Suzi Ehtesham-Zadeh
is the product of a mixed marriage between a high-profile Iranian doctor and a small-town American mother. She was born in Washington, D.C., came of age in Iran during the Shah’s era, and later traveled back to the United States to attend university, receiving a degree in Philosophy from Stanford University. The Islamic Revolution began brewing during her final year at Stanford, and shortly after graduating she donned a hijab and returned to Iran to witness history in the making. She later moved to Spain, where she met and married a Spaniard, thus weaving a third cultural strand into her identity. Although Suzi is a cultural chameleon, she has resided for the better part of the past two decades on a mini-farm in Woodstock, Georgia, where she has a large organic garden and a menagerie of animals. An English teacher by training and trade, Suzi has long maintained a second career as a writer and translator. Her work has appeared in Quiddity International Literary Journal, Foundling Review, Narrative Northeast, and Skin to Skin Magazine. She is currently at work on a second novel set against the backdrop of Tehran’s sordid and fascinating youth subculture.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” • Vol. 26, No. 1

David Einhorn
is a Canadian educator and writer who currently resides in the Niagara region of Ontario. He holds degrees from St. John’s College of Maryland, Canisius College and the University of Western Ontario. He has just completed his first novel, The Fireflies of Eden, and is looking for a publisher. His writing has appeared in Foliate Oak (University of Arkansas at Monticello) and The Collegian (St. John's College of Maryland).
“The Dream” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Danielle Eleanor
(she/her) lives in Philadelphia, where she works in academic publishing, goes for a lot of weirdly long walks, and writes, usually on her roof. You can read more of her work in Vagabond City Lit, The Nervous Breakdown, Occulum, and more. Find her on Twitter @dea17_. 
“Splintered” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Sharon Erby
Sharon’s creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in Kaleidoscope, Feminist Studies, Writers’ Bloc, and Touch: The Journal of Healing, among others. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of English at Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA, a small liberal arts college dedicated to the education of women. She lives on a farm near Chambersburg with her husband, two teenagers, a beagle, and varying numbers of itinerant cats. Two older children live close enough to be pestered. Here, she happily cultivates her own gardens—of flowers, herbs, vegetables—and words.
“Parts of Speech” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Thomas J. Erickson
is an attorney in Milwaukee. His fifth book of poetry, Cutting the Dusk in Half (Bent Paddle Press), was awarded second place in the 2022 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Chapbook contest.
“On the Night Paul Pelosi Is Attacked with a Hammer” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Gabriel Ertsgaard
is an English lecturer at Kean University in New Jersey. He earned his Doctor of Letters from Drew University with a dissertation on an Irish legend. His poetry and fairy tales have most recently appeared in Cold Mountain Review, A New Ulster, Scifaikuest, and Mirror Dance.
“Emperor Herbert and the Zumzudian List” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Timons Esaias
is just too deplorable for words.
“Scars” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Eduardo Escalante
is a writer and researcher living in Valparaíso, Chile; publishes in Grammar Poetry, The Stray Branch (forthcoming), Cooldnoon, Spillwords, Slamchop, Indianapolis Review (forthcoming), Writer Resist, Constellations, Peacock Journal, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Arc Prose Poem Magazine, and StylusLit.
“Lines of democracy” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Alejandro Escudé
lives in Santa Monica, California and teaches high-school English. His second collection of poems, Unknown Physics, was published in 2007 by March Street Press. He is originally from Argentina. Interested readers can go to for more information.
“After Bush” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Marco Etheridge
lives and writes in Vienna, Austria. His short fiction has appeared or is pending in Literally Stories, Dime Show Review, Five on the Fifth, Storgy Magazine, Inlandia Journal, Manzano Mountain Review, Every Day Fiction, Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, and Literary Yard. His non-fiction work has been featured at Route 7 and Bluntly Magazine. Marco's third novel, Breaking the Bundles, is available at fine online booksellers worldwide.
“The Rosary” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Sasha Ettinger
Former diagnostician and Special Education teacher; founding member of The Poets Circle at the Graphic Eye Gallery, Port Washington; founding member of The Three Poets, presenting poetry workshops in public libraries; participant in Taproot and Hutton House poetry workshops. Publishing credits: Taproot Journal, PPA Literary Review,, Primal Sanities—Tribute to Walt Whitman Anthology, Songs of Seasoned Women Anthology, Long Island Sounds Anthology of Poetry, Avocet—A Nature Journal, Reflections of Art—In the Poet’s Eye, Toward Forgiveness—Anthology of 99 poets.
“Inconvenience” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Megan Falley
is the author of After the Witch Hunt (Write Bloody Press, 2012) and the forthcoming Redhead and the Slaughter King (Write Bloody 2014).
“Backhanded Apology” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Alexis Rhone Fancher
is published in Best American Poetry 2016, Rattle, Hobart, Verse Daily, Plume, Tinderbox, Cleaver, and elsewhere. Her books include: How I Lost My Virginity to Michael Cohen…, State of Grace: The Joshua Elegies, Enter Here, and Junkie Wife. Alexis’s photographs are published worldwide, including the covers of Witness, Heyday, and Pithead Chapel, and a spread in River Styx. Since 2013, she has been nominated 25 times for the Pushcart Prize. Alexis is poetry editor of Cultural Weekly.
photograph • cover art for Vol. 30, No. 1

Greg Farnum
was born in 1949 in Detroit. Since then he has been a soldier, factory worker, ad executive, trade magazine editor, and (following one of the many recessions) a pizza deliveryman. In recent years he has made his living as a tech writer, still finding time to write Doctor’s Testament, a collection of poetry; The Event, a novel; The Pizza Diaries, a memoir; and The Celestial Railroad, an experimental narrative. He is currently at work on a new novel, Farther Than I Thought. He lives in Auburn Hills, Michigan. He is on the web at and on Facebook.
“KFC” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Dion Farquhar
has recent poems in Non-Binary Review, Superpresent, Blind Field, Poesis, Cape Rock: Poetry, Poydras Review, Mortar, Local Nomad, Columbia Poetry Review, moria, Shifter, BlazeVOX, etc. Her third poetry book Don’t Bother is in press at Finishing Line Press, and she has three chapbooks. She works as an exploited adjunct at two universities, but still loves the classroom, and she is active in the University of California Santa Cruz adjunct union, the UC-AFT.
“Target” • Vol. 33, No. 4

K. Farr
was born on July 5, 1954, in Leer, Germany. Develop for Socialworker in Emden, Germany. Since 1994 in Essen/Ruhr, Germany. Published in German news, the Internet, German anthologies and German, Austrian and British mags. Little readings in Germany. Kurz und bündig, digital Verlag Grossrosseln, Germany 2012, 79 pages. Little photo exibitions in Germany and Switzerland.
“The Vision” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Joseph Grim Feinberg
is a PhD student in anthropology at the University of Chicago, studying folklore and politics in post-Communist Slovakia. He recently edited the 38th edition of the Little Red Songbook of the Industrial Workers of the World, and his essays have appeared in Socialism & Democracy, Telos, ZNet, Academe, Nerve (Liverpool), Nové Slovo (Bratislava, Slovakia), and others. His fiction, though long in preparation, is only beginning to appear.
“The Post-Communist Beggar” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Linda Ferguson
A Pushcart nominee for fiction, she has won awards for her poetry and lyric nonfiction. Her poetry chapbook was published by Dancing Girl Press. As a creative writing teacher, she has a passion for helping new writers find their voice and for inspiring experienced authors to explore new territory.
“A Garden of the Universe” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Jonathan B. Ferrini
is a published author who resides in San Diego. He has recently published a collection of short stories titled Hearts Without Sleeves: 23 Stories. He received his MFA from UCLA in motion picture and television production.
“Garlic Boy” • Vol. 29, No. 1
“Superhighway” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“Our Arborist” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“A Grand Bargain” • Vol. 32, No. 1
“Sand & Ash” • Vol. 32, No. 3
“Latchkey Girl” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“The Flower Lady” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Romantique” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“Stories of Sardinia” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“The Water Charm” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Lot Dog” • Vol. 34, No. 3
“The Bell and the Basket” • Vol. 34, No. 4
“A Notary Public” • Vol. 35, No. 2
“The Last Stop Vineyard” • Vol. 35, No. 3
“Raging Rails and Campfire Tales” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Michelle Fiedler
will be graduating with a degree in secondary language art education from Metropolitan State University in December of 2015. She is passionate about working with young people to build their self-esteem and knowledge through reading and writing. Michelle has been writing poetry and short stories for the last ten years. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is currently coaching high-school basketball.
“Simple Statistics” • Vol. 26, No. 4

J.A. Field
has previously had poems published in East Coast Literary Review, Poetry Quarterly and Common Ground, and a short story will be appearing in the June 2017 issue of Bird’s Thumb.
“Final Review Before Termination” • Vol. 28, No. 1

J.K. Flannigan
is originally from Canada, and currently lives in New York City. She has published non-fiction articles in Time Out New York, the Georgia Straight in Vancouver, and has a short story forthcoming in the Connecticut Review. Her fiction writing often focuses on dystopian themes and imagined futures. She recently completed the third draft of a dystopian novel set in the Pacific Northwest.
“The Underground Cabin” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Stacia M. Fleegal
is the author of Anatomy of a Shape-Shifter (WordTech, forthcoming 2010) and the chapbooks The Lines Are Not My Friends (second place, Červená Barva Press chapbook competition, 2009) and A Fling with the Ground (Finishing Line Press, 2007). In 2009, individual poems appeared or are forthcoming in Fourth River, The Louisville Review, Skidrow Penthouse, Pemmican, Blue Collar Review, The Kerf, Prick of the Spindle, New Verse News, and Babel Fruit. She received her MFA in writing from Spalding University, is co-founder and managing editor of Blood Lotus, and recently co-founded Imaginary Friend Press (named after Thomas McGrath’s Letter to an Imaginary Friend) with her partner, the poet Dan Nowak.
“Saving the World?” • Vol. 20, No. 4

TL Folkard
can usually be found in a darkened messy room in rural England, surrounding himself with unread books and half finished paintings. He uses short stories to voice unasked for opinions and doomsday scenarios, in the futile hope of changing the world to a place where presidents and prime ministers have terrible haircuts and considerably less make-up; please direct any complaints or observations to
“Day One of Dant de Meyde” • Vol. 21, No. 4
“Memory Is Altered” • Vol. 24, No. 4

Kelly Fordon
Her latest short story collection, I Have the Answer (Wayne State University Press, 2020), was chosen as a Midwest Book Award Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist. Her 2016 Michigan Notable Book, Garden for the Blind, (WSUP), was an INDIEFAB Finalist, a Midwest Book Award Finalist, Eric Hoffer Finalist, and an IPPY Awards Bronze Medalist. Her first full-length poetry collection, Goodbye Toothless House (Kattywompus Press, 2019) was an Eyelands International Prize Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist and was adapted into a play, written by Robin Martin, which was published in The Kenyon Review Online.  She is the author of three award-winning poetry chapbooks and has received a Best of the Net Award and Pushcart Prize nominations in three different genres. She teaches at Springfed Arts and The InsideOut Literary Arts Project in Detroit, as well as online, where she also runs a monthly poetry and fiction blog.
“The Good Dream” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Joshua Foust
is a writer, speaker, social media pro, for­merly a pun­dit, for­mer con­sul­tant and for­mer intel­li­gence analyst.He cur­rently is a National Secu­rity Fel­low at the For­eign Pol­icy Research Insti­tute, where he occa­sion­ally pub­lishes analy­sises of var­i­ous national secu­rity top­ics. He used to work as a free­lance jour­nal­ist cov­er­ing national secu­rity in Wash­ing­ton, DC. and also spent two years as a fel­low at the Amer­i­can Secu­rity Project doing pol­icy analy­sis on national secu­rity issues. Before that, he worked as an intel­li­gence ana­lyst for the U.S. gov­ern­ment cov­er­ing Afghanistan, Pak­istan, and Yemen. He wrote a book in 2010, Afghanistan Jour­nal: Selec­tions from
“The Drink Tank” • Vol. 26, No. 1

SJ Fowler
has had poetry in over 50 journals, small presses and ezines since the beginning of 2010 including the Arthur Shilling Press, Zimzalla, Knives Forks and Spoons, Succour, Neon Highway, the Delinquent, Decanto, Otoliths, BlazeVOX, and the Poetry Salzburg Review. He is a regular reader at Bob Cobbing’s Writers Forum and edits the Maintenant interview series with contemporary European poets for 3:am magazine. He is also an employee of the British Museum and postgraduate student in Philosophy at the University of London.
Heimat • Vol. 21, No. 4

Robert Fox
has spent most of his career involved with strategic planning and trade press writing in the healthcare industry. In 2021, he was happy to return to Madison full-time after living many years on the East Coast. He is also a licensed attorney (status: retired).
“Sin at Michael’s” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Chris Fradkin
writes from Central California. His work has appeared in Storyglossia, Monkeybicycle, Thrush Poetry Journal, and the Conium Review.
“A Merciful God” • Vol. 23, No. 2
“While riding on the rails” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Anthony Frame
is an exterminator who lives in Toledo, OH with his wife and their spoiled cat. Recently, his poems have been published in or are forthcoming from La Fovea, Splinter Generation, Versal, Perigee, The Ambassador Project, and New Plains Review, among others. He is also co-editor of the online journal Glass: A Journal of Poetry. He likes bad TV and even worse music. You can google him, but god only knows what you’ll find.
“Thirteen Things My Military Students Tell Me That They Can’t Tell Their Parents” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Chad Frame
earned his MFA at Arcadia University, where he now teaches writing. His work has appeared in decomP, Rust+Moth, Menacing Hedge, and elsewhere. He is a past Literary Death Match pugilist and has been nominated for Best of the Net. He works as an account executive in the luxury retail market and lives with a Maine Coon named Jabberwocky in a Philadelphia suburb too dull to mention.
“Haibun on Hot Water” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Roberto Franco-Alba
is a Mexican currently based in Krakow (Poland) who often reflects about the nature of time; less often, he writes and translates literature. A data scientist by day and a writer by night, Roberto has also waited tables, built driveways and worked for the United Nations. One of his short stories, “Choosing the Sea,” was published by The Guardian in 2016.
“Guide to Losing Time” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Samuel T. Franklin
is mostly from Indiana, by way of Clayton, Terre Haute, and Bloomington, where he currently resides. He can often be found building semi-useful things out of wood scraps and losing staring contests with his cats. His first book of poetry, The God of Happiness, was published by Main Street Rag Publishing Company in November 2016. Some of his work can be found here:
“After Mythology” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Megan Franzen
was born and raised in Brainerd, MN. Writing has always been a passion of hers, leading her to pursue a degree in English from the University of Minnesota–Crookston. She strives to write in a way that digs into the human psyche, evoking emotion and thought from the reader. She has had short stories published in Carnival of Horror: a Carnival-Themed Horror Anthology, as well as The Rusty Scythe.
“Camp Reconsideration” • Vol. 30, No. 4

J Diego Frey
is a poet and the author of Umbrellas or Else, which, against all odds, is a book of poems. (Darn good ones, at that.) When not writing poetry, J Diego can be witnessed posting invented aphorisms or very small lists in public. His websites to these effects can be accessed at,, and
Back Page of the Free Weekly Newspaper, Englewood, Colorado, May 8, 2005 • Vol. 22, No. 1

Frank Fucile
has lived in the suburbs of Maryland, the mountains of New Hampshire, the inner city of Philadelphia, and now the swamps of Virginia, where he is a PhD candidate at the College of William and Mary. His work was recently published in the Kenyon Review.
“Camping Poem” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Jim Fuess
uses Liquitex paint which he dilutes and Golden fluid paints. Mixing them together takes a long learning curve. Some colors overwhelm others and some produce spectacular effects. See more work at
Breathng Fire #2 • cover art for Vol. 20, No. 2

Boletilemang Gabokgatlhe
comes from Xhumo, a small village that lies along the Boteti River in central Botswana. He works as a Human Capital Practitioner and has BA in Politics and Administrative Studies from University of Botswana, MSc in HRM from Sheffield Hallam University and MSc in Leadership and Change Management from Leeds Metropolitan University. He predominantly writes short stories and poetry covering diverse subjects. He is painfully working on a novel based on the incursions into Botswana by the feared Selous Scouts of Rhodesia during the 1970s. He is married to Julia and they have a lovely daughter, Rita Goitseone Lebiditswe.
“Beauty” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Jamie Gage
is  a poet whose work has been published in Main Street Rag, Inkwell, Sand Hills, Oyster River Pages, Mountain Gazette & others. His first book of poems, True If Destroyed (2015), is available from Finishing Line Press and at
“Elegy” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Stephen Galiani
holds an M.F.A. in Writing from the University of San Francisco (2013) and an M.A. in Humanities from Dominican University (2009). Current occupations: poet, teacher, student. Prior occupations: investment manager, social worker, vagabond. Avocations: writing, percussion & back-up vocals, theatre, travel, wine. His poetry and short fiction have been published in a number of small-press magazines.
“Heirloom” • Vol. 23, No. 3
Your Shopping Cart” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Jenie Gao
is an artist, creative director, and entrepreneur. Her specialties include drawings, prints, murals, and public installations. Her work connects the health of nature’s ecosystems with human relationships and systems. Prior to founding her business, Jenie Gao Studio, Jenie worked in for-profit and nonprofit, in the arts, education, and lean manufacturing. She believes in interdisciplinary work and having artists play a leading role in creating an integrated, sustainable society. She uses her diverse experience to advocate for and advance this vision. Her work has been shown and collected nationally and internationally. Recent clients include Planned Parenthood, Promega, and Dane Arts Mural Arts.
Pull • cover art for Vol. 27, No. 4
Las Migrantes • cover art for Vol. 29, No. 3

Brian U. Garrison
writes poetry, shops at farmers’ markets, and avoids reading Shakespeare in Portland, OR. His chapbooks include New Yesterdays, New Tomorrows (2017) and Micropoetry for Microplanets (forthcoming from Space Cowboy Books). He serves as Secretary in the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association. Find him online at
“Shake Up” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Daniel Gauss
is a working-class nerd from Chicago who attended UW–Madison and Teachers College Columbia University. He has worked in the field of education for over 20 years and has the hypertension medicine to prove it. He has published a lot of non-fiction on do-gooder sites like The Good Men Project and E: The Environmental Magazine. He has also been getting some socially committed fiction and children's poetry published lately. He is so happy to be able to contribute to Mobius.
“The Cambodian Ghost” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Skinny Gaviar
Born in the USSR’s middle of nowhere, notorious for its chemical weapons factory, Skinny was doing anything but art up till the age of 23 when he got his first digital camera. Not being happy with what some of these snaps looked like, he discovered the world of digital retouching that determined his style. "I can’t draw by hand" he says. And this is true, as all of his works are made using nothing but a camera and a computer mouse. Fast-food surrealism, pop-art for comic book nerds, or photo-blasphemy. You can call it whatever the heck you want, he simply doesn’t care.
The Project • cover art for Vol. 24, No. 3
Land of Hopelessness • cover art for Vol. 29, No. 4

Marshall Geck
is an emerging writer, environmental advocate, traveler, politico, and hopeless idealist. He is a dual citizen of Minnesota and California, but currently lives as an American expat in London, United Kingdom. For his day job, he works on sustainable finance and climate change issues. Apart from Mobius, his short stories have so far appeared in The Yard: Crime BlogThe Hungry Chimera, and Five on the Fifth. You can find more of his short stories on his blog and can also follow him on Twitter at @MarshallGeck.
“Madam President, Crazy Skunk Lady” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“The Dodo Lives” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Perry Genovesi
is thrilled you’re still reading this. If you’d like to read more, there’s fiction published in Blunderbuss, Work, and elsewhere. You can find him in Philadelphia where he works as a public librarian while serving as steward in his AFSCME Local 2187. Hear music he makes with his friends in the bands Bike Crash and See-Through Girls, and see his memes sown throughout the internet. Twitter here: @perrygenovesi
“Tried So Hard to Get the Twang out of My Mouth” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Wade German
writes journalism by day and weird poetry by night. He currently lives in Prague, Czech Republic. His poems have appeared in numerous speculative journals and anthologies. Some of his newest work can be found in recent and forthcoming editions of Nameless, Space and Time, and Weird Fiction Review.
“Kropotkin’s Universal Bread Distribution Apparatus” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“Lamentations of a Conspiracy Geek” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“Bring Me the Head of Yukio Mishima” • Vol. 25, No. 4

J. R. Gerow
Bronx by way of Buffalo, he works in the climate-change-think-tank jungle and writes to distract from the dread disquiet of impending apocalypse.
“Shark Fin Soup” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Donato Giancola
balances modern concepts with realism in his paintings to bridge the worlds of contemporary and historical figurative arts. Donato recognizes the significant cultural role played by visual art and makes personal efforts to contribute to the expansion and appreciation of painting that extend beyond his clients and exhibits. To those ends, the artist teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and appears at various institutions, seminars, and conventions, from San Diego to Rome to Moscow, where he performs demonstrations in oil paint and lectures on his aesthetics. Since beginning his professional career in 1993, Donato’s list of clients has grown to include major book publishers and collectors in New York to concept design firms on the West Coast.
Hunger • cover art for Vol. 25, No. 1

Reginald Gibbons
is the Frances Hooper Professor of Arts and Humanities at Northwestern University.
“Loyalists Now Dead” • Vol. 33, No. 3

Colin Gilbert
is the current editor of Lamplighter Review and, in addition to winning the 2006 Chicago State University Hughes, Diop, Knight Literary Award, has poems appearing in recent or upcoming editions of Pedestal Magazine, Matrix, Minglewood, Plain Spoke, Gloom Cupboard, CC & D, and Cantaraville.
“Saving Grace” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Joshua K. Gill
received a BA in Creative Writing from LSU where some of his poems appeared in the student annual, the Delta Journal. He loves anything to do with aliens or the apocalypse, but not in a creepy way. He is currently writing and improvising in Austin, TX, where his work can be seen on stages all over the city.
“Dope: It’s What’s for Dinner” • Vol. 22, No. 2

West Gipson
is a writer and student from Washington, DC. She currently lives with her girlfriend in Baltimore, Maryland, studying political science and creative writing, and is particularly interested in the intersection between political commentary and literature. She can be reached at
“The Alarm Goes Off” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Thomas Girshin
once cooked a Gobhi Matar Rasedar, indescribably good, and declared himself the new Iron Chef. He ran a 5k at a roughly eight-minute-mile split and began considering the Olympic marathon. Sometimes he has brilliant thoughts he’s sure no one else has ever fathomed. He is humbled by writing, by its complexity, constantly humbled and sometimes awed by the complexity of life in general.
“The Official Sour Cabbage of United Russia” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Roland Goity
lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. His stories appear in numerous literary publications, including Fiction International, Scrivener Creative Review, Underground Voices, Talking River, Bryant Literary Review, and Word Riot. He is fiction editor of the online journal LITnIMAGE.
“Next Available Flight” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Sierra Golden
is an MFA student in poetry at NC State University. Originally from Washington State, she now splits her time between North Carolina, Washington, and Alaska. She has been published in the anthology Cold Flashes: Literary Snapshots of Alaska.
“Thoughts on ‘The Small Clasp’” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Vincent F. A. Golphin
writes and teaches in Central Florida. His poems are widely published in anthologies and journals  throughout the world. His poetry collections are 10 Stories Down, inspired by several years in China, and Like A Dry Land: A Soul's Journey through the Middle East.
“Defiance Anthem” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Susana Gonzales
was raised in the Air Force and has grown to see the world through multiple lenses. She lives in southern California with her wife Suzanne. She has been published in Sheila Na GigGyroscope Review, The Santa Fe Literary ReviewMuddy River Poetry ReviewDrunk Monkeys and As You Were: The Military Review.
“Death Comes by Driving a Taxi” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Daniel Gonzalez
can be found in Hobart, Pravic (forthcoming), The Fiddleback, Icebox, Defenestration, and Hobo Pancakes, among other places. When he’s not teaching, he can often be found listening to the Drabblecast with his two daughters, Maeve and Alice, who are both fans of weird fiction. Daniel is currently working on a novel involving homebrewing beer and other feats of bio-engineering.
“The Stare” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Howie Good
is the author of The Loser's Guide to Street Fighting, winner of the 2017 Lorien Prize from Thoughtcrime Press, and Dangerous Acts Starring Unstable Elements, winner of the 2015 Press Americana Prize for Poetry.  His latest book is I'm Not a Robot, from Tolsun Books.
“Stockholm Syndrome” • Vol. 22, No. 4
“Escape Artist” • Vol. 27, No. 4
“Hot Rod Lincoln” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Skeleton Hospital” • Vol. 32, No. 1

Goodness Olanrewaju Ayoola
is a Nigerian poet and teacher of English who reaches out to poetry as escapism from the contentions within and around him. His poetry has appeared in Glass, Dust Poetry, Pangolin Review, Oddball Magazine, Ethel Zine and elsewhere. He is a Best of the Net Award Nominee and author of Meditations (WRR, 2016). Say hi to him on @GoodnessLanre
“when a child describes his father’s house with a left hand” • Vol. 31, No. 3
“Liberté, Abidjan” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Scott Gordon
is an award-winning writer and director of independent films. He has also written and directed thirty-two half-hour television programs currently being broadcast on PBS networks across the nation, including American Writers of the Twentieth Century and Complete History of the Black Experience in America. Scott grew up in New Jersey and New York and now lives in Los Angeles.
“Bitty in the Machine” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Vince Gotera
is a poet and the editor of Star*Line, print journal of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association. Professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa, where he served as Editor of the North American Review (2000–2016). He has contributed cover art to Killjoy Literary Magazine and Dreams and Nightmares. Poems recently in, Undertow Tanka Review, and Altered Reality Magazine.
Antimatter Ray Gun • cover art for Vol. 28, No. 4

Declan Gould
Her writing has appeared in Visions International, Falling in Real Time, Submission Magazine, and Translations. She received her BA in English from the College of William & Mary and is an MFA candidate at Temple University. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she teaches writing and rides her bicycle all over town.
“Occupy Philadelphia ← Kitchen • Vol. 23, No. 3

James Grabill
Recent work is online at the Buddhist Poetry Review, Harvard Review, Terrain, Urthona (UK), Shenandoah, The Oxonian Review (UK), Stand (UK), East West Journal, The Common Review, Toronto Quarterly, Mad Hatter’s Review, Red Savina Review, Oxonian Review (UK), Plumwood Mountain (AUS), Caliban, Spittoon, Weber: The Contemporary West, and many others. His books include Poem Rising Out of the Earth (1994) and An Indigo Scent after the Rain (2003), both from Lynx House Press. Wordcraft of Oregon has published his new project of environmental prose poems, Sea-Level Nerve: Book One, 2014, and Book Two, 2015 (available at A long-time Oregon resident, he teaches “systems thinking” and global issues relative to sustainability.
“The Recombinant Future • Vol. 25, No. 2
“Locomotive” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Mara Lee Grayson
Her poetry and prose have previously appeared in Fiction, Construction, The Ilanot Review, English Education, Columbia Journal, and English Journal, among other publications. Her books include Teaching Racial Literacy: Reflective Practices for Critical Writing and Race Talk in the Age of the Trigger Warning, both published by Rowman and Littlefield; she was formerly a regular contributor to Show Business Weekly.
“34 Years Later” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Karen Greenbaum-Maya
is a retired clinical psychologist, former German major and restaurant reviewer, and three-time Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee. Her work has appeared in journals including Comstock Poetry Review, B O D Y, Rappahannock Poetry Review, CHEST, and Spillway. Her collections include three chapbooks, Burrowing Song, Eggs Satori and Kafka’s Cat (Kattywompus Press), and The Book of Knots and their Untying (Kelsay Books). A collection of poems about her late husband’s illness and death from lung cancer in 2018, The Beautiful Leaves, was published in August 2023 by Bamboo Dart Press, and is also available through Amazon. She co-curates Fourth Saturdays, a long-running poetry series in Claremont, California. She has managed Fourth Saturdays’ station at Verses in the Garden for the last 10 years.
“Golden Hind • Vol. 25, No. 1
“Passing Through • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Glendora Group Home Takes an Outing • Vol. 27, No. 2
“Embedded, Engulfed 1992” • Vol. 27, No. 3
“Unhinged, 1987” • Vol. 29, No. 1
Two Heads” • Vol. 30, No. 3
“On Guard” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“She Discovers Her Grandfather the Republican Lawyer was a Nazi Hunter” • Vol. 32, No. 1 
“What We Need” • Vol. 33, No. 1
“Fair Claremont” • Vol. 35, No. 1

“Madhouse” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Ian Grey
His arts coverage has appeared in Salon, Indie Wire, Bipolar Magazine and the Lincoln Center Playbill. His short fiction focusing on trauma and mental health has run in Chiron Review, Gothic.Net, ChiZine, Lacanian Ink, and many anthologies. He lives in Queens, NY, with his partner, an advocate for patients’ rights. When not writing, Grey creates ambient music for use in film and art installations. His songs have recently been used by Netflix and the FX Network.
“Trick Boy Down” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Tom Gribble
is a poet, publisher, and teacher. He has an MFA from Eastern Washington University. He teaches English at Spokane Community College. Tom was awarded a fellowship from the Artist Trust and the AWP’s Intro to Journals poetry award. His current project is Heroes of the Bizarre: An Experiment in Haibun.
“Puzzle Book 27” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Penelope Gristelfink
Her first novel will be published by Scarlet Leaf Publishing House by the end of the year. She is a graduate of Temple University. She used to be a newspaper reporter. Her work has appeared in Sick Lit Magazine, The Arlington Literary Journal, Eclectica Magazine, The Potomac, Loch Raven Review, The Seattle Review, Adanna, Foliate Oak, The Pedestal Magazine, and Bird’s Thumb. She will have a poem in the forthcoming issue of the Philadelphia-based journal Whirlwind, and you can contact her at
“I Know What You Did Last Saturday Night: What Happened When I Tried to Organize My Coworkers at a Restaurant in Pennsylvania” • Vol. 28, No. 3

Kawika Guillermo
is currently finishing his doctorate in Seattle, where he teaches college-level writing and writes fiction and poetry. He has been published in journals such as Annalemma, The Monarch Review, Unlikely 2.0, The Houston Literary Review, and Danse Macabre. You can find more of his published works and his blog at
“Initiation” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Cathy Guo
is the recipient of the River of Words Grand Prize in Poetry and a Columbia University fellowship funding her first chapbook project, which aims to present both oral history and poetry in a dialogue on memory, landscape and diaspora.
“The War Room” • Vol. 26, No. 4

Stephanie Guo
has been published in a variety of print and online litmags. Recently, one of her poems was translated into Spanish by the Ofi Press.
“because i’ve been listening all along” • Vol. 24, No. 2

LC Gutierrez
is a product of many places in the South and the Caribbean, as well as writing and comparative literature programs at LSU and Tulane University. An erstwhile academic, he now writes, translates and plays trombone in Madrid, Spain. His work is most recently published in Vaine Magazine and BlazeVox.
“Carbon Bigfoot” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Khanh Ha
graduated from Ohio University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. His debut novel is FLESH (2012, Black Heron Press). He is at work on a new novel. His short stories have appeared in Outside in Literary & Travel Magazine, Red Savina Review (RSR), Cigale Literary Magazine, Mobius, and are forthcoming in the summer issues of Glint Literary Journal, Lunch Ticket, Zymbol, DUCTS, Taj Mahal Review, and The Long Story (2014 March Anthology). Visit his website at
“The Snake Catcher’s Son” • Vol. 24, No. 2

J.M. Hall
has published poems in numerous literary journals, recently including Verdad and Grub Street. With a PhD in Philosophy from Vanderbilt University, he has also published sixty peer-reviewed essays, and coedited Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration. Finally, he has twenty years’ dance experience.
“Say something about the imposition” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“Even If There Weren’t Perpetual War” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Steven G. Hallett
is a British-Australian-American poet and professor of horticulture at Purdue University, Indiana, where he studies and teaches ecology, international development, and sustainable agriculture. He directs the university’s sustainable food and farming systems program and its student farm. Steve is the author of over fifty research articles and book chapters, and the author of two books: Life without Oil (Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY; 2011) and The Efficiency Trap (Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY: 2013). Poetry is a new medium for Steve, through which he continues to explore themes of social and environmental justice, and humanity’s relationship to the natural world.
“Life at Peak” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Peter Halpin
is a retired healthcare professional, originally from Ireland, he now lives in a small town in Western Canada.
He writes both short fiction and poetry and has had publications in both print and online media.

“Diaspora” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Dumpster Diving for Jesus” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“An Allegory of Our Times” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Derald Hamilton
is a resident of the Silicon Valley. He worked for the Santa Clara Valley Transit for the past 32 years. Most of his published works have been satirical in nature, always being inclined to view life’s bitter ironies as the sole crux of reality. This often stood in stark contrast to the views held by his father, a straight-laced career soldier who lectured him constantly about taking life more seriously. Published works include short stories in the anthologies Thoughts in Transit, Writers for Readers, Twice Upon a Prequel and Three Shorts, and The Call, a novel.
“Bus Route” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Kate Hammerich
has been published in The Susquehanna Review, ditch, Third Wednesday, Barrier Island Review, Verandah Literary Journal, Grasslimb, Kill Poet, MiPOesias, The Junk Lot Review, The Legendary, The Missing Slate, and Existere. She has self-published two books, escape artist and hallucinations, cancer & the purple tree and is publishing her third book, inheritance, with Unbound Content. She mostly spends her time rolling on the floor with her daughter and her Husky. She is currently writing full-time and trying to get more involved in the poetry community.
“The Great Depression” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Chera Hammons
is a winner of the 2001 Texas Association of Creative Writing Teachers Award for Poetry. Her chapbook Amaranthine Hour was chosen by John Hoppenthaler as the winner of the 2012 Jacar Press Chapbook Competition and was released in September 2012. Her work has recently appeared in Rattle, Tar River Poetry, and Connotation Press. She currently resides in Amarillo, Texas.
“What the Cats Notice about the Couple” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Laura Hanna
is an English instructor and poet. She recently earned an MA in English from Auburn University and is now earning a doctorate in education. Laura is the editor-in-chief and founding editor of These Fragile Lilacs Poetry Journal, and her poems appear in numerous journals and magazines, including Pilgrimage Press, Dappled Things, and Oddville Press.
“Disappearance of the Bees” • Vol. 27, No. 3

James Hannnon
is a psychotherapist in Massachusetts where he accompanies adolescents and adults recovering from disappointments, deceptions, and addictions.  His poems have appeared in Blue Lake ReviewCold Mountain ReviewSoundings East, and other journals, and in Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poets.  His collection,  The Year I Learned the Backstroke, was published by Aldrich Press.  He writes about politics and social change on Facebook (Terra Cognita Politics) and on Twitter @Jim_Hannon.
“At the Air and Space Museum” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Sean Hanrahan
is a Philadelphian poet originally hailing from Dale City, Virginia. He is the author of the chapbook Hardened Eyes on the Scan, published in 2018 by Moonstone Press. His work has been included in several anthologies and journals. He currently serves on the Moonstone Press Editorial Board, as a poetry editor for Toho, and as an instructor for Green Street Poetry. Forthcoming works include a chapbook titled Gay Cake and a full-length work titled Safer Behind Popcorn.
“Thoughts on a Gay Suicide, Age 9” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Elizabeth T. Hansen
has been writing poems and stories since she was ten. Some appeared in the small lit mags of the ’80s and ’90s. She has written and produced radio and television commercials for local stations and worked as assistant editor for 10 years at Forest Press in Dublin, Ohio, a division of Online Computer Library Center. She lives in a rural area in upstate New York, in the shadow of Helderberg Mountains. On a clear day, she can see forever.
“Friday Night at the Movies in Buffalo, N.Y.” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Bobby Hansson
was a Maryland sculptor, blacksmith, tinsmith, author, folk artist and photographer with five decades of experience in the craft world. The film Notes features his ephemeral postal art and musical instruments made from found materials.
Uncle Sam Hat Bank • cover image for Vol. 23, No. 4

Cameron Haramia
is a California-born Hoosier, who experienced a poem-inducing epiphany at age 26. This was surprising because his masculine socialization told him art tastes like Brussels sprouts. But Brussels sprouts became his favorite.
“Sleep Talk” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Richard Harkness
has been a long-time columnist for McClatchy-Tribune newspapers and Prevention magazine. He has published eight nonfiction books (Prentice-Hall, Random House) and numerous articles and essays. His most recently published short fiction appears in Easy Street, Liquid Imagination, and Sense.
“How to Build a Successful Religion” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Heaven Can’t Wait” • Vol. 30, No. 1
“The Midas Punch” • Vol. 31, No. 4
“Möbius Strip Summer” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“Greyhound Bound” • Vol. 32, No. 3
“Brothers” • Vol. 32, No. 4

J.D. Harlock
is a Lebanese American writer based in Beirut. You can follow him on twitter @JD_Harlock 
“that time of year again” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Elisabeth Harrahy
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she teaches courses in ecology and environmental toxicology, and conducts research on the effects of contaminants on aquatic organisms. Her poems have appeared in Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural CritiquesWisconsin People and IdeasBrambleSky Island JournalGyroscope Review, and Blue Heron Review.
“I'm Not Much Fun at Cocktail Parties Anymore” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Kevin Harris
resides in Alexandria, Va. He is a technical writer and editor at Leidos Corp., a Federal government contractor with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). With a journalism and sociology background, he has more than 20 years of experience as a copy editor, proofreader, and writer combined. His previously published short stories (all fiction) are as follows: “Fire,” which was published in the 1998 fall edition of the now-defunct Skylark—a Purdue University Calumet; “The Trail” in The Long Story 36 in February 2018; “Shipmates” in the Pennsylvania Literary Journal X:2; “Death in the Family” in the Pennsylvania Literary Journal XI:1; and “Serial Rapist in a Black Ski Mask” in the Pennsylvania Literary Journal XI:3.
“No Going Back” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Warren Meredith Harris
Poems have appeared or are forthcoming in a number of periodicals, including The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, Pembroke Magazine, The Main Street Rag, Poem, Other Poetry (England), Edgz, freefall, The Penwood Review, The Powhatan Review, The David Jones Journal, The Anglican Theological Review, Candelabrum Poetry Magazine, Flaming Arrows, The Howl, and others. The Night Ballerina: A Poem Sequence in Seven Parts was released by BrickHouse Books in May 2012. He has written several verse plays and adaptations, some of which have been performed in small venues in Chicago, Virginia, and New York City, including one broadcast on New York City public radio.
“Family Portrait” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Lois Marie Harrod
Her most recent collection is a chapbook, And She Took the Heart (Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press, 2016). Her 13th and 14th poetry collections, Fragments from the Biography of Nemesis (Cherry Grove Press) and the chapbook How Marlene Mae Longs for Truth (Dancing Girl Press) appeared in 2013. The Only Is won the 2012 Tennessee Chapbook Contest (Poems & Plays), and Brief Term, a collection of poems about teachers and teaching was published by Black Buzzard Press, 2011. Cosmogony won the 2010 Hazel Lipa Chapbook (Iowa State). She is widely published in literary journals and online ezines from American Poetry Review to Zone 3. She teaches Creative Writing at The College of New Jersey fall semesters. Links to her online work at
“The Return of the Generals” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“Like a Maelstrom with a Notch” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Bob Hartley
was raised on the West Side of Chicago. His work has been compared to such writers as William Kennedy, Donald Ray Pollack, Jim Thompson, and Nelson Algren. Bob’s professional experience includes several years of involvement in Chicago theater. He was also awarded an MFA in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh where he received a full scholarship and studied with the novelists Chuck Kinder and Lewis Nordan. Bob’s first novel, Following Tommy, was published by Cervena Barva Press in 2012 and was critically well-received. His second novel, The Ceiling Falls, is being considered for publication. Bob makes his living as a respiratory therapist and lives with his wife and two children in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
“Swimming I” • Vol. 26, No. 4

Ron Hartley
went to art school and became an art director on staff at several New York advertising agencies that included Avenging Angels, a progressive political ad agency and think tank founded by Gene Case. Ron worked on projects there for Greenpeace, Peace Action, River Keeper, the DNC and other likeminded clients. Ron came to writing later in life and has had stories published by The Sky Island Journal, Literary Juice. Fiction on the Web, Amarillo Bay, Unbroken, and others. He lives in Brooklyn.
“The Closet” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Redwing” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Scott Hartwich
received his MFA from the University of Montana in 2003. He co-edited the short-lived journal Greatcoat, and his work has appeared in such journals as Colorado Review, Cue: A Journal of Prose Poetry, Bateau, Glitter Pony, and Anemone Sidecar. He lives with his wife and two children in Bellingham, Washington, where he roasts coffee to supplement the outrageous sums he makes off his poetry.
“I Really Need to Stop Whining” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Emily Hartzog
is a physician and a writer. Over a long career, she practiced Obstetrics & Gynecology in New York City, England, New Mexico, and Colorado, including 17 years caring for Navajo women.  She also started and ran a clinic for indigenous women in Michoacán, Mexico.  She has written a memoir (Primary Care: A Doctor’s Life North and South of the Border, Sunstone Press, 2013) and a book of short stories (Tough Enough, 2021).
“Southern Discomfort” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“Hannah” • Vol. 34, No. 3
“Esther” • Vol. 35, No. 1
“Loretta” • Vol. 35, No. 3

William Locke Hauser
After military and business careers, he is engaged in a “third career” of writing fiction. “The Ridge” is his eighteenth published story. He and his wife Helen Alexandra, an ardent gardener (he being an avid bicyclist), live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, spending their summers in Reston, Virginia near the homes of their two adult sons.
“The Ridge” • Vol. 20, No. 1

Ryan Havely
graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Arts in English, Creative Writing, and earned an MFA in Fiction from Minnesota State University. He currently teaches Creative Writing, Literature, and Developmental Writing at West Virginia University at Parkersburg. His work has appeared in such magazines as Ampersand, Columbia Review, Blue Earth Review, and others.
“Freezing Cold and Scared to Death of Sharks” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Isabelle Hayeur
was born in Montreal (Quebec) in 1969. She currently lives and works in Montreal. She holds a Bachelor’s (1996) and a Master’s (2002) degrees in Fine Arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is mostly known for her large-size photomontages, her videos and her site-specific installations. Her work is situated within a critical approach to the environment, urban development and to social conditions. She is particularly interested in the feelings of alienation, uprooting and dislocation. Her artworks have been shown in the context of numerous exhibitions and festivals. She has taken part in several important public showings, among others at the National Gallery of Canada, at the Musée d’art contemporain of Montreal, at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Arts (MassMoca), at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein in Berlin, at the Tampa Museum of Art, at the Musée national des Beaux-arts du Québec, at the Oakville Galleries and at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. Artist statement about the artwork:
Fire with Fire (still image) • cover art for Vol. 22, No. 3

Roy Haymond
was born in Mississippi but spent much of his life in the Carolinas. After a hitch in USMC, he took a degree from the University of South Carolina. Until he retired, he stood in front of high school classrooms instructing in several disciplines. A string of side jobs included commercial tenor saxophone, all-night groceries, grass cutting, and even a shot at selling cemetery lots. After escaping the classroom, he worked for a time as writer and then editor of a weekly newspaper. Some forty pieces have been published in literary journals in eleven states and Canada, mostly straight objective narrative—he prefers to let psychological insight emerge from what the characters do and say. He now lives in a rural enclave (no traffic lights or sidewalks, but there is a herd of goats). His (second) wife writes in between her attempts to cover the earth with flowers. He writes and continues a love affair with the tenor saxophone—“in my dreams I am Lester Young and I wow the ladies in retirement homes.”
“Maria’s Escape Hatch” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Richard Hedderman
is a Pushcart-nominated poet and author of two collections of poetry including, most recently, Choosing a Stone (Finishing Line Press.) His poetry and prose have aired on NPR, and his writing has appeared in dozens of literary publications both in the U.S. and abroad. Publishing credits include Rattle, Chicago Quarterly Review, CutBank, Chautauqua Literary Review, Kestrel, Skald (Wales), and Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review. His poem series based on Hamlet appeared in the anthology In a Fine Frenzy—Poets Respond to Shakespeare (University of Iowa Press), and he has served as a guest poet at the Library of Congress. He lives in Milwaukee, and can be found online at
“No Man’s Land” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Andy Heidt
is Ombudsman and President of AFSCME 1871 and is an active opponent of the upward redistribution. When not rousing rabble, he plays softball for the Harmony Bar Gearheads.
Perspectives on the Battle for Human Rights in Wisconsin • Vol. 22, No. 1

Kathleen Hellen
is the author of the collection Umberto’s Night, winner of the Jean Feldman Poetry Prize, and two chapbooks, The Girl Who Loved Mothra and Pentimento. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Barrow Street, The Massachusetts Review, The Nation, North American Review, Poetry Daily, Poetry East, Prairie Schooner, the Sewanee Review, Southern Poetry Review, Witness, and elsewhere. Recipient of the Thomas Merton poetry prize, the H.O.W. Journal poetry prize, and twice nominated for the Pushcart, she teaches in Baltimore.
“Nobody Dies” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Don Helley
is from a country. He is colorful. He is trying not to be too trashed these days.
“The Couple Who Walk Fast” • Vol. 24, No. 4
No Right Turn • cover art for Vol. 31, No. 2
The only difference between me and Dalí is that I am not Dalí • cover art for Vol. 33, No. 1

zakia henderson-brown
has received fellowships and scholarships from the Cave Canem Foundation, Callaloo Journal, and the Fine Arts Work Center. Her poems have appeared in Torch, Reverie, Burner Magazine, and the anthology Why I Am Not a Painter (Argos: 2011). She currently works as the Outreach Coordinator for The New Jim Crow at the non-profit publisher The New Press. zakia is a proud Brooklyn native and loyalist.
“Brief Letter in Red Lipstick Found on Windshield” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Chad Hensley
A crafted reporter on cultural extremes in music and art, Bram Stoker Award-nominated author Chad Hensley saw several years of his writing on underground subjects as EsoTerra: The Journal of Extreme Culture, through Creation Books in 2011 and available at Hensley’s non-fiction has appeared in such praised publications as Apocalypse Culture 2, Terrorizer, Spin, Rue Morgue, Hustler, and Juxtapoz. His poetry has received honorable mentions in Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror as well as being nominated for the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s Rhysling Award. Look for a book of his poetry next year from Raw Dog Screaming Press titled Embrace the Hideous Immaculate.
“Yeats’ rough beast is outside my window” • Vol. 24, No. 4

Alexandria Herr
is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her poetry has appeared in the Nassau Weekly. Contact her (thoughts, concerns, vitriol) at
“Dear [Redacted]” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Timothy Herrick
is a writer, poet, journalist and publicist who grew up in Paramus, New Jersey and now lives in Jersey City. He received a BA from Richard Stockton University, where he studied under Stephen Dunn, and was a fellowship student in the MFA Creative Writing Program at New School University. His novels The Gundersons and Lower Than Angels are available at Amazon. Visit his website:
“Steal This Book” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Katie Hibner
Poetry has been published by Bone Bouquet, inter|rupture, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Vinyl,  and  Yalobusha Review. She has read for Bennington Review, Salamander, and Sixth Finch. Katie dedicates all her poetry to the memory of her mother and best friend, Laurie.
“For Luddites like me,” • Vol. 28, No. 4

David Highsmith
is the proprietor of Books & Bookshelves in San Francisco. Recent poems appear in the Antioch Review, foam:e, Right Hand Pointing, Shampoo, and Sawbuck. His books include Poison in the System, Fragments from Bernard, The Chatterley Stanzas, and Catalina Island.
“Something You Believe In” • Vol. 20, No. 1

Ferdinand E. Hintze
Ferdi is a software developer who also writes fiction. His stories address the profit-oriented elements of human nature, romance from a male point of view, and when the two merge, both. He is putting the finishing touches on his novel, Balls, about a fifteen-year-old who gets testicular cancer, and in his brush-with-death epiphany, re-invents himself as a drug dealer and invests the profits in the stock market.
“Cover My Shorts” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Victress Hitchcock
For most of her working life, she made films for teenagers about violence, gangs, prison life, and addiction as well as award-winning documentaries on AIDS, suicide on the Wind River reservation, a short drama for Native American Public Broadcasting set on the Navajo Nation, and most recently, two feature length documentaries on Tibetan Buddhism. She now devotes her time to writing—poetry and non-fiction. To read more go to Her first collection of poems, Hello Honey, is available on the website.
“Imagine” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Andrew J. Hogan
received his doctorate in development studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Before retirement, he was a faculty member at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, where he taught medical ethics, health policy and the social organization of medicine in the College of Human Medicine. Dr. Hogan published more than five dozen professional articles on health services research and health policy. He has published eighteen works of fiction in OASIS Journal, Hobo Pancakes, Twisted Dreams, Long Story Short, Defenestration, The Blue Guitar Magazine, Fabula Argentea, The Lorelei Signal, SANDSCRIPT, and Copperfield Review.
“Camping” • Vol. 24, No. 3

George Holm
was born and spent over 30 years in Northern Ireland but now lives in SE Minnesota, USA. He lives with a Polish wife, American Akita and increasingly americanized daughter. While he classifies much of his writing as contemporary horror, some might disagree. In essence, he enjoys creating diverse and suspenseful tales that entertain himself and his readers while illuminating some of humankind’s less endearing behaviors. You may write to him at or connect with him on Twitter where he goes by the moniker @ghauthor.
“The Girl in the Headscarf” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Nigel Holt
has lived and worked in the United Arab Emirates for a number of years. He has been published in a number of magazines and journals, the most recent of which are London Magazine, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Anglican Theological Review, Crannog, Agenda, and The Raintown Review.
“The Sixth Pillar” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Jack Homer
is a computer simulation modeler and public policy analyst for government agencies and foundations who lives in New York’s Hudson Valley.  More of Jack’s poetry may be found in the small collection Idle Chatter: Poems of the Daily Grind (2016), available through Amazon.
“Jeff’s World” • Vol. 32, No. 1

Jackleen Holton Hookway
Work has appeared in Rattle’s Poets Respond series, Poet Lore, North American Review and others, with poems upcoming in Slipstream and the anthology Not My President.
“The Tree” • Vol. 28, No. 3

Kelli Hoppmann
is a long-time Madison, WI, artist. An accomplished figurative painter, her work is informed by myth. See more work at
Adam and Eve • cover art for Vol. 20, No. 3
Hungry Ghosts (detail) • cover art for Vol. 25, No. 3
Ambition (detail) • cover art for Vol. 32, No. 3

Eli Horowitz
is a writer who lives in Pittsburgh, PA. His work has been featured at Current, and Dexerto. His first novel, Bodied, is currently for sale at
“Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History.” • Vol. 32, No. 1

J. Astrian Horsburgh
is a student activist and alleged anarchist, as well as a voracious reader and writer who has won contests from organizations like Write the World,, and Sapiens Plurum. She won a national Gold Medal for a science fiction/fantasy story in the 2015 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and her work has been published in the journal 805 Lit. Between activism and the rigors of the educational system, Astrian likes traveling, learning languages, and performing slam poetry. She writes political blog posts (or rants) at"
“When Death Falls From The Sky” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Sally Houtman
is an American-born writer who lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She is the author of the non-fiction book To Grandma’s House, We ... Stay, and has been widely published in the areas of fiction and poetry. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Rustblind, flashquake, Takahe, Bravado, Viola Beadleton’s Compendium, Eclecticism, and Touch: The Journal of Healing.
“A Different Tribe” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“The Gunman and the Ape” • Vol. 21, No. 3

René Regoula Houtrides
holds an MFA in writing from Bard College and (relatively) recently resigned her position on the faculty of Juilliard’s drama division. Her short stories have appeared in The Georgia Review; New Ohio Review; Mississippi Review; Tishman Review; Carve Magazine; Kestrel; The Vincent Brothers Review; Crack the Spine; The Courtship of Wind; Action, Spectacle; a special fiction supplement of The Woodstock Times, and other publications. One of her Georgia Review stories was included in that journal’s 2011 retrospective issue of finest short stories from the past 25 years. An article of hers has appeared in the Escapes section of the New York Times. She was also a staff writer for The Woodstock Times for five years, during which time she received a New York Press Association Award (first place) for best sports/outdoor column. A story of hers, “Joan of Arc,” received an award from the Hudson Valley Writers Guild. She has had numerous essays aired on WAMC Public Radio and had a play, Calamity Jane, produced in New York City. She was born and raised near New York City’s Chinatown and Little Italy.
“Nightraintrain” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Mark Howard
is a retired architectural computer technician and a dual citizen of the US and Canada. He grew up in San Diego and graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1972. Mark became concerned about the possible directions artificial intelligence could take after reading James Barrat’s Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era and Jerry Kaplan’s Humans Need Not Apply. In the worldwide rush to make money there seems to be little concern that we are creating alien intelligences and entrusting them with ever-increasing decision-making power.
“Historical Relations of Biological and Artificial Humans” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Gil Hoy
is a Best of the Net-nominated Tucson, Arizona, poet and writer who studied fiction and poetry at The Writers Studio and at Boston University. Hoy previously received a B.A. in Philosophy from Boston University, an M.A. in Government from Georgetown University, and a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law. He finished in second place in the New England University Wrestling Championship while at BU, at 177 lbs. Hoy is a semi-retired trial lawyer and a former four-term elected Brookline, MA, Selectman. His poetry and fiction have previously appeared in Third Wednesday, Flash Fiction Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal, Unlikely Stories Mark V, Chiron Review, Right Hand Pointing, The Penmen Review, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Bewildering Stories, Literally Stories, The New Verse News, and elsewhere.
“Investing 101” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“Bits of Humanity Lost” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Joanna Michal Hoyt
is an unschooler who lives on a Catholic Worker farm/intentional community/nonprofit organization in rural New York State where she spends her days tending goats, gardens, and guests and her evenings reading and writing odd stories. Her historical novel Cracked Reflections, which deals with immigrants, labor struggles, religion, and polarization, was published by Propertius Press in 2021. A Wary Welcome: The History of US Attitudes Toward Immigration, published by Skinny Bottle Press in 2017, addressed many of the same subjects more briefly and nonfictionally. Her short speculative stories have appeared in periodicals including Mysterion, Crossed Genres, and On Spec. Links to free stories and more can be found at
“Aliens” • Vol. 33, No. 1

K. Rhen Hunt
is originally from Ann Arbor, MI; he now lives near Ames, IA. He began writing after hearing a story without an ending. That story is still unfinished but he is okay with that now.
“Closer Together” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Karen Hunt
is the co-founder of InsideOUT Writers, a creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles, as well as a martial artist and boxer, with a special talent for Eskrima. She has been asked to fight professionally and to be the bodyguard of a famous rapper, but caring for her three children has kept her from pursuing outlandish careers. Karen is currently writing her childhood memoir, INTO THE WORLD: a young girl’s journey of faith and adventure, about her world travels with her family in the turbulent 1960s. Excerpts from her memoir can be seen in Damazine Magazine in Syria. She has published nineteen children’s books, as well as essays and short stories in the Adirondack Review, Burnside Writers Collective, Wilderness House Review, Mobius and Terracotta in China. An excerpt from her LOVE WARS short-story collection was short-listed as a finalist in the Fish Publishing writing competition in Ireland. Karen has received fellowships to work on her manuscript LETTERS FROM PURGATORY to Martha’s Vineyard, The Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Ireland and the Hambidge Center for Arts and Sciences, as well as it being a semi-finalist in the William Faulkner Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.
“A Dangerous Woman” • Vol. 22, No. 1
“The Reluctant Revolutionary” • Vol. 24, No. 3, is inspired by the experiences of Alec Moghadam.

Zebulon Huset
is a teacher, writer and photographer living in San Diego. His writing has recently appeared in Meridian, The Southern Review, Louisville Review, Fence, Rosebud, Atlanta Review and Texas Review, among others. He publishes a writing prompt blog Notebooking Daily and is the editor of the journal Coastal Shelf. He also recently posted an anthology of sorts of 90 poems published in the last couple years called 'Poems to Quarantine With: National Poetry Month in a time of pandemic' at
“Explain Like I’m Five: Defund the Police” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Scott T. Hutchison
Previous work has appeared in Reckoning, The Fourth River, Poet Lore, The Georgia Review, and The Southern Review. Work is forthcoming in Vestal Review, Whiskey Tit, Clade Song, Tampa Review, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, and Slipstream. A new book of poetry, Moonshine Narratives, is out from Main Street Rag Publishing.
“In Storage” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Nadia Ibrashi
has received prizes from the NFSPS, Michigan Poetry Society, Writer’s DigestSpringfed Arts, Detroit Working Writers, and others. Her work appears in Nimrod, Narrative, Quiddity, The MacGuffin, Alimentum, Peacock Journal and others. Two of her poems and two short stories were nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She served as assistant editor at Narrative and has practiced medicine in Egypt and in the States.
“Write Your Story: The Show” • Vol. 23, No. 4
“My Friend, the Prophet” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Why Afghan Women Risk Death to Write Poetry” Vol. 31, No. 1

M. A. Istvan, Jr.
worked as a janitor at his high school during high school. Interventions from scarved liberal whites with gluten allergies sent him on a trajectory that, despite failed attempts at Black Vernacular deprogramming, culminated in his earning a PhD. But with the bleak academic job-market, together with a family too ravaged by illiteracy and homelessness to provide any sort of safety net, it looks like he might come full circle. There are signs that he is well on his way. While he has not yet gone back to McDonald’s dumpsters, he steals whatever he can from supermarkets, and more and more of his daily calories are coming from sugar packets and those mini jelly trays.
“Adelson’s Checker-Shadow Illusion” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Jeff Isaacson
lives and works in Minneapolis. He has a B.A. in psychology from the University of Minnesota and an M.A. in integrated studies from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. He enjoys being with friends and family, drinking green tea, and, for some reason, watching sports.
“Getting Ready for the Grand Reopening” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Kimberly G. Jackson
studied literature at Yale and NYU, but now works outside the academy. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in the Boston Poetry Magazine, Kind Over Matter, Wild Violet, and Writer’s Digest. She enjoys working with poetic forms. “Bedtime on Independence Day” uses the golden shovel form, in which the final words of each line, read in sequence, form a line from an earlier poem.
“Bedtime on Independence Day” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Jeff Jacobs
lives in Hamilton Township, New Jersey with his wife, two children and three cats. His novel Darkness Descends On Princeton is a murder mystery set in 1930s Princeton.
“She Couldn’t Say I Told You So” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Lowell Jaeger
(Montana Poet Laureate 2017–2019) is the author of eight collection of poems, most recently Earth-blood & Star-shine (Shabda Press in 2016). He is the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Montana Arts Council and winner of the Grolier Poetry Peace Prize. Most recently Jaeger was awarded the Montana Governor’s Humanities Award for his work in promoting thoughtful civic discourse.
“Okay” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“He Made Do” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Bev Jafek
has published about 50 short stories and novel excerpts in the literary quarterly and university press publications. Some have been translated into German, Italian and Dutch (as well as appearing in English-language publications in India) and won many literary awards, including publication in The Best American Short Stories. She also won the Carlos Fuentes Award and the Editor’s Prize for fiction from Columbia: A Magazine of Literature and Art as well as first prize in the 2001 Arch & Bruce Brown Foundation short-story competition for “redemption of gay history” through creative writing. The Overlook Press, distributed by Penguin-Putnam, published her first story collection, The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife, and reprinted it in paperback two years later. It was cited as one of the best story collections of the year in The Year’s Best Fantasy (7th edition, Teri Windling) as well as being selected as a finalist for the Crawford Award (best new fantasy fiction writer of the year). She was also a Wallace E. Stegner Fellow in Fiction at Stanford University. Her first novel, The Sacred Beasts, a 122,000-word epic (Bedazzled Ink Books, 2016), was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize; her second novel, A Kind of Paradise, was released by this publisher in 2018.
“The Thing in the White House” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Dennis James
is a retired attorney who previously practiced employment and civil rights law in Detroit, Michigan. He has had short fiction published in Mobius, The Summerset Review, The Griffin, The MacGuffin, and Struggle. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife, Barbara Grossman, his first-line editor, and also a retired attorney. They travel extensively. Dennis writes mostly plot-driven short stories about people and their work, what it does to them and what they do to each other.
“The Banyan Tree” • Vol. 22, No. 1
“Shorty’s Take” • Vol. 22, No. 2
“Sadie, Jack and Fluffy Go On a Trip: A New Normal Primer” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“The Cobbler” • Vol. 23, No. 2

D. R. James
is the author of the poetry collection Since Everything Is All I’ve Got (March Street Press) and three chapbooks (Finishing Line and Pudding House) with a fourth, Why War, to be released in May 2014 (Finishing Line). Poems have appeared in various anthologies, including Poetry in Michigan/Michigan in Poetry (New Issues), and publications such as Friends of William Stafford Newsletter, Hotel Amerika, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, North Dakota Quarterly, Oberon, Passager, Rattle, Ruminate, and Sycamore Review. He lives in Holland, Michigan, teaching writing, literature, and peace-making at Hope College, now going on thirty years.
“Crater” • Vol. 24, No. 1
“Why War” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Seth James
is the author of several novels including The Parnell Affair (a fictionalization of the start of the Iraq War) and The Pyrrhic Rendition (a thriller exploring the dangers of Extraordinary Rendition and state-sanctioned torture). A veteran of the journals-publishing industry, when not writing novels or short fiction, Seth is either asleep or commuting by train.
“In the Afternoon Sun” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Brionne Janae
is a recent graduate of Emerson College’s MFA in Poetry, and a Cave Canem Fellow. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Plume, The Comstock Review, Waxwing, Toe Good Poetry, Redivider, The New South and Apogee Journal, among others.
“Abduction” • Vol. 27, No. 1

John Jansen
has been a teacher for thirty years. For decades, when work was done, he set about poetry into the small hours. He loves gardening, reading, friends, relatives. His motto is, "If it moves, talk to it,"—and still the world goes on. He weeds now, avoids travel, adheres to the incomparable folly of poetry. He’s always lived in the Milwaukee area. The life of his dear partner of 44 years was changed 1½ years ago.
“Homage to Antonio Machado” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Lily Jarman-Reisch
Poems appear or are forthcoming in CALYX Journal, Collateral, 3rd Wednesday, Snapdragon, The Fourth River, 1807, The Military Review, Route 7 Review, Rise Up Review, Light, Journal of Veterans Studies, The Dewdrop, Gleam, MONO, Mediterranean Poetry, and other international literary journals. A poetry reviewer for The Los Angeles Review, she has been a journalist in Washington, D.C., and Athens, Greece, where she lived aboard a small boat she sailed throughout the Aegean and Ionian; held administrative and teaching positions at the Universities of Michigan and Maryland; sailed across the Atlantic; and hiked on four continents.
“In a Basement in Moscow” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Earl Javorsky
His first novel, Down Solo, was released in December 2014, followed by Trust Me and Down to No Good. He has worked as a musician, sales rep in the chemical entertainment industry, copywriter, and editor.
“Sting Like a Bee” • Vol. 32, No. 24

Greg Jenkins
is the author of three books, including Stanley Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation, and roughly 45 short stories. His work has appeared in such journals as Prism International, American Literary Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Tampa Review, South Dakota Review, and Prairie Schooner. He lives in Maryland.
“The Appointment” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Paul Jenkins
lives in Murphy, NC, a small town in western North Carolina. He has been writing steadily since he was about ten. He began with writing novels, but more recently he has focused on short stories, and he really loves the medium. He is eighteen years old and attending college to obtain his associates degree. He tries to write dark, thought-provoking stories that are more then just entertaining.
“By Any Other Name” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Lauranna Johnson
A Tennessee transplant living in Denver, Colorado, Lauranna Johnson is a veteran, photographer, and anti-racist activist. She has written two novels and a collection of poetry.
“A Ticket to Savor” • Vol. 28, No. 3

Steven Vincent Johnson
Civilizations Past • cover art for Vol. 28, No. 2

Wess Mongo Jolley
is a Canadian novelist, editor, podcaster, poet and poetry promoter. He is Founder and Executive Director of the Performance Poetry Preservation Project, and is best known for hosting the IndieFeed Performance Poetry Channel podcast for more than ten years. His work has appeared in journals such as Off the Coast, PANK, Apparition Literary Magazine, The New Verse News, Danse Macabre, The Chamber Magazine, The Legendary, decomP, Dressing Room Poetry Journal, RFD, TreeHouse Arts, and in collections such as the Write Bloody Press book The Good Things About America. For the past six years, Mongo has been hard at work on his sprawling supernatural horror trilogy, The Last Handful of Clover. He describes the work as “an epic meditation on aging, loss, and regret.” The novel is currently being released serially on Patreon, Wattpad, QSaltLake, and as an audiobook podcast. Mongo writes and freelance edits full-time from his home in Montreal, Quebec.
“My last night in America I dreamed I was lost” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“Gen Z” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Brock Michael Jones
is a Utah native who graduated from Utah Valley University in 2010 with a BA in English. He joined the Army in early 2002 and spent four and a half years on active duty before joining the National Guard. Three tours to Iraq later, he’s still trying to figure out how to write a good war poem.
“Al-Qaria” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“Explaining the Unexplainable” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Gary Jones
is a teacher and writer who winters near the campus of UW–Platteville and summers in Sister Bay.
“Wrench” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“The Good Shepherd Lawn Care Service” • Vol. 27, No. 4
“The Dark Ages” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Michael Jones
has taught since 1990 in Oakland (CA) public schools. His poetry appears widely in journals such as Atlanta Review and Beloit Poetry Journal, and in a chapbook, Moved (Kattywompus, 2016).
“Staying Down” • Vol. 23, No. 4
“The Salutatorian Goes Minimalist” • Vol. 24, No. 3
“Riverside Pensions” • Vol. 27, No. 2
“Attention is Infinitesimal” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Shelter” • Vol. 28, No. 2
“Hurt Music” • Vol. 32, No. 1
“Shelter Emergency” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“Violent Offenders Program In Mustang Country” • Vol. 35, No. 1

LaToya Jordan
is a poet from Brooklyn, NY. She lives with her English-teacher husband and two cats in a tiny apartment with an infestation of books. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University–Los Angeles.
“America is 15 times the size of Afghanistan” • Vol. 21, No. 2

R.A. Joseph
Law student. Father of 2 little nerds. Husband. Poly sci grad UCF 2006; worked U.S. gov and non-profit in Brevard County, Florida.
“A Place Not Fit for Man” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Mohja Kahf
is a professor at the University of Arkansas since 1995 and is the author of The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, Hagar Poems, E-mails from Scheherazad, and Western Representations of the Muslim Woman: From Termagant to Odalisque. Her book, My Lover Feeds Me Grapefruit, won the 2020 Press 53 Award for Poetry. 
“Manna for Syria • Vol. 31, No. 3

Aunia Kahn
is a self-taught figurative artist who began creating art as a therapeutic response to a difficult upbringing. Kahn’s works combines many disciplines, wrapping them into a hybrid art form melding photography, painting and collage. She invariably designs, builds, and executes characters, non-existent places, dreams, illusions, fears and fables into creation, which meld elements of classical and contemporary art.
State of Emergency • cover art for Vol. 23, No. 1

Addison Kamb
is a poet living and working in Brooklyn. She has opened many windows and tied innumerable bows in blue ribbon. She hopes to continue that in the future. You can find her at
“thursday night dinner” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Babo Kamel
poems have appeared in The Greensboro Review, Alligator Juniper, The Grolier Poetry Prize, Contemporary Verse 2, Rust + Moth among others. She was a winner of The Charlotte Newberger Poetry Prize, which was published in Lilith Magazine. She has work forthcoming in the Painted Bride Quarterly. Originally from Montreal, she now resides in Venice, Florida. She earned an MFA from Warren Wilson.
“Please Find Us” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Satyaki Kanjilal
has an MFA in creative writing from Florida International University and a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Nevada-Reno. When he is not complaining about his writer’s block, Satyaki or Nemo, as his friends call him, likes to watch television shows and study how their plots work. He is often sad to hear people talk about the fish from Disney’s movie Finding Nemo, and not Jules Verne’s character Captain Nemo, when they hear his nickname. His poetry has been published in Boston Accent Lit.
“The Dancing Policeman” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Vani Kannan
is an assistant professor of English at Lehman College, CUNY, where she teaches courses in composition, pedagogy, and literature and co-directs the Writing Across the Curriculum program. She lives in The Bronx, NY. 
“As Real” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“Nonretractable Claws” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Martha Kaplan
lives in Madison, Wisconsin where cranes occasionally fly over her house. She used to paint in oils, shoot photos in black and white, but now prefers to work in words. She has published with Blue Unicorn; Branch Redd Review; Möbius, the Poetry Magazine; Hummingbird, Verse Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Poets’ Calendar. Her poem “Haymarket: Albert Parsons Speaks” won the Dr. Zylpha Mapp Robinson International Poetry Award from Möbius, The Poetry Magazine in 2011.
“Turkey-Shoot Tavern” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Siham Karami
Recent work can or will be found in Measure, The Comstock Review, The Rotary Dial, Right Hand Pointing, The Ghazal Page, New Verse News, Unsplendid, Atavic Poetry, and the Raintown Review, among other venues. A Pushcart Prize nominee, she blogs and posts occasional book reviews at
“Somalia” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Jen Karetnick
is a Miami-based poet, writer, author and educator with three chapbooks of poetry, the latest of which is Landscaping for Wildlife (Big Wonderful press, 2012). She works as the Creative Writing Director at Miami Arts Charter School and as a freelance food-travel writer. Her poems have been published in Barrow Street, Cimarron Review, Georgetown Review, River Styx, and more, and are forthcoming in December, The Healing Muse and Valparaiso Poetry Review.
“Security Guidelines” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Margaret Karmazin
Her stories are published in literary and speculative fiction magazines including Rosebud, Chrysalis Reader, North Atlantic Review, Confrontation, Pennsylvania Review, The Speculative Edge and Another Realm. Her stories in The MacGuffin, Eureka Literary Magazine, Licking River Review and Mobius were nominated for Pushcart awards, and her story “The Manly Thing” was nominated for the 2010 Million Writers Award. She has stories included in several anthologies, including Still Going Strong, Ten Twisted Tales, Pieces of Eight (Autism Acceptance), Zero Gravity, Daughters of Icarus, and Space Between Stars. She has also published a YA novel, Replacing Fiona, a children’s book, Flick-Flick & Dreamer, and a collection of short stories, Risk.
“The Value of Husbands” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“I Am and Again” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“Just Not Possible” • Vol. 26, No. 2
“The Chinese Wife” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Infected” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“A Model Relationship” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“Soulmate” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Nicholas Kasimatis
is an artist and writer living in San Rafael, California. 
“Flow” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Herb Kauderer
is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College, and holds a PhD in Transnational Studies. He is a prolific poet and writer whose leitmotif is "society lies."
“stone ground • Vol. 26, No. 3
“Control Issues” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“A Question of Focus” • Vol. 31, No. 4 
“back in the day” • Vol. 33, No. 1
“Unknown Holiday” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Tyra Kaufmann
is a full-time student studying mathematics living in southern California. She is excited to announce this as her first published story, although she has been writing for enjoyment for many years. When she is not studying, writing, or trying to take over the world, she spends her days sewing, analyzing, and sinking into the abyss of everyday life. She draws most of her writing inspiration from nightmares that only an insane mind could possibly come up with.
“Monsters” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Stephanie Kaylor
is a PhD student at UC Santa Barbara and Reviews Editor at Glass: A Journal of Poetry. They curate the Sex Worker's Archival Project, and their poems can be found, or are forthcoming, in publications including Four Way Review, Raleigh Review, and Salamander. They live in Brooklyn. 
“How Much Money Do You Make?” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Maureen Keenan-Mason
is a freelance writer living in southern Colorado whose short stories have appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Lines in the Sand, Tucumcari Review, Kimera, Barbaric YAWP, The Storyteller, Timber Creek Review, Reader’s Break, the Rockford Writer’s Guild, Thorny Locust, Potpourri, Windhover, and the book Animals as Teachers and Healers. She is also a winner of Procreation Magazine’s annual short story contest.
“Peach Blossom” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Kathleen M. Kelley
resides in western Massachustts. In 2010 her chapbook The Waiting Room received the Philbrick Poetry Award, judged by Marge Piercy. In 2008 she received the Anderbo Poetry prize. Recent poems have appeared in a variety of journals, including Women’s Voices for Change, Theodate, Green Hills Literary Lantern, and Persimmon Tree, as well as The 2012 Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine Anthology.
“Passive Voice” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Diane Kendig
has published four poetry collections, most recently Prison Terms (2018). After 18 years directing creative writing at The University of Findlay, including a prison writing workshop, she moved back to her childhood home, which her father built himself when he returned from WWII with money from taking photos from his B-17 ball turret gunner position. She now curates a blog, “Read + Write: 30 Days of Poetry” with over 4,000 subscribers. Connect with her at
“My Cousin's Murderer Walks into the Courtroom” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Kristin Kest
has been an illustrator for over 20 years and has created the interior and cover artwork for many books, magazines, calendars, and more for scores of publishing companies, mostly in the children’s science book genre.  Although she has great affection for her scientific and botanical work, Kest has recently branched out into the fantasy and science fiction genre which she sees as the next step in her evolution as an illustrative artist. This move has been a result of her feminist studies; Kest sees the F+SF genre as a logical platform for challenging social norms within the visual field of communication. Kest also teaches Illustration and Drawing classes at her alma mater, York College of Pennsylvania. She earned her MFA at Maryland Institute, College of Art, exhibits her work in numerous galleries, and lectures at conferences and symposia on the importance of storytelling in illustration.
The Janitor • cover art for Vol. 24, No. 4

Kay Kestner
is the founder and editor of Poetry Breakfast. For over 25 years, her work has periodically appeared in various publications. She spent most of her life living in Virginia at the edge of D.C. She currently resides in rural New Jersey where she is the Poet in Residence at the Poetry and Arts Barn of New Egypt, NJ.
“Because of the Clinic, I Am Alive to Tell You This” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Sandra Ketcham
currently lives in Orlando where she works as a full-time freelance writer and editor. She has work published in Bluestem, Gone Lawn, Red Booth Review, Snow Monkey, Robot Melon, and many other wonderful places.
“Closet Space” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Alan King
Alan King’s poems have appeared in Alehouse, Audience, Boxcar Poetry Review, Indiana Review, MiPoesias, and RATTLE, among others. A Cave Canem fellow and VONA Alum, he’s been nominated for both a Best of the Net selection and a Pushcart Prize. When he’s not reporting or sending poems to journals, you can find Alan chasing the muse through Washington, D.C.—people-watching with his boys and laughing at the crazy things strangers say to get close to one another.
“X-Men” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Willie James King
is a native of Orrville, AL. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Alehouse, America, Appalachian Heritage, English Journal, Hawaii Pacific Review, New Contrast (South Africa), Orbis (UK), RATTLE, Sierra Nevada Review, The Caribbean Writer, Urthona Poetry Magazine (UK), and in many others. His book The House in the Heart, with a foreword by Cathy Smith-Bowers, was published by Tebot Bach in 2007.
“In My Hand” • Vol. 21, No. 2
“The Trees” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“The Yellow-Striped One” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Josh W. Kinsey
has always had a compulsion to create. After receiving his BA in Digital Graphics from Cogswell Polytechnical College in 1997, Josh entered the Silicon Valley workforce as an interface designer. During this time, he developed unique personal digital painting skills and assemblage techniques. Subsequently, Josh formed his current business J.W. Kinsey’s Woodcraft, specializing in all things made of wood, with a bit of metal for flavor. Currently, this falls within the aesthetic recently coined Steampunk. And most importantly, he can ride a unicycle.
The Nothing Pump • cover art for Vol. 21, No. 4

Don Kirksey
was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta. He received a B.S. from Delta State College in Cleveland and a PhD from University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. After he completed an NIH Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Duke University, he spent 25 years in North Carolina working in the pharmaceutical industry. Don has a short story published in the Spring 2017 Issue of Valley Voices: A Literary Review.
“Another Group of Dark-Skinned Outsiders” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Joe Kissel
Raised in Pittsburgh, PA. Graduated from Pitt with a degree in Computer Science. Served in the Air Force, now in the business world working in IT. Living south of Charlotte, NC, married and raising a family. This is his first published story.
“Defense” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Sol Kistler
“Jane and John Doe Labor in Paradise” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Chris Klassen
lives and writes in Toronto, Canada. After graduating from the University of Toronto and living for a year in France and England, he returned home and worked the majority of his career in print media. He is now living a semi-retired life. His stories have been published in numerous journals including Across the Margin, Fleas on the Dog, Literally Stories, Vagabond City, Dark Winter, Ghost City Review, The Raven Review, The Coachella Review, Sortes, Amethyst Magazine and Toasted Cheese, among others. His first novel, An Individual, is available through Dark Winter Press.
“Requisitioned” • Vol. 34, No. 3
“Soliloquy of an Old Survivor” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Julie Koenke
has spent her professional life immersed in the issues of racism and classism and its impact on public education and community development. She has come to believe that our sense of place; where we were born, where our ancestors came from or where we currently reside plays a critical role in how we define ourselves, how we perceive one another and how we make decisions about what type of community we want to become.
Service Entrance • cover art for Vol. 28, No. 1

Sandra Kolankiewicz
Most recently her poems have appeared in Fortnightly Review, America Magazine, New World Writing, and Lost in Transition. She is the author of Turning Inside Out, The Way You Will Go, and Lost in Transition. “Martyrs”  is from a series of poems in which stones act as a recurring metaphor for the enslaved and dispossessed.
“Communiqué #5” • Vol. 26, No. 1
“Martyrs” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Kevin Kostelnik
was Time Magazine’s 2006 Person of the Year.
“A View of the Desert” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Richard Krause
has two collections of fiction titled Studies in Insignificance (Livingston Press, 2003) and The Horror of the Ordinary (Unsolicited Press, 2019). “Crawl Space & Other Stories of Limited Maneuverability” will be published by Unsolicited Press in 2021. His epigram collections are Optical Biases (EyeCorner Press in Denmark, 2012) and Eye Exams (Propertius Press, 2019). He recently has had stories in GNU JournalUmbrella Factory Magazine, Headway Quarterly, and Club Plum Literary Journal.  Krause lives in Kentucky, where he is retired from teaching at a community college.
“Community College” • Vol. 32, No. 1

Michael Kriesel
Winner of North American Review’s Hearst Prize and past President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, Michael Kriesel is the poetry editor of Rosebud magazine. His work appears in the 2017 anthology New Poetry from the Midwest, and his full-length collection Zen Amen: abecedarians is forthcoming from Pebblebrook Press. You can read his electronic chapbook of short poems Every Name in the Book at
“Original Sin” • Vol. 20, No. 1
“Light Gets Dressed in Dirt” • Vol. 21, No. 3
“Viral Savior” • Vol. 22, No. 2
“Nazi Woodstock” • Vol. 24, No. 2
“Black Pyramid” • Vol. 29, No. 1

John P. (Jack) Kristofco
has published over seven hundred poems and sixty short stories in about two hundred different publications, including Folio, Rattle, Bryant Literary Review, Cimarron Review, Fourth River, Stand, The MacGuffin , Sierra Nevada Review, Blueline, Slant, Snowy Egret, and Mobius. He has published three collections of poetry (most recently The Timekeeper’s Garden from The Orchard Street Press, at and is currently putting together a book of short stories.
“1964” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“Stevie’s Father” • Vol. 27, No. 3
“The Tree” • Vol. 30, No. 4

A.K. Kulshreshth
has bachelors and masters degrees in engineering, and a PhD in management. He works in Singapore. He has had short stories published in Silver Fish 4 (Malaysia), Muse India, Asia Literary Review (Hong Kong), Mascara Literary Review (Australia), Newleaf (Germany) and 34th Parallel (USA), and has a story forthcoming in Wasafiri (UK). “The Examination” is part of his collection of stories based on the Mahabharat.
“The Examination” • Vol. 24, No. 2

May Kuroiwa
was born on a Hawaiian sugar plantation, and has been deeply influenced by the islands’ history. She brings both that tension and sensitivity to the multi-layered dimensions of the recent past to her written work. She still lives by the water, on the Chesapeake Bay, with her husband Dan.
“A Personal History, by the Numbers: Peter Ota” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Andrey Kuzmichev
is a science writer, born in Russia, settled in the US. His two short stories have recently been published in Bewildering Stories and The Axolotl.
“Stemness” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Kate LaDew
is a graduate from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BA in Studio Arts.  She resides in Graham, NC with her cats Charlie Chaplin and Janis Joplin.
“I’m reading made-up stories” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Susan LaMantia
“… smell, hearing, touch, all stimulated, all open to the creative process and I think, how lucky I am to be an artist.”
“Positives and Negatives” • cover, Vol. 23, No. 2

Geoffrey A. Landis
A scientist and science-fiction writer, he also sometimes writes poetry. His poem "Search" won the 2009 Rhysling Award for best long SF poem of 2008, and his first collection of poems, Iron Angels, was published by Van Zeno Press in 2009.
“’Abd al Muqeet” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Susanna Lang
divides her time between Chicago and Uzès, France. The 2024 winner of the Marvin Bell Memorial Poetry Prize from December Magazine, her most recent chapbook, Like This, was released in 2023 (Unsolicited Books), along with her translations of poems by Souad Labbize, My Soul Has No Corners (Diálogos Books). Her third full-length collection of poems, Travel Notes from the River Styx, was published in 2017 by Terrapin Books. Her poems, translations and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in such publications as The Common, Asymptote, Tupelo Quarterly, American Life in Poetry, Rhino Reviews, Mayday and The Slowdown. Her translations of poetry by Yves Bonnefoy include Words in Stone and The Origin of Language, and she is now working with Souad Labbize and Hélène Dorion on new translations. More information available at
“My Mother’s Names for Me” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“For Adam Toledo” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“Election Day, Moscow” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Jessie Lanoil
is a writer and teacher based in Queens, New York City. She is particularly interested in how short stories allow us to understand the social inequalities in our culture. She has been writing in Mexico, California and New York as a recipient of the UCLA Extension Writer’s Scholarship Program, as well as with San Diego Writer’s Ink and Sackett Street Writers of Brooklyn.
“The Stop”Vol. 24, No. 4

Louis N. LaPierre
hails from St. Paul, MN. He was born, learned to walk and create. He is still walking, and doesn’t remember when he began creating. His favorite thing to do is watch, and his second is to paint. Louis uses art to find comfort in the uncomfortable, and a way to cope with the inevitable. Since his graduation from CVA in Saint Paul in 2005 he has adopted a vigorous art practice in a variety of mediums.
Tower 2 • cover image for Vol. 24, No. 1

Grace Lapointe
works for a nonprofit organization in the greater Boston area. While she was an intern at Beacon Press in 2013, she wrote the reading group guide for A Disability History of the United States by Kim E. Nielsen. She is a 2011 graduate of Stonehill College. "Walking Under Ladders" is her first fiction publication.
“Walking Under Ladders” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Gary Lark
is the author of Without a Map (Wellstone Press, 2013), Getting By, winner of the Holland Prize (Logan House Press, 2009), and three chapbooks. His work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Hubbub, Poet Lore, and The Sun. Three poems were featured on The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. He has been a librarian, carpenter, hospital aide and janitor.
“Much Improved” • Vol. 25, No. 4

David Larsen
is a writer who lives in El Paso, Texas. His stories and poems have been published in more than forty literary journals and magazines including Cholla Needles, The Heartland Review, Aethlon, Coneflower Cafe, Floyd County Moonshine, The Raven Review, Oakwood, Change Seven, Canyon Voices, and Literary Heist.
“Unincorporated” • Vol. 33, No. 1
“A Report Card” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“Gossip and Lies” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“A California Stop” • Vol. 35, No. 1
“For the Sake of the Children” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Mike Lary
is a New England native and free-range human who spends his time writing fiction and composing music.
“The Gift” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Stephen Latin-Kasper
As an economist, he has been writing his entire career—scientific and technical writing mostly. However, he has also been writing songs since his days in the Peace Corps (1981–83 in the Marshall Islands). All of the lyrics in his songs rhyme, but he doesn't think of them as poetry. The pandemic's effect on him was to start writing what he thought of as actual poetry, and he challenged himself to write free verse with rhythmic patterns. This poem is one of them.
“The Importance of Names” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Robert Laughlin
lives in Chico, California. Two of his short stories are Million Writers Award Notable Stories, and his novel, Vow of Silence, was favorably reviewed by Publishers Weekly.
“A Garbologist Shares His Thoughts” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Keith G. Laufenberg
has been writing for over 30 years and has had over a hundred poems and short stories published in numerous literary magazines and journals, including, but not limited to: AIM Magazine; The Maryland Review; Spillway Review; Spoiled Ink; Down in the Dirt; Pleaides; The Oracular Tree; Struggle; Prole Magazine, Pulp Empire; NuVein; Whortleberry Press; Short-Story.Me; The Earth Comes First; An Electric Tragedy; Mobius Magazine; et al, and he has also had 2 novels published, Miami Rock and Semper-Fi-Do-or-Die, both in 2007. Both novels can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Books-a-Million, et al, and dozens of his published short stories can be accessed on the Internet or through his website:
“My Name Is Nobody” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Sean Lause
teaches courses in Shakespeare, The American Short Story, and Composition at Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio. He lives with his son Christopher in Bluffton, Ohio.
“Camera Obscura” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Michael Lawrence
is the director of a fitness center in northern New Jersey and has a Masters in English from William Paterson University. He has been previously published in the Paumanok Review, River Poets Journal, EWGPresents, SNR Review, Frank Zane Newsletter, and Fitness Management magazine.
“World Gone Wrong” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Richard Leach
lives in Stamford, CT. He had a long though not lucrative career as a sacred poet, writing words that composers set to music as hymns and anthems. That work is in print from many publishers. He now has a lengthening and even less lucrative career as a secular poet, posting work online at and collecting it in print-on-demand books available at
“So an Angel Says” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Michele Leavitt
a poet and essayist, is also a high-school dropout, hepatitis C survivor, and former trial attorney. Her essays are published in venues including Guernica, Catapult, Sycamore Review, and Grist. Poems appear recently in North American Review, concis, Gravel, and Baltimore Review. More at
“Gift Horse” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Jean Lee
is a Wisconsin born and bred writer excited to share her Fantasy fiction with those who love to find other worlds hidden in the humdrum that surrounds them. Her first novel, Fallen Princeborn: Stolen, is available from Aionios Books. She has since continued this series on her own with Fallen Princeborn: Chosen and the historical fantasy novella Night's Tooth. When Jean isn't writing more Fallen Princeborn stories or developing two other fantasy series, she is caught up in the adventurous imaginations of her  three children in southern Wisconsin. You can find out more about Jean Lee's life and storytelling on her website Jean Lee's World, where she also interviews other authors and shares writing inspiration and tips on craft.
“The Hungry Mother” • Vol. 32, No. 1

K. Lee
is a Washington, D.C., native. Her recent work has been published in print and online journals such as Beltway Poetry Quarterly, African American Review, Gargoyle, Baltimore Review, and others. She is the author of two chapbooks, Almost Invisible and  Musings of a Netflix Binge Viewer. Her collection, Transcript of the Unnamed, explores joy, identity, violence, and the “brief, bright lives” of missing and forgotten black women in the District of Columbia.
“The Little Things” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Kateema Lee
is a Washington, D.C., native. Her poetry has been published in print and in online literary journals such as Naugatuck River Review, Word Riot, and The Fiddleback. She is a Cave Canem graduate fellow.
“If VAs Were Magical Places” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Mary Soon Lee
was born and raised in London, but now lives in Pittsburgh. She writes both fiction and poetry, and has won the Rhysling Award and the Elgin Award. Her two latest books are from opposite ends of the poetry spectrum: Elemental Haiku, containing haiku for each element of the periodic table (Ten Speed Press, 2019) and The Sign of the Dragon, an epic fantasy with Chinese elements (JABberwocky Literary Agency, 2020). After twenty-five years, her website has finally been updated:
“Builder” • Vol. 26, No. 1 
“Why We Resist” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Wayne Lee
has had poems in Tupelo Press, Pontoon, New Millennium, The Ledge, The California Quarterly, New Mexico Poetry Review, New England Anthology of Poets and other journals and anthologies. His collections include Doggerel & Caterwauls: Poems Inspired by Cats and Dogs, and Twenty Poems from the Blue House (co-authored with his wife, Alice Lee), published by Whistle Lake Press, and Vortex, forthcoming from Red Mountain Press. Wayne lives in Santa Fe, NM, where he teaches at the Institute of American Indian Arts and runs a tutoring company.
“Testimony” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Eric D. Lehman
is a senior lecturer in English at the University of Bridgeport and has had short stories, essays, reviews, and poems published in dozens of journals and magazines, such as Nexus, Hackwriters, Identity Theory, Cause and Effect, Switchback, Umbrella, and Entelechy. His first book, Bridgeport: Tales from the Park City, is available from The History Press.
“Last Walk on Silver Lane” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Laura LeHew
Widely published, her collections include: Becoming (Another New Calligraphy), Willingly Would I Burn (MoonPath Press), It’s Always Night, It Always Rains (Winterhawk Press), and Beauty (Tiger’s Eye Press). In her other life Laura owns a computer forensics and network security consulting company. Laura received her MFA from the California College of Arts. She edits a small press, Uttered Chaos: Laura knows nothing of gardens or gardening but is well versed in the cultivation of cats.
“In Taos” • Vol. 23, No. 4
“Reunions” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Michael H. Levin
is  a lawyer and solar-energy developer and writer based in Washington, DC. His work has appeared on stage and in three chapbooks, multiple anthologies and over 50 periodicals, and has received poetry and feature journalism awards. See, e.g.,
“Clark Kent” • Vol. 32, No. 1
“How to Read the Decameron • Vol. 32, No. 2

Robert Lietz
Over 500 of his poems have appeared in more than one hundred journals in the U.S. and Canada, in Sweden and U.K, including Agni Review, Carolina Quarterly, Epoch, The Georgia Review, The Missouri Review, The North American Review, The Ontario Review, Poetry, Shenandoah, and many webzines. Seven collections of poems have been published, including Running in Place (L’Epervier Press,). At Park and East Division (L’Epervier Press,) The Lindbergh Half-century (L’Epervier Press,) The Inheritance (Sandhills Press,) and Storm Service (Basfal Books). Basfal also published After Business in the West: New and Selected Poems.
“Breaking In” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Erin Liljegren
grew up in a small town on the edge of Chicagoland, in between the urban and rural landscapes. The juxtaposition of the city and country environments greatly influenced her work. Erin received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from UW–Madison in 2007 with a concentration in oil painting and printmaking. Erin’s palette is typically bright and incorporates a variety of mixed media, many of which are recycled from packaging such as cardboard, plastic, yarn, and electrical tape; she enjoys re-purposing objects that would normally go to the landfill. Erin works in variety of styles and content, but most enjoys focusing on social and political commentaries, environmental issues, pop culture satire, and portraits. "My work is constantly evolving in media and meaning, searching for concepts that matter most to me as an artist."
Reality—Anna Nicole Smith • cover art for Vol. 26, No. 4

James Lilliefors
is a poet, journalist, and novelist, originally from the Washington, D.C., area. His writing has appeared in Ploughshares, The Washington Post, Door Is A Jar, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Adirondack Review, The Baltimore Sun, The Miami Herald and elsewhere. His non-fiction book Highway 50 was once reviewed favorably in a front-page story in the New York Times Book Review. His most recent book is the novel The Plot to Kill Putin. He's a former writing fellow at the University of Virginia, who is now focusing on poetry.
“There Will Be Warnings” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Richard Lind
is a history teacher and writer living in Ocala, Florida. His short stories have been published in various online and print magazines. He is currently working on a horror novel.
“Lost Love” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Sandra Lindow
After twenty-five years working in a treatment center for emotionally disturbed adolescents, Sandra Lindow is semi-retired and living on a hill in Menomonie, Wisconsin where she plants vegetables and perennials and communes with a twenty-pound rototiller. Presently she works to prepare education students for their Praxis test. She has six published poetry collections. Touched by the Gods, her most recent, was published in the fall of 2008. Her webpage can be found at
“Cinderella Story • Vol. 20, No. 1

Marissa Lingen
lives in the Minneapolis suburbs on some of the oldest bedrock on the North American continent. She writes science fiction, fantasy, essays, and now poetry, which came as a bit of a surprise but here we are.
“Pre-Apocalyptic Meeting Minutes” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“Dante on the Metro” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Deena Linett
Her fourth poetry collection, a New & Selected, is in press with Tiger Bark Press, a new small imprint of Steven Huff, who was her first editor at BOA. In addition to poems in various magazines, her short fiction has appeared in The Massachusetts Review, the Bellevue Literary Review, and an essay in The Georgia Review. She’s had two fellowships to Yaddo, two to Hawthornden Castle, Scotland, and one to The Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators on Gotland. In the ’80s her two novels won small national contests.
“Photo: Siege, Sarajevo • Vol. 28, No. 1

Laura C. Lippman
Work has appeared in Crosswinds, Poetry on Buses, Pontoon Poetry, Journal of Family Practice, and Vashon Island Ekphrastic Exhibit. Lippman has attended numerous writing conferences, including the Port Townsend Writer’s Conference, Seattle 7 Writers Conferences, and Hugo House Workshops. She attended Bryn Mawr College where she studied with Kate Millett and Lila Karp in one of the nation’s first women’s studies programs. Lippman studied at the University of Oregon and recieved her M.D. from the Medical College of Pennsylvania. She practiced medicine for thirty-seven years and raised two children with her husband in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys the outdoors and shares her love of the natural world with her grandchildren and friends.
“Border Police” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Melvin Litton
Stories have appeared in Chiron Review, Foliate Oak, Floyd County Moonshine, Pif, First Intensity, with poetry in Broadkill Review, The Literary Hatchet, Stray Branch, and a chapbook, From the Bone (Spartan Press). He has two published novels: Geminga, a man/raven fable concerning the Shining Path in Peru (III Publishing, 1993); and I, Joaquin, a fictional memoir of the Gold Rush bandit Joaquín Murrieta, as told by his head encased in alcohol (Creative Arts Book Co., 2003)—both available in new editions from Crossroad Press.  He is a retired carpenter and lives in Lawrence, KS, with his wife Debra.  He also writes and performs songs solo and with the Border Band.
“Jack Straw Says” • Vol. 28, No. 2
“Prospects” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Loretta Marie Long
has worked as a plant potter in a greenhouse, waitress, carpenter’s apprentice, yoga teacher, and massage therapist. In 2010, she received her MFA from the Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University. Now she lives in San Antonio, Texas where she works as a massage therapist and adjunct English Instructor.
“Birds on the Beach • Vol. 27, No. 2

Robert Hill Long
expresses heartfelt support for Wisconsin’s people in their struggle for rights. His books include The Kilim Dreaming, The Wire Garden, The Effigies, The Work of the Bow, The Power to Die, and (forthcoming) Walking Wounded. Other work is current or forthcoming in Terrain, Poetry East, The Pedestal, In Posse, Whiskey Island, Los Angeles Review, Sentence, and elsewhere..
“Never Too Late” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Agustín Lopez
is a writer living in New York City. He graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. You can find more of his work at
“Neighborhood Watch” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Mario Loprete
Graduate of Accademia of Belle Arti, Catanzaro (ITALY). Painting is my first love. An important, pure love. Creating a painting, starting from the spasmodic research of a concept with which I want to send a message to transmit my message, it’s the basis of my painting. The sculpture is my lover, my artistic betrayal to the painting. That voluptous and sensual lover that gives me different emotions, that touches prohibited cords.…

B-Boy • cover art for Vol. 30, No. 3
untitled • cover art for Vol. 32, No. 2

LindaAnn LoSchiavo
Native New Yorker LindaAnn LoSchiavo is a dramatist, journalist, formalist, and a lifelong activist. Her poetry chapbooks Conflicted Excitement (Red Wolf Editions, 2018) and Concupiscent Consumption (Red Ferret Press, 2020), along with her collaborative book on prejudice (Macmillan in the USA, Aracne Editions in Italy) are her latest titles.
“Brevard County, Florida” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Bobbie Lovell
has a background in visual art, graphic design and print production. She lives in Wisconsin with her two favorite young people.
“My Son Describes the KKK Video He Saw During His Field Trip to the Museum” • Vol. 27, No. 1

John Lovik
is a graduate of the University of Oregon with a BA in English and Political Science. He currently lives in the mountains outside of his hometown of Sweet Home, Oregon where he spends his time between his books and his woodshop. His poetry has appeared in The Speakeasy, The Storyteller, and Desert Voices. He can be contacted at
“The Thorns Where Snakes Once Grew” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Raymond Luczak
is the author and editor of over 30 books, including 12 full-length poetry collections such as Far from Atlantis (Gallaudet University Press), Chlorophyll (Modern History Press), and Lunafly (Gnashing Teeth). His work has appeared in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. An inaugural Zoeglossia Poetry Fellow, he lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“Western Abecedarium” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Flavian Mark Lupinetti
is a poet, fiction writer, and cardiac surgeon. He received his MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. His poems and stories have appeared in Bellevue Literary Review, Cutthroat, december, Redivider, and ZYZZYVA. Mark’s chapbook The Pronunciation Part will be published by The Poetry Box in 2025. Mark lives in New Mexico.
“My Ballot is Broken” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Cierra Lynch
is a small, eccentric girl in her eleventh year of schooling. She’s involved in many extracurricular activities; some of which she does not necessarily like to be associated with, but always arrives to each with a toothy smile and a clever guise of artificial enthusiasm. Always writing, she enjoys creating short, meaningful stories set during the second world war. Above all else, Cierra loves to discuss politics. She can explain totalitarianism and religious bigotry in much detail, and tell you why Obama isn’t a bipartisan. She’s very conservative; no interest in partying, drugs, or other terrible things. She’s strong-willed and opinionated. Many people dislike her.
She also hates writing about herself.

“The Nation of Very Happy People” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Leon Lynn
has worked as a dishwasher, assistant chef, truck driver, oil field hand, printing press operator, newspaper reporter, magazine editor, book editor, website editor and freelance investigator. He is a longtime resident of Wisconsin, though he will always be a New Yorker.
“The ‘Last’ Defender of Dead Tree Journalism Gives Up” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Helene Macaulay
is an actor, writer, filmmaker and award winning documentary and fine art photographer living in the American Rust Belt. Her writing has appeared in Grattan Street PressThe Commonline Journal, Passage Vision and other independent literary publications. Her films have been broadcast on PBS affiliates throughout the Northeastern United States and her photography has been exhibited internationally including The National Portrait Gallery, London. Her acting credits include numerous films on the festival circuit as well as appearances on network and cable television and nationally syndicated radio.
“Baked” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Sean MacKendrick
is a computer programmer splitting his time between Colorado and Texas. His short stories have appeared both online and in print, in Down in the Dirt, Wild Violet, The Realm Beyond, Eureka Literary Magazine, and Rose & Thorn Journal, among others.
“Pierson’s Dome” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Jack Mackey
lives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. He holds an M.A. in English from the University of Maryland. His poems have been published by Darkhouse Books, the Rehoboth Beach Writers’ Guild, and (soon) Third Wednesday and Rat’s Ass Review.
“We Promised” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Keith Madsen
is a retired minister who is using his retirement to pursue a lifelong interest in writing fiction. In addition to writing, he has also done some acting in community theater, having particularly enjoyed playing the roles of Jack (C.S.) Lewis in Shadowlands, Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, and Porfiry in Crime and Punishment. This background in drama has helped him both with character development and his dramatic touch in writing both short stories and novels. Keith is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association, and meets regularly with a writer’s critique group. He writes a blog at Huddled Masses Mobilization Network which also has a Facebook presence at The Huddled Masses Mobilization Network.
“Campaign Interrupted” • Vol. 25, No. 2
“A King in an Alternate Universe” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Richard Magahiz
tries to live an ordered life in harmony with all things natural and created but one that follows unexpected paths. He wrangles computers as a day job but imagines a time when life might center around other things. His work has appeared at Abyss and Apex, Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, Bewildering Stories, Simultaneous Times newsletter, Otoliths, Uppagus, Heliosparrow, and Sein und Werden. His website is
“If today they shoot me, listen to this” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“The Closest Traitor” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“An American ballad” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Get used to it” • Vol. 34, No. 3

“A clarification” • Vol. 35, No. 2
“The Age of Rust” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Peter Magliocco
writes from Las Vegas, Nevada, and has poetry in The Smoking Poet, A Hudson View Poetry Digest, Zygote in My Coffee, Heeltap, and elsewhere.... His new novel is The Burgher of Virtual Eden from Publish America. He was Pushcart-nominated in 2008.
“Moon Angels in the Trailer Park” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Robert I. Mann
Born May 29, 1952, Burbank, California, he is presently head of the English Dept. at Polimoda, International Institute of Fashion, Florence, Italy. He is a product of the public education system of California. His Masters thesis was an analysis of Freudian-oriented biographies of Ernest Hemingway (of which there are several, Hemingway being big game for psychoanalytic critics.) He has published fiction in the new renaissance and The Bitter Oleander.  He is married to a native Florentine and has two teenage daughters.
“Welcome to the Icebox” • Vol. 20, No. 1

John C. Mannone
The 2020 Dwarf Stars Award winner and an HWA Scholarship recipient (2017), he has poems appearing in North Dakota Quarterly, Foreign Literary Review, Le Menteur, Blue Fifth Review, Poetry South, Baltimore Review, Pedestal, and others. He won the Impressions of Appalachia Creative Arts Contest in poetry (2020) and the Carol Oen Memorial Fiction Prize (2020). He was awarded a Jean Ritchie Fellowship (2017) in Appalachian literature and served as the celebrity judge for the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (2018). He edits poetry for Abyss & Apex and other journals. A retired university physics professor, John lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.
“The Making of a Soldier” • Vol. 21, No. 4
“Integration” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“Bioethics” and “Once the Fields Were Full of Butterflies” • Vol. 28, No. 3
<Even Hitler> • Vol. 30, No. 2 
“Robert Lowell Dies of a Bad Heart || Attack” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Catherine Marenghi
A native of Massachusetts, the granddaughter of Italian immigrants, she is an award-winning poet and memoirist. Her poetry has appeared in Crossroads, Solamente en San Miguel, Italian Americana, and other journals. She is the author of "Glad Farm: A Memoir" (2016), an acclaimed story of poverty, loss and resilience, and the power of a house to shape our destiny. She earned an M.A., B.A. summa cum laude in English from Tufts University, where she studied poetry under Denise Levertov, X.J. Kennedy, and others. She divides her time between Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
“First Day of Kindergarten” • Vol. 29, No. 4

James Marino
in 2022 had his short story “ADVENT_RE B_S T_URS” published in The Iconoclast, and The Haight Ashbury Literary Journal published his poem “At the Sink” and his short story “Last Day for the Garlic.”
“Marty” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Greg Markee
makes a practice of conceptual improvisation. He writes poems in Madison, Wisconsin, and materializes at
“phantoms and lunatics and sponges” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Jeremy Nathan Marks
lives in the Great Lakes Region of Canada. Recent work can/will be found in Rattle,, Belt Magazine, New Verse News, and Topical Poetry. His latest book is Flint River (Alien Buddha Press, 2023).
“Three wise men” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“Arsenal of Democracy” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Ceri Marriott
is a language specialist, writing poetry and short fiction in English and French. She has had work published by Nottingham Writers’ Studio, Charnwood Arts, Plum Tree Tavern, The Cherita, Poetry Nation and Friday Flash Fiction, and regularly has haiku published online by The Japan Society. Ceri tutors and lectures at Coventry University, UK.
“Liberation” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Lucinda Marshall
is a writer, artist, and activist. Her poetry publications include Sediments, GFT, Tuck Magazine, Stepping Stones Magazine, Columbia Journal, Poetica, Haikuniverse,  and ISLE. Her work appears in the anthologies Poems in the Aftermath (Indolent Books), You Can Hear The Ocean (Brighten Press) and We Will Not Be Silenced (Indie Blu(e) Publishing). She has been a finalist in Waterline Writers' Artists as Visionaries Climate Crisis Solutions contest and Third Wednesday's 2018 One Sentence Poem Contest. She is the founder and host of the DiVerse Gaithersburg Poetry Reading and Open Mic. For more information about her poetry and other work, please visit her website.
“Bleeding Out” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Ksenia Martynova
is a writer and student from Canada. She enjoys reading contemporary fiction, drinking iced tea, and transforming into a poet one word at a time. Her short fiction work can be found in various literary magazines such as the Blue Marble Review and Paper Lanterns.
“My Culture” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Adam Matson
His fiction has appeared internationally in over twenty magazines including The Oddville Press, Black Scat Review, and Terror House Journal.
“Tallmadge” • Vol. 26, No. 3
“August 32nd • Vol. 29, No. 4
“Ain’t None of My Business” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Todd Matson
is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina. His poetry has been published in The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Agape Review, Clayjar Review, The BeZine, Mindfull Magazine, and featured in Poetry for Mental Health. He has also written lyrics for songs recorded by contemporary Christian music artists, including Brent Lamb, Connie Scott and The Gaither Vocal Band.
“Eternal Optimist” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Brad Maxfield
was raised and educated in Oregon, receiving an MFA from the University of Oregon. A variety of teaching experiences range from directing a university ESL program for a decade, teaching English composition in colleges and universities in the West, including Boise State University, Idaho State University, and University of Texas El Paso; he has also taught abroad (U.E.E.S. in Guayaquil, Ecuador). He has been published in a variety of literary magazines over the years, with his first book-length publication, For All We Know, coming from Backwaters Press. He lives in rural eastern Oregon and teaches concurrent enrollment English college comp classes in the reddest of the red states in the West, Idaho. Earlier travels took him to Hiroshima, a place he visits regularly and which lives in him constantly.
“Illegal Light” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Steve May
thought he was a thinker and a poet way back when life started but ended up with a life surviving one job after another. He finally sold out and learned a trade to make a living. So much for the writing life he thought he would have; but life is an experience in itself, and if words coming from you can make sense of what life is, then that is the purpose of words. Life in general is corrupt/false/unjustified, etc. Because the world is a terrible place to live. Name that tune.
“Unreasonable Times” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Joan Mazza
has worked as a medical microbiologist, psychotherapist, seminar leader, and has been a Pushcart Prize nominee. Author of six books, including Dreaming Your Real Self (Penguin/Putnam), her poetry has appeared in Rattle, Off the Coast, Kestrel, Slipstream, American Journal of Nursing, The MacGuffin, Mezzo Cammin, Buddhist Poetry Review, and The Nation. She ran away from the hurricanes of South Florida to be surprised by the earthquakes and tornadoes of rural central Virginia, where she writes poetry and does paper art.
“Claims” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Gerald A. McBreen
U.S. Postal Service (retired). Pacific Poet Laureate 2009. Certified by NIA (Newspaper Institute of America). Published in anthologies and magazines. "I try to write something that people will want to read because it elevates their own experiences to a level of passsion they feel and helps them to articulate it in their own words. Sometimes I write just for fun. I like to see people smile, and if they laugh, that’s okay, too."
“pre divorce/post divorce” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Gary McCann
has received two Maryland Writers’ Association first prizes (2011 short fiction and 2010 mystery/thriller) and has published stories in the Harrington Gay Men’s Literary Quarterly and in Alyson’s Best Gay Love Stories. He is currently working on two novels.
“The Yearbook” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Robby McChargue
is a senior at the University of North Florida studying theater, history, and creative writing.
“Love and the Jihad” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Scott H. McFadden
is a student of Creative Writing and Literature at the University of Nevada–Reno. His free time is spent finding new creative outlets.
“Covenants” • Vol. 25, No. 2

G. D. McFetridge
Iconoclast, philosopher, and occasional drunk G. D. McFetridge continues writing from Montana’s wild and majestic Bitterroot Valley. None of his seven novels will be published any time soon.
“Far from Everywhere” • Vol. 20, No. 2
“Room at the Top” • Vol. 21, No. 4
“Show Us, Mr. Faulkner” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Jennifer A. McGowan
obtained her MA and PhD from the University of Wales. Despite being certified as disabled at age 16 with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, she has persevered and has published poetry and prose in many magazines and anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic. She won the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize 2014, as a result of which her first full-length collection, The Weight of Coming Home, is now published by Indigo Dreams. She has also been commended in the YorkMix poetry competition 2015 and Highly Commended in the prestigious Torbay Poetry Competition and the Manchester Cathedral Poetry Competition. Life in Captivity and Sounding, her pamphlets, are available through Finishing Line Press. Her website, with more poetry and examples of her mediaeval calligraphy, can be found at
“When Nothing Changed” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Freesia McKee
(she/her) writes about history, place, gender, and genre. Recent work appears in Fugue, About Place Journal, Porter House Review, and her newest chapbook, Hummingbird Vows. She is an Assistant Professor of English at University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point. Read more at
“Red State” • Vol. 34, No. 4

James McKee
and his wife live in New York City, in a neighborhood where the 1% seldom go. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Raintown Review, Saranac Review, The South Carolina Review, THINK Journal, f(r)iction, The Worcester Review, The Lyric, and elsewhere; one of his poems recently won the Sow’s Ear Review Poetry Contest, and another has been nominated for this year’s Pushcart Prize. He currently works as a private tutor and spends his free time, when not writing or reading, traveling less than he would like and brooding more than he can help.
from “Elegy for the Scholar of Palmyra • Vol. 27, No. 2

Rick McKenzie
taught pre-school for many years, then worked as a park ranger. Look for Rick outdoors, snorkeling, canoeing, camping, or hiking. His work has appeared in The Yale Review, Mantis, The Round, Talking River, Minnetonka Review, Pearl, and the anthology Hipology from Broadside Press.
“The Future • Vol. 31, No. 3

Kathy McMullen
Her short stories may be found or are forthcoming at Drunk Monkeys, Free State Review, Bridge Eight, Gravel, The Maine Review and Second Hand Stories. She often writes about the inhabitants of upper crusty Odin’s Neck and its lower-brow counterpart, The Cinderblocks. These two communities comprise the two “arms” of Pleasant Arms, a fictional town north of Seattle, Washington. At present Ms. McMullen is busy on Killing Clifford Gray, a novel about a teenage girl who murders her rapist.
“The Fire Takes Your Birth Certificate” • Vol. 33, No. 2

John McNamara
is a long-time worker-owner at Union Cab Cooperative. He just got a Master’s in Cooperative Studies from St. Mary’s College in Canada and will begin work on his PhD later this year.
Perspectives on the Battle for Human Rights in Wisconsin • Vol. 22, No. 1

Stephen Mead
is an Outsider multi-media artist and writer. Since the 1990s he’s been grateful to many editors for publishing his work in print zines and eventually online. He is also grateful to have managed to keep various day jobs for the Health Insurance. Currently he is resident artist/curator for The Chroma Museum, artistic renderings of LGBTQI historical figures, organizations and allies predominantly before Stonewall. 
“Unlearning the Prejudice” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Waiting to Live” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Amanda Abbie Meader
was born and raised in Maine, where she returned to practice law after graduating from Cornell Law School in 2004. By day Amanda is a staff attorney for a non-profit organization; by night she is the wife of a very patient man and the mother of two ridiculously spoiled Boston Terriers. Reading and writing infuse her with peace and energy in a way that nothing else can, and she is constantly dreaming up ways to devote more of each day to pursuing her true passion. “Shoveling Snow on Oil Tanks” is her first published story.
“Shoveling Snow on Oil Tanks” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Ed Meek
has had poems recently in The Sun, Spillway, and War, Literature and the Arts. His most recent book What We Love was published by Blue Light Press. He lives with his wife in Somerville, MA.
“BMW” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Sylvia Melvin
Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, Sylvia moved to the U.S. when she married Albert Melvin in 1972. They live in Milton, Florida. Many of her short stories and novels reflect her Canadian heritage. They have one son, Michael, and twin grandsons, Andrew and Matthew. Sylvia is a retired elementary school teacher and enjoyed teaching creative writing to her students. She believes reading and writing go hand in hand. She has been published in various national magazines and has published eight novels: Helena: Unwavering Courage, Summer Guest, Southern Sage: The honorable Woodrow Melvin, Death Behind the Dunes, Death Beyond the Breakers, and Death On Blackwater Bay, Convictions, and Eternal Surrender.
“Two Needs Fulfilled” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Loria Mendoza
hails from Austin, Texas, where she learned to keep it weird. Seeking the constancy of the bizarre, she moved to the Mission District in San Francisco, where she earned her MFA from San Francisco State University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Subprimal, Maudlin House, Fourteen Hills, Red Light Lit, The Walrus, Transfer Magazine, and featured at Oakland’s Beast Crawl and San Francisco’s Litquake. Her book, Life’s Too Short, won the Michael Rubin Book Award in 2016. She lives in Austin, again.
“Still Lifes with Tolerance” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Todd Mercer
won the Woodstock Writers Festival’s Flash Fiction contest and took 2nd and 3rd place of the Kent County Dyer-Ives Prizes in 2013. His chapbook Box of Echoes won the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press contest. Mercer’s poetry appears in Thema, Blue Collar Review, and Black Spring Review; his flash fiction is forthcoming in Dunes Review and Apocrypha and Abstractions.
“Vanity Plates” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Simon Mermelstein
would rather be delicious than authentic. He is a Writing Center tutor at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, and studies linguistics and math at Eastern Michigan. His poetry appears/is upcoming in RHINO, Spillway, Cleaver, The MacGuffin, FreezeRay, Poems-For-All, Light, Rainy Day, Parody, and the nebulous “other places”. A Pushcart nominee, he’s been a slam finalist and a featured reader in both Ann Arbor and Detroit. His literary influences include The Onion, Snow Crash, and the stop sign near his house.
“Masala” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Amber Mikell
is a writer whose work has appeared in FIU’s literary magazine Vox, and For A Better World 2014.
“Unfinished Business” • Vol. 27, No. 2

C.J. Miles
lives in Iowa with his wife. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Forage, Eunoia Review, Star*Line, and Algebra of Owls, among others. Follow him on Twitter at @cjmilespoet.
Independence Day Was a Documentary” • Vol. 26, No. 2

John Miller
Hailing from Sweet Lunacy's County Seat, John Miller was sent so frequently to look up words as a kid, he toted a dictionary to supper. A (lapsed) lawyer, Miller last used his training to obtain posthumous pardons for the Scottsboro “Boys” defendants who died falsely convicted of rape. As a (present) poet, Miller is a Pushcart nominee whose works have appeared  in Kindred, Lahar Berlin, Forage, and elsewhere. Paper Nautilus Press published his chapbook, Heat Lightning, in 2017.
“The greatest of these” • Vol. 30, No. 1

John N. Miller
Though born in Ohio (1933), he grew up in Hawai’i (1937–1951), received his advanced degrees from Stanford, where he worked under Yvor Winters, and retired in 1997 from teaching literature and writing at Denison University (Granville, OH), his undergraduate alma mater. He now lives with his wife Ilse in a retirement community in Lexington, VA.
“At the Border” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Robert John Miller
lives in Chicago. He is nearly 6 feet tall. More work can be found at
How to Get Ahead • Vol. 22, No. 2

Norman Minnick
is only somewhat mysterious, as evidenced by
Birds and Beasts • Vol. 22, No. 2

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
is a Bestseller author of One Heart—Many Breaks (2020.) An outsider artist, a poet and a lecturer, he is the poetry editor at Indian Poetry Review. He has received  "Readers Favorite Silver Award-21", "Indian Achievers Award-21", "IPR Annual Poetry Award-2020" and "Literary Titan Book Award-2020". He was shortlisted for "2021 International Book Awards,” "Indies Today Book of the Year Award 2020" and "Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize 2021" and "Oprelle Rise Up Poetry Prize 2021". He was also "The Story Mirror Author of the Year" nominee-2019.
“A Father’s Son” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Elizabeth J. Mitchell
is from southeast Michigan. More of her writing can be found at
“Office Etiquette” • Vol. 23, No. 4
“The Guardians” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Kael Moffat
lives in Tumwater, WA with his wife and kids, where he likes to hike and work as a librarian at Saint Martin’s University. He has had work previously published in Dark Matter, Flint Hills Review, Outside In Travel and Literature Magazine, Driftwood Press, and other journals.
“Clinical Specialist” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Alec Moghadam
was born on Dec 1st 1956 in Tehran, the fifth child of nine. He was five when the entire family moved to a suburb east of Tehran, where the majority of the community was Zoroastrian. This ancient belief greatly influenced his life. At age 17, Alec came to the United States to attend college and received his Juris Doctorate. His "planes, trains and automobiles" adventures trying to get from Perdue University to visit his girlfriend in Milwaukee on Christmas Eve, during the Iranian American Embassy hostage crisis of 1979, are what inspired this story. Alec now lives in Los Angeles with his son.
“The Reluctant Revolutionary” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Ryan Mohr
lives in the N.E. Ohio Rust Belt. His work appears or is forthcoming in PANK, Rubbertop Review Volumes 2 and 3, Word Riot, and a few others. He loves to discuss the NBA, postmodern theory, social constructionism, and Howard Stern.
“The Panhandler” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Mary Moody
has a BA in Human Resource Management from Wheeling Jesuit University and a Master’s in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in poetry from Southern New Hampshire University. She is currently enrolled in SNHU's MFA in creative writing program. She’s a former military journalist as well as a former news writer and columnist for a small weekly paper.
“A Moment of Clarity” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“The Investment” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Aaron Lee Moore (莫俊伦)
is an Associate Research Fellow in the Department of Comparative and World Literature at Sichuan University. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Floyd County Moonshine, Managing Editor for Sichuan University’s Comparative Literature: East and West, and an Editorial Assistant for Beijing Normal University’s Comparative Literature & World Literature. His poetry chapbook, The Snapping of the Stick, is forthcoming with Finishing Line Press, and he has a scholarly monograph, A Comparative Analysis of Faulkner Studies in America, Great Britain, and China,forthcoming with Sichuan University Press. A returned Peace Corps volunteer (RPCV), he served as a university English teacher at Southwest Petroleum University in Xindu, China, 2010–2012. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative and World Literature from Sichuan University, an MA in English from Florida State University, and a BA in English from Radford University. He grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Floyd, Virginia. Other prior and forthcoming creative and scholarly publications include Cold Mountain Review, Toad Suck Review, Sandy River Review, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Comparative Literature: East and West, Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, Collected Essays of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Miller’s Pond Poetry Magazine, Deep South, Ascent Aspirations, Illumen, Open Minds Quarterly, Stray Branch, and others.
“World of Warcraft” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“Cyber-muse” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Bethany Mootsey
is a stay-at-home mom and foster mom living in Clearwater, Florida. Ever since her first autobiography, "Happy Times of My Life," written at the sagacious age of seven, she has had a passion for placing words on a page. For a ten-year window, soccer replaced writing as an outlet, and she played soccer at the collegiate level and married her high school sweetheart. In 2021, she rediscovered her love of writing and has committed to crafting one high-quality poem per week, sometimes with a baby on her hip.
“Irreversible” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Thomas Moreau
is a social worker who resides in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Concerned with issues facing both the American and Global South, he has been previously published in Deep South Magazine and Cat on a Leash Review, and is currently in the process of writing his first novel. @ThomasMoreau87
“Pica” • Vol. 28, No. 1
“Madame Guillotine” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Alexander Payne Morgan
was born in Savannah, Georgia. He is a Vietnam veteran and an industrial mathematician. His poetry has appeared in Dunes ReviewThe MacGuffin, and Crack the Spine,among others. His chapbooks Loneliness Among Primates and H.G. Wells Investigates the Tragedy of Colour in America were published by Kelsay Books. He was an Honorable Mention in the 2013 National Poet Hunt contest and was awarded the 2016 Kay Murphy Prize for Poetry by Bayou Magazine. He has attended the Bread Loaf and the Vermont College of Fine Arts Writers’ Conferences. He’s a member of Detroit Writers’ Guild and the Poetry Society of Michigan.
“Alien Son” • Vol. 33, No. 3

Janna Moretti
is a freelance writer currently living in Downingtown, PA. Coming from the working class, she served in the United States Marine Corps. She has a BA in Political Science-International Relations from West Chester University, with minors in Philosophy, History, and Peace and Conflict Studies. Currently, she is working towards her MA in English–Creative Writing with the aim of writing for social change.
“Corrugated Righteousness” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Kristina Moriconi
received her MFA in creative writing from Pacific Lutheran University’s Rainier Writing Workshop in Tacoma, Washington. She teaches writing in the Philadelphia area. Her work has appeared most recently in The Cossack Review, Thrush Poetry Journal, and The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review.
“Toy Horse” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Nathan Moseley
is a man-boy who writes and reads in order to confuse things and then put them back together. He lives near a train in the state of Georgia; he intends to one day hop aboard. His family and friends are what matters most.
“Inertia-ing” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Tamer Mostafa
is a Stockton, California native whose work has appeared in various journals and magazines such as Confrontation, Triggerfish Critical Review, Carcinogenic Poetry, and Phantom Kangaroo among others. As a half-Arab, half-white Muslim living in Sacramento, he meditates on life with the reinforcement of family and the music of Bone Thugs-n-Harmony.
“Mrs. Whiteside” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“The Origin of Fear” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“Tokenism” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Richard N. Mott
is a late arrival to poetry after a career spent in wildlife conservation and climate advocacy. His work has appeared in After the Pause, Mudfish, Red Eft, and Chiron Review.
“In Praise of Coming Scarcity” • Vol. 35, No. 4
“Reprieve of the Ivory-Bill” • Vol. 35, No. 4

CJ Muchhala
Her work has appeared in a variety of anthologies, print and on-line publications, art / poetry installations and nominated for the Best of the Net and twice for the Pushcart Prize. She lives in Shorewood, Wisconsin.
“Essential Workers” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“Variations on the Act of Shelling” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Dipika Mukherjee
is a writer and sociolinguist. Her second novel, Shambala Junction, won the UK Virginia Prize for Fiction (Aurora Metro, 2016). Her debut novel was longlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize and republished as Ode to Broken Things (Repeater, 2016). Her short-story collection is Rules of Desire (Fixi, 2015); she has two poetry collections: The Third Glass of Wine (Writer’s Workshop, 2015), and The Palimpsest of Exile (Rubicon Press, 2009). She won the Liakoura Prize for Poetry (USA, 2016). More at
“Dreamers” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Bern Mulvey
His first book, The Fat Sheep Everyone Wants, won the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Prize, and his second book, Deep Snow Country, won the FIELD Poetry Prize. He has also published two award-winning chapbooks, as well as poems in Poetry, Agni, Michigan Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, The Missouri Review, Colorado Review, etc. He lives in Arizona, and teaches writing at Eastern Arizona College.
“We Need Another Language” • Vol. 28, No. 3
“Fish” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“Faculty Development Comes to the College of Micronesia” • Vol. 30, No. 4
“Senator Debbie Lesko is Ready to Serve” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“Arizona Rep. Cobb Drops the Hammer” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Bread” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“Desert Hike” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Caleb Perry Murdock
was born in 1950. He spent most of his life as a word-processing operator for law firms. He has written poetry since his twenties, but he didn't lose his chronic writer's block until his late sixties. He is now writing up a storm to make up for lost time.
“The Real Fake News” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“In the Park” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“On the Bike Path” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Some Things Are Bigger than Me” • Vol. 34, No. 4
“Human Sacrifice” • Vol. 35, No. 2

John Muro
A resident of Connecticut, John’s first volume of poems, In the Lilac Hour, was published in 2020 by Antrim House, and it is available on Amazon. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including Barnstorm, Euphony, Eye to the Telescope, Grey Sparrow, Moria, River HeronSky Island and the French Literary Review. John is also a two-time, 2021 nominee for the Pushcart Prize, and his second volume of poems, Pastoral Suite, will be published this spring.  
“Evening in the ER” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Ralph Murre
has had, so far, about 30 occupations and as many obsessions and addresses. He is learning to spell dilettante. He currently lives in Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin, where he practices his writing and also draws with pen and ink. He thinks there should be an apostrophe in Baileys but there is, officially, not.
“All Right” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Matthew Nadelson
Poems have appeared in in Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, Ars Medica, Avocet: A Journal of Nature Poems, Blue Collar Review, ByLine Magazine, Chiron Review, Connotation Press, Cliterature, The Inflectionist Review, Inlandia: A Literary Journey, JMMW, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, and Whistling Shade, among other literary journals and anthologies. Matt's poems "Genesis 3:6–23," a re-imagining of Genesis chapter 3, verses 6-23, and "The World of Poetry," both published here in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, both appeared in his most recent book of poetry, Counting Wayward Sheep (Kelsay Books, 2016) can be purchased at
“The World of Poetry” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“Genesis 3:6–23” • Vol. 30, No. 1

JoAnneh Nagler
is the author of three nonfiction books including Naked Marriage (Skyhorse Publishing); How to Be an Artist Without Losing Your Mind, Your Shirt, or Your Creative Compass (W.W. Norton); and The Debt-Free Spending Plan (Harper-Collins), two of which were Amazon Top-100 titles.  Her books have been featured in The New York TimesCosmopolitan, The Huffington PostEssence MagazineU.S. News and World Report, and many more media outlets.  Recently awarded the National League of PEN Women Achiever Award (2020), she wrote and directed the play Ruby and George in Love (Sonoma Arts Live Theatre Company), and composed two singer-songwriter albums, I Burn and Enraptured,available in all outlets.  Her new short story collection Stay with Me, Wisconsin will be published by Coyote Point Press (an imprint of Flying Ketchup Press, October 2021), andstories have appeared in the literary journals New Haven Review, Glimmer Train, Mobius and Gold Man Review.  She has just completed her first novel, Key West. Find more at
“Claire Rose” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Dameien Nathaniel
is a queer, trans, autistic poet from the Northeast U.S.. They are currently pursuing their MFA in poetry from Arcadia University, with their work centering around themes of trauma, loss, mental health, and queer identity. Dameien can be found performing at open mics and slams throughout New England.
“Unalive Yourself” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Kathleen Naureckas
has had poems published in Front Range Review, Karamu, Light Quarterly, and Willow Review, among other journals. Her chapbook, For the Duration, was published last year by Finishing Line Press. She is a retired editor with the Chicago Tribune, a graduate of the University of Chicago’s certificate program in poetry, and has a master’s in English Literature from Northwestern.
“What’s on Your Mind?” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Tom Neale
Poetry Editor Emeritus of Mobius, Tom is with us in Spirit—in Spirit Township, on the north fork of the Spirit River. Originally a Jersey boy, he lived in Madison, Wisconsin, for over 30 years. In the summer of 2007 he and his wife moved to a smallholding on Spirit Creek in the southeastern corner of Price County, about an hour northwest of Wausau.Before moving to the northwoods, Tom worked for the City of Madison Streets Department and was a proud member of AFSCME. He continues to chase poems and songs around in his imagination. Now and again one allows itself to be caught. He then share them with others, to mixed reviews, which can be shared with him in turn at
“Hafiz Reflects on Abundance” • Vol. 20, No. 1
Perspectives on the Battle for Human Rights in Wisconsin • Vol. 22, No. 1

Marcos Neroy
Born in Valencia in 1983, a bilingual Spanish/English writer, Fulbright grantee and PhD student of Spanish literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a minor in Creative Writing. His poetry has appeared in the cultural magazine Turia, Magazine Siglo XXI, PEN International Magazine, Vulture Magazine, and, forthcoming, in Movimiento Paroxista.
“A Ration of America • Vol. 22, No. 1

Michael L. Newell
is a long-time expatriate who retired in summer 2014 to coastal Oregon after living in thirteen other countries on five continents. He has had work published in, among other places, Aethlon: The Journal of Sports Literature, Bellowing Ark, Culture Counter, Ship of Fools, Lilliput Review, and Rattle.
“CEO” • Vol. 26, No. 4

ayaz daryl nielsen
husband, father, veteran, x-roughneck (as on oil rigs)/hospice nurse, editor of bear creek haiku (25+ years/120+ issues), homes include Lilliput Review, Jellyfish Whispers, Eye On Life, Shamrock, UFO Gigolo, and! (translates as joie de vivre).
“among the homeless” • Vol. 25, No. 3

Kate Niles
writes out of Durango, CO, and is a mental health therapist during daylight hours. She is an award-winning novelist and has published two novels and a book of poems.
“Only We” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Annmarie O’Connell
is a lifelong resident of the south side of Chicago. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Sixth Finch, Juked, Room Magazine, Verse Daily, Slipstream, SOFTBLOW, Vinyl Poetry, Curbside Splendor, Escape Into Life, 2River View and many other wonderful journals. Her first full-length collection of poems, Your Immaculate Heart, was released with Trio House Press in 2016. Her third chapbook was just released with Yellow Flag Press. She can also be found here:
“If you leave the knife” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Julia Ongking
currently lives in her beautiful home country: the Philippines. Born and raised as a Chinese-Filipino, she enjoys developing her perspectives through reading, writing, and having meaningful conversations with people from all walks of life. Her work has appeared in SAND Literature and Rappler Magazine, amongst other digital and print publications.
“tambay” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Rina Olsen
(she/her) is a Korean-American teen writer living on Guam. Her work has either appeared in or is forthcoming in Jellyfish Review, Dreams & Nightmares, 101 Words, Nanoism, Literary Yard, and Friday Flash Fiction. When she is not writing, she can be found playing the piano or looking up random bits of history.
“What Comes in Threes” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Elaine Olund
lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her poetry chapbook, The Invisible Suitcase, was published in 2020 (Finishing Line Press). Her next volume of poetry is in the works, with a focus on climate change, grief and wonder. Find her at
“You Will Recognize What I am Saying or You Will Not” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Bola Opaleke
Bola is a Pushcart Prize nominee. His poems have appeard or are forthcoming in Rising Phoenix Review, Writers Resist, Rattle, Cleaver, One, The Nottingham Review, The Puritan, The Literary Review of Canada, Sierra Nevada Review, Dissident Voice, Poetry Quarterly, The Indianapolis Review, Miracle E-Zine, Poetry Pacific, Drunk Monkeys, League of Canadian Poets (Poetry Month 2013), St. Peters College (University of Saskatchewan) Anthology (Society 2013, Vol. 10), Pastiche Magazine, and others. He holds a degree in City Planning.
“Bridled” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Sergio Ortiz
grew up in Chicago, studied English literature at Inter-American University in San German, Puerto Rico, and philosophy at World University. He was an ESL teacher most of his life but also worked with the elderly blind population as a Daily Living Skills Instructor for the El Paso Lighthouse for the Blind, and the Texas Lions Camp. He studied culinary art at The Restaurant School in Philadelphia and became a chef. His work has been published in Salt River Review, Modern English Tanka, and Yellow Medicine, among others.
“In Line” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Deonte Osayande
is a writer from Detroit, Mi. His nonfiction and poetry has been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology, and the Pushcart Prize. He has represented Detroit at multiple National Poetry Slam competitions. He's currently a professor of English at Wayne County Community College. His books include Class (Urban Farmhouse Press, 2017) and the forthcoming Circus (Brick Mantle Books, 2018).
“Gentrification” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“Henry Ford Hospital, 2007” • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Letting the Monster Live” • Vol. 26, No. 3
“Virtually Deadly” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“Trumpet” • Vol. 27, No. 2
“London, May 2016” • Vol. 27, No. 3
“Mausoleum” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“Casualties” • Vol. 29, No. 1

“Lycanthrope” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Christopher Aslan Overfelt
lives and works on the empty plains of Kansas. In the summertime he grows cucumbers and in the winters he takes attendance at the local high school. 
Norte • Vol. 29, No. 4

Dan Overgaard
was born and raised in Thailand. He attended Westmont College, dropped out, moved to Seattle, became a transit operator, then managed transit technology projects and programs. He’s now retired and catching up on reading. His poems have appeared in Santa Clara Review, Across The Margin, The Galway Review, Shark Reef, As It Ought To Be Magazine, Canary Lit Mag, Triggerfish Critical Review and other journals. Read more at:
“A Few Modest But Heartfelt Proposals for the Presidents and Executive Directors of Certain Academic and Cultural Institutions” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Lea Page
Work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Washington Post, The Rumpus, Pinch, Stonecoast Journal, Pithead Chapel, High Desert Journal and Slipstream. She is also the author of Parenting in the Here and Now (Floris Books, 2015). She lives in rural Montana with her husband and a small circus of semi-domesticated animals.
“In Which I Learn That My Daughter, Like Arya Stark and Hillary Clinton, Has a Kill List, Only Hers Is For Real, I Mean, Not Real Real, But Still, Real” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Jeffrey Park
is an American expat working in Munich, Germany as a freelance English teacher. Previously he worked as a secondary-school English teacher in the state of Maryland.
“Deployment” • Vol. 22, No. 4
“In Country” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Matt Pasca
is a poet, teacher and traveler who believes in art’s ability to foster discovery, empathy and justice. He has authored two poetry collections—A Thousand Doors (2011 Pushcart nominee) and Raven Wire (2017 Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist)—and serves as Assistant Poetry Editor of 2 Bridges Review. In his corner of New York, Matt facilitates The Sunday Grind, a bi-weekly writing workshop, curates Second Saturdays @Cyrus, a popular poetry series, and spreads his unwavering faith in critical thought and word magic to his Poetry, Mythology and Literature students at Bay Shore High School, where he has taught for 22 years and been named a New York State Teacher of Excellence.
“Dear Clinical Board of the United States of Artillery” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Ajay Patri
is a twenty-two-year-old law student from Bangalore, India. He has been published previously in Spark, The Literary Yard, Hackwriters and Every Day Fiction, and was a finalist in the DNA—Out of Print Short Fiction Feature 2014.
“Beggars” Street” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Douglas Alan Pearce
former lifeguard, taxi driver, cartographer, and haunted-woods guide, learned screenwriting from some of Hollywood’s most talented creative minds. He has a degree in screenwriting and has written professionally since 1996. This is his first published fiction piece.’s Ten Most Successful Talent Spotters have called his writing funny, kick-ass, and Steinbeckian. With two novel manuscripts under his belt, Doug is building a platform (whatever that means) by blogging at and posting excerpts, cover art, and maps at Inexplicably, though he is surrounded by beautiful blondes, Doug can usually be found alone behind drawn blinds, hunched over a laptop, mercilessly axing paragraph after paragraph of prose he previously thought was brilliant.
“Earl” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Jared Pearce
Some of his poems have recently been or will soon be shared in Kentucky Review, Linden Avenue, J Journal, DIAGRAM, Main Street Rag, and Nixes Mate. He lives in Iowa.
“Effect” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Jason Peck
His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Smokelong Quarterly, Cheat River Review, Bartleby Snopes, and 100-Word Story. He also serves on the editorial board for After Happy Hour Review, whose fifth issue is forthcoming.
“The Children’s Charities” • Vol. 27, No. 2

Ronald J. Pelias
spent most of his career writing books, e.g., If the Truth Be Told (Brill Publications), The Creative Qualitative Researcher (Routledge), and Lessons on Aging and Dying (Routledge), that call upon the literary as a research strategy. Now he writes for the pleasures of lingering in bafflement.
“Corporate Life” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Simon Perchik
was an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan Review, Forge, Poetry, Osiris, The New Yorker, and elsewhere. His most recent collection is The Gibson Poems, published by Cholla Needles Arts & Literary Library, 2019. For more information, free e-books and his essay “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities,” please visit
“* Just off the ground and the mower” • Vol. 20, No. 3
“* You are weeding glass, eyes closed” • Vol. 21, No. 3
“* You can tell by the curtain” • Vol. 22, No. 4
“* You can’t hold back this knob” • Vol. 26, No. 1
“* To keep from being lost” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“* It’s not your usual watering can” • Vol. 27, No. 3
“* the way each leaf expects” • Vol. 28, No. 2
“* A practice ground :gravestones” • Vol. 29, No. 2
“* Inside this monument a rain” • Vol. 30, No. 4

John Perrault
is the author of Jefferson’s Dream (Hobblebush Books), Here Comes the Old Man Now (Oyster River Press), and The Ballad of Louis Wagner (Peter Randall Publisher). His poems have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Commonweal, Poet Lore, Orbis (UK), and elsewhere. He was Poet Laureate of Portsmouth, NH, 2003–2005.
“Postcard” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Darrell Petska
His writing has appeared previously in The Missing Slate, About Place Journal, The New Verse News, Blast Furnace, Apocrypha and Abstractions, and a variety of other electronic and print publications. His day jobs have included psychiatric casework, nursing home evaluation, and most recently, engineering communications at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“A.K.A.” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Ethan Phibbs
currently resides in the outgrown shoes of his hometown, Jacksonville, Illinois, where he works odd jobs, reads and writes, and attends college classes. An avid traveler, he hopes to experience every rich culture our world has to offer. His work is forthcoming in Unbroken Journal.
“You Clamoring Empire” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Bradford Philen
is the author of the novel Autumn Falls. His short stories can be found in places like Specter Magazine, scissors and spackle, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, and The Monarch Review. He teaches high-school English in Beijing, China and reads a lot of James Baldwin.
“The Bigger Bite” • Vol. 23, No. 2
“A Well Away” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Benjamin Norman Pierce
is a professional dishwasher with BAs in Philosophy, History, and English. He paints in tempera and draws in chalk or pastels. He self-published a novel, Snuck Past Death and Sleep, and has an album of Lovecraft-inspired ambient music, Al-Azif, available on LastFM. He has published poetry in Lilliput Review, Poesy, Dragonfly, Raintown Review, Red Owl, Scifaikuest, Free Verse, Wisconsin Poets’ Calendar, Primordial Traditions, Convergences and Acme: a Journal of Critical Geography. He was an enthusiastic participant in the 2011 occupation of the Wisconsin state capitol building.

#1725 • cover art for Vol. 25, No. 4
Banquet • cover art for Vol. 32, No. 4

Michael Pikna
is a mental-health therapist by trade. He works with people who have severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and has been working in this field for twenty-five years. He grew up in northern New Jersey and moved to Colorado at twenty-one, where he put himself through school at the University of Colorado–Denver and completed his BA and, eventually, his MA in psychology. Recent publishing credits include thieves jargon, Nuvein Magazine, Bryant Literary Review, and The Furnace Review.
“Teeth” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Adrienne Pilon
is a writer and teacher. Recent work appears in Eclectica Magazine, Vita Brevis, and elsewhere. She is an editor at BoomerLitMag and is part of the reading team at Kitchen Table Quarterly. She loves boosting lit mags on Twitter @unatocaya
“We Love You” • Vol. 33, No. 1

John Poblocki
“Listen to the Music” is his first publication, also contained within his just-completed first novel, Behind the Altar, which he hopes to publish in the near future. He is the proud father of three wonderfully creative people, including Dan, a published children’s novelist. He lives in New York City with his wife, Maria Giella, and while he works in the real estate business, he writes daily on short stories and a second novel.
“Listen to the Music” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Kimberly Poitevin
is a professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Salem State University in Massachusetts. Her poetry has most recently appeared in Poetry Quarterly, Alba, and 14 by 14.
“Case 3031” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Pedro Poitevin
is a mathematician by profession, and a Guatemalan bilingual poet and translator living in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Other poems have appeared in several Mexican literary magazines, including Letras Libres, as well as in several English-language publications, including Mathematical Intelligencer, Boston Literary Magazine, and Shit Creek Review.
“American Dream” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Nancy E. Polin
began writing as a child and returned as a late bloomer to add experience and the occasional quirk to her work. She’s published three novels and several short works to date and is currently pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing. Nancy shares her life with her husband, kids and critters, nestled within the towering firs of the Pacific Northwest.
“Day’s End” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Frederick Pollack
is the author of two book-length narrative poems, The Adventure and Happiness, both published by Story Line Press; the former reissued 2022 by Red Hen Press. Two collections of shorter poems, A Poverty of Words, (Prolific Press, 2015) and Landscape with Mutant (Smokestack Books, UK, 2018). Pollack has appeared in Salmagundi, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Fish Anthology (Ireland), Magma (UK), Bateau, Fulcrum, Chiron Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, etc. Online, poems have appeared in Big Bridge, Hamilton Stone Review, BlazeVox, The New Hampshire  Review, Mudlark, Rat’s Ass Review, Faircloth Review, Triggerfish, etc. Website:
“Poem Ending with a Line by Shelley” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“Meaning” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“Of the Spirit” • Vol. 35, No. 1
“Silent Running” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Andy Posner
grew up in Los Angeles and earned an MA in Environmental Studies at Brown. While there, he founded Capital Good Fund, a nonprofit that provides financial services to low-income families.  He has had his poetry published in several journals, including Burningword Literary Journal (which nominated his poem “The Machinery of the State” for the Pushcart Poetry Prize), Noble/Gas Quarterly, and The Esthetic Apostle.
“Don’t Let the Fascists Win” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“Self-Made Man” • Vol. 31, No. 3

David E. Poston
is the author of two award-winning poetry chapbooks and the full-length collection Slow of Study. His work has appeared in Atlanta ReviewThe MacGuffinPembroke Magazine, and Ginosko, among others. He is a co-editor of Kakalak.
“The Apatosaurus Leans over the Crèche” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Christine Potter
is a poet and writer from the lower Hudson River Valley. Her third collection of poetry, Unforgetting, was recently published by Kelsey Books. Christine's poetry has appeared in Rattle, American Arts Quarterly, The Anglican Theological Review, HOOT, Eclectica, The Axe Factory, Fugue, and on ABC Radio News. Her time-traveling young adult novels, The Bean Books, are published by Evernight Teen.
“I Was Sad This Morning And Now I'm Not” • Vol. 30, No. 2
“Two Years In” • Vol. 30, No. 2
“Astonishing” • Vol. 30, No. 3
“Another Poem About the Fourth of July” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“What We Really Lost” • Vol. 32, No. 3

柏越 (Caleb Powell)
生于台湾台北市。他的作品在 decomP (Love: An Etymology), Owen Wister Review (The Meaning of Tao Lin), Pedestal Magazine (Yīn Dào: An Etymology),与 Word Riot (Cào: An Etymology)等等. 别的作品在自己的博客里传播: Caleb Powell’s Page .柏越会喝啤酒.
草泥马挡中央 “Double Fuck the Party Central Committee” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Mark Powell
is a Melbourne-based artist whose sculptures have been exhibited in Europe and the US as well as Australia. His work has been showcased in publications such as Germany’s leading horror magazine, VIRUS, and Inside ArtZine, and he has collaborated on album art for Danish death metal band, The Cleansing. Powell is featured in Steven Johnson Leyba’s documentary film What Is Art, which also features H.R. Giger, Stephen Kasner, Joe Coleman and Joel Peter Witkin. Materials: “In answer to your question, I use small animals that I catch and kill as painlessly as possible and arrange their innards and bones into new configurations. I also use tiny aborted fetuses which i recover from the waste disposal of my local abortion clinic.”
Publishing House • cover art for Vol. 21, No. 3

Perry L. Powell
“Dawn Loaded” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Brian Dean Powers
is a retired civil servant and a lifelong resident of Madison, Wisconsin. His writing has appeared in numerous anthologies, in magazines, and in online publications.
“Charlie Murphy’s Gay Spirit • Vol. 33, No. 3

Ken Poyner
has  four collections of brief fictions, four collections of speculative poetry, and one mixed media collection, which can be found at most online booksellers. He spent 33 years in information systems management, is married to a world record holding female power lifter, and has a family of several cats and betta fish.  Individual works have appeared in Café Irreal, Analog, Danse Macabre, The Cincinnati Review, and several hundred other places.
“The Robot Recounts Human History” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“The Story of Bone” • Vol. 23, No. 4
“The Tree Singer” • Vol. 24, No. 1
“Retirement” • Vol. 24, No. 3
“Relax” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“The Rally to Wealth” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“Half a Couple” • Vol. 26, No. 2
“Imbalance” • Vol. 26, No. 4
“Decency” • Vol. 27, No. 2
“Sheep” • Vol. 27, No. 4
“Alien Observation” and "The Agitation" • Vol. 28, No. 3
“On-the-Job Counseling” • Vol. 29, No. 1
“Benefiting from the Strike” • Vol. 29, No. 2
“Veteran Monument Restored” • Vol. 29, No. 3
“Success” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“Stratification” • Vol. 30, No. 2
“Allegiance” • Vol. 30, No. 4
“Development” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“Information” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“The Symbiont, Cyborg, Robot Enfranchisement Workers’ Union” • Vol. 31, No. 3
“Civic Duty” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“In a Troubled Country” • Vol. 32, No. 3
“Vacation Home” • Vol. 32, No. 4
“Lexicon” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“A Collection of Drabbles” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Fit” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“More Drabbles” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“Rapture” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“Gift” • Vol. 34, No. 3
“Masculinity and the Pathology of Mass Shootings” • Vol. 34, No. 3
“Decison Point” • Vol. 34, No. 4
“Using a Pretend Social Movement” • Vol. 35, No. 1
“Drabbles II” • Vol. 35, No. 4
“Civic Peril” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Julie Pratt
lives in Charleston, West Virginia, where she worked for many years as a writer and facilitator for nonprofit organizations. The author of several award-winning poems, her poetry has appeared in PassagerPersimmon Tree, Spillwords, ONE ART and other venues. She grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, where she earned a master’s degree in social work from UW-Madison. Later in life, she received an MFA in creative writing from the University of Southern Maine.
“Haunted” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Allen M. Price
earned his M.A. in journalism with a concentration in health from Emerson College. He was a proofreader for one of Emerson’s literary journals, Redivider. His journalistic work has appeared in Natural Health magazine and Muscle & Fitness. His fiction has been published in The Saturday Evening Post and Pangyrus, a Harvard-based literary magazine. He recently spent time working on his novel with Pulitzer Prize winning author, Paul Harding.
“Love, Logic, & Bacteria” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Erik Priedkalns
is an attorney, non-practicing by choice, and does not want to go back to being an attorney. Currently he lives in a small farming town on Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan with his wife and dog. He teaches English, and one day hopes to become a farmer.
“La Llorona Sky” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Sarah M. Prindle
received an Associate’s Degree in English from Northampton Community College. She loves reading everything from historical fiction and memoirs to poetry and mysteries. She hopes to someday publish her own novels and poetry collections and has already had some of her work published in several literary magazines and websites.
“Escape the Legion” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“Candlelight” • Vol. 32, No. 4

“The Fire Decree” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Fallacy” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Sam Provenzano
Except for his tour of duty overseas in the U.S. Army back in the sixties, he was a stone mason for the first half of his life. After many years of kicking around with various jazz groups as a drummer, he attended a university in Northern California and eventually earned an advanced degree in Creative Writing. Upon graduating, he taught at a small community college for eighteen years. He is now seventy-six years old, and he and his wife live in a small modest home on a ten-acre property in the foothills of the Sierra-Nevada Mountains with two dogs, four cats and a pot-belly pig named Nigel. He has a book of short stories, Corazón, available in hard copy as well as electronic at all the usual outlets as well as his site:
Corazón • Vol. 30, No. 4

Mechele Pruitt
is a native Georgian, a thirty-eight-year-old who works at a local elementary school as a lowly lunch monitor. She also works after school watching a group of children that range in age from four to seven. Depending on their moods they have the power to make her laugh or cry. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart. They have two girls.
“Two for the Show” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Anshi Purohit
is a high school student who is passionate about psychology and creative writing. She's been published or is forthcoming in several literary magazines, such as Eunoia Review and LEVITATE. She was also a contributor for the Eleventh Hour anthology and has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. She enjoys reading while drinking coffee, listening to music, and learning new things about the world.
“please share your specific ideas” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Summer Qabazard
is a half Kuwaiti, half British poet. She holds a doctorate in poetry from Illinois State University. She has served as guest editor for Spoon River Poetry Review. Her poetry has appeared in Bitter Oleander Press, Blue and Yellow Dog, Connotation Press, Cuento Magazine, Danse Macabre, Eskimo Pie, Eunoia Review, Euphemism, Foliate Oak, Front Porch Review, LitMag, Mad Swirl, Red Lightbulbs, Scarlet Leaf Review, Verse Wisconsin, Vox Poetica, The Camel Saloon, and The Legendary.
“On Mourning” • Vol. 28, No. 1

John M. Radosta
teaches English near Boston, Massachusetts. He has written several novels and short stories, and has appeared in Pudding Magazine, KGB Bar & Lit, Morpheus Tales, Dark Valentine, Crime Factory, and Forge Journal. His settings range from ancient Greece to the Boston underworld, but they all share strong ties to mythology. John lives in Boston with his wife and son and dog, readers all.
“Cold Calls” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Henry Rampike
is a painter of abstracts. In his art he attempts to convey a sense of longing,  of fleeting time, and aspirations of transcendence and enlightenment—of seeking. Painting is always a challenging experiment which tests his patience, resolve, and self-confidence. When he paints he likes listening to noir dark jazz, soviet wave, and various other world electronic music. When he's not painting, he's usually hiking, sitting quietly, aimlessly strumming the guitar, or watching foreign films. Link to some of his work:
Unpromised Land • cover art for Vol. 32, No. 1

Jessy Randall
Her poems have appeared in Analog, Asimov's, Star*Line, and Strange Horizons. Her most recent book is How to Tell If You Are Human: Diagram Poems (Pleiades, 2018). She is a librarian at Colorado College and her website is
“Jane Goodall (b. 1934)” • Vol. 30, No. 4
“Ellen Eglin (before 1849–after 1890)” • Vol. 35, No. 1
“Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps (1793–1884)” • Vol. 35, No. 3

Danielle Ranucci
is a 17-year-old writer who loves Ray Bradbury, Thomas Wolfe, and William Shakespeare. She is the youngest member of the Society of Professional Journalists, and has previously been published in Five on the Fifth. You can follow her on Twitter @DanielleRanucci or on her website,
“Take Me As I Am” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Michelle Reale
is an academic librarian on faculty at Arcadia University in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications, including Gargoyle, Pank, JMWW, Smokelong Quarterly, Staccato, Word Riot, and elimae. Her work was included in Dzanc’s 2011 Best of the Web Anthology. Her short fiction collection, Natural Habitat, was published by Burning River in 2010. Her short fiction chapbook, Like Lungfish Getting Through the Dry Season (2011), is available from Thunderclap Press. She has been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
“Sousse” • Vol. 23, No. 1

C. R. Reardon
A handicapped brain-tumor survivor since the age of ten, in 2015, C.R. Reardon’s screenplay Lagom (the Swedish word for ’just the right amount’) was a finalist for best screenplay at the Catalina Film Festival. In 2014 he had two poems published in Kaleidoscope Magazine, and in 2013 he self-published his first book of poems, Hard Polish. One of his poems from this collection was featured on, and another poem was published in Breath and Shadow Magazine. He also had two poems published in the June 2012 issue of Folly Magazine, and in 2011 he self-published his graduate thesis 4wheelin’—a work of fiction and poems—after self-publishing his memoir Spawning Gray in 2010. In 2009, he graduated from Stonehill College with a B.A. in English and was selected to represent Stonehill College at the 2009 Greater Boston Intercollegiate Poetry Festival. C.R. received his M.A. in English from Salem State University, where he contributed to the graduate conference, and currently works in the Sports Information Office.
“Electric Skillet” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Amy Reed-Sandoval
is a writer and philosopher based in the American Southwest. In addition to writing fiction and poetry, she publishes academic articles on immigration and reproductive justice. Her book Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. More information about her work can be found at
“The Owl and the Border” • Vol. 30, No. 1

John Reinhart
An arsonist by trade, recently transplanted to Maine. A member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association, he was awarded a Horror Writers Association Dark Poetry Scholarship, has won multiple Poetry Nook contests and a Zathom microwriting contest. To date, he has penned seven poetry collections. Find more of his work at
“spoke” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Victorio Reyes
is an activist and artist. His work was recently featured in the anthology of emerging writers, Chorus, published by MTV Books and edited by Saul Williams. Currently an MFA student at Vermont College of Fine Arts, he makes his home in Albany, NY. Reyes served on a panel entitled Uncovering Hip Hop Poetry at the AWP Conference in February 2014. He understands the relationship between Hip Hop and literary poetics because of the years he spent as a member of the Hip Hop group Broadcast Live. The group’s most recent release, Boomerang Metropolis, reached #25 on the College Music Journal Hip Hop Charts. In addition to his work as an artist, Reyes has also been the director of The Social Justice Center of Albany (SJC) for over 8 years.
“Lazy Jazz” • Vol. 25, No. 5

Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
is a mixed-race Colombian, writer, scholar, artist, and political activist. Her performance, creative writing, and photography have been seen or are forthcoming in places such as San Francisco’s SomArts, Galería de la Raza, the SICK Collective, the National Queer Arts Festival 2014, Wilde, Brown and Proud Press, The Progressive, Yellow Medicine Review, From the Ground Up, and a number of anthologies. She currently lives in Brooklyn.
“Rai, Love” • Vol. 25, No. 5

J. Stephen Rhodes
is Canon Poet at Grace Episcopal Cathedral in Charleston, SC. He formerly served as Co-Director of the Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center and as Academic Dean of Memphis Theological Seminary. His poems have appeared in over seventy literary journals.
“Revolution” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Bradley Don Richter
Bradley Don Richter grew up on a junk food diet of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. In college, he improved his nutritional intake, reading canonical works and graduating with a degree in literature from UC Santa Cruz. When he sits down to write a story or a novel, the blank page is a battlefield on which these two disparate influences clash. The inky spillage of the ensuing bloodbath dries into his prose. He hopes never to unite the literary and the mainstream, but instead to pit them against one another, an eternal fight not quite to the death, and to spend his time and energy trying to make sense of the gruesome aftermath. He lives in Felton, CA, with his wife, Sunny, and their dog, Salty.
“Me and Loretta” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Ron Riekki
His books include U.P.: a novel, The Way North: Collected Upper Peninsula New Works (2014 Michigan Notable Book), and Here: Women Writing on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula,
“The Blood” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Andy Roberts
is the author of three chapbooks from Pudding House Publications and five from NightBallet Press. Recent publications include A Gathering Of The Tribes, American Life In Poetry, The Midwest Quarterly, and San Pedro River Review. He lives in Columbus, Ohio where he handles finances for disabled veterans.
“Crimes” • Vol. 34, No. 3

James P. Roberts
writes poetry, fiction, and a bunch of other things from an eyrie in Madison, Wisconsin.  He also hosts a radio poetry show, “A Space For Poetry” on WWMV 95.5 FM in Madison and can be found lurking at poetry events hither and yon.
“Directions for Reading the National Enquirer” • Vol. 22, No. 3
“Modern Discussions” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“ice” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Bruce Robinson
shuffles up and down the Eastern seaboard between Albany, Brooklyn, and Florida. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Yo-NewYork!, Fourth River/Tributaries, Cleaver (Life as Activism), and South Florida Poetry Journal, as well as in Mobius.
“Believe Me” • Vol. 27, No. 4
“am Ende sein” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Lindsay Rockwell
is poet-in-residence for the Episcopal Church of Connecticut and hosts their Poetry and Social Justice Dialogue series. She’s published or forthcoming in CALYX, EcoTheo Review, Gargoyle, Radar, River Heron Review, among others. Her first collection, GHOST FIRES, has been published by Main Street Rag. She’s received fellowships from Vermont Studio Center and Edith Wharton/The Mount residency. Lindsay holds a Master of Dance from New York University’s Tisch School of Arts and is an oncologist.
“God Says” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Richard Roe
Ohio-born, New Jersey-bred, Wisconsin-gleaned, Richard Roe beat, tapped and danced his way through his musical repertoire whenever it pleased him. “Sins of my old age,” he often said. Richard was an influential part of the Wisconsin poetry scene for over forty years. His schedule was filled with poetry readings—as a reader, audience member, and organizer. He published three books of poetry: What Will You Find at the Edge of the World? and Bringer of Songs, both from Fireweed Press, and Knots of Sweet Longing from Wolfsong Publications. His work has appeared in numerous publications including Wisconsin People & Ideas, Verse Wisconsin, Free Verse, Stoneboat, Writing by Ear: An Anthology of Writing About Music, Come What May: An Anthology of Writings about Chance, Jukebox Junction USA, and River Poems. Historian, economist, Legislative Analyst, but always a singer. RIP, 1941–2019.
“What Will Become of Us?” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Amanda Leigh Rogers
lives in Abington, Pennsylvania with her husband and three sons and teaches at Bryn Athyn College. She loves reading and writing poetry both as artistic expression and as spiritual practice. She received her MFA from the University of Michigan and received the Hopwood Award for major poetry. Her work has recently appeared in The Baltimore Review, Contrary Magazine, The Chyrsalis Reader, Other Poetry, and The Mindful Word.
“Light” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Justin Rogers
is a poet, educator, coach and venue owner from the city of Detroit, Michigan. Rogers is an advocate for literacy among inner-city youth, and the amplification of Black voices. Alongside being published in multiple journals, Rogers visits stages across the country with his work and organizes poetry competitions/festivals in his hometown. More work or information can be found at
“Legacy of My Kicks” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Jane Røken
lives in Denmark, on the interface between hedgerows and barley fields. She is fond of old tractors, garden sheds, scarecrows and other stuff that, in the due course of time, will ripen into something else. Her writings have been sighted in many very different places, mostly online.
“Compilation” • Vol. 22, No. 2
“Remember Leon Trotsky” • Vol. 23, No. 2
“the anarchist’s guide to relative enlightenment (skipping-rope song)” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“There’s a stampede at the exit; please keep calm” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Olivia Romano
lives in New York City. Her work has appeared in Clover, A Literary Rag, Carnival Literary Magazine, and The Five-Two. She has also written and published satire for The Spoof, The Nevada County Scooper, and National Report under the pen name Willa Walters.
Honey, We Need to Talk About Lizzie • Vol. 28, No. 3

Daniel Romo
His most recent book is Apologies in Reverse (FutureCycle Press, 2019). He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Queens University of Charlotte, and he lives and teaches in Long Beach, CA. More at
“White Picket Fence” • Vol. 22, No. 1
“IKEA No-nonsense Return Policy” • Vol. 23, No. 1
“Blackout” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Susan Rooke
lives in Austin, Texas. Her poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in The Aurorean, Main Street Rag, Time of Singing, and U.S. 1 Worksheets, among other publications. She has just completed the first book of a planned fantasy trilogy, and her enthusiasms include folklore, cryptozoology and Forteana.
“Bringing Darkness Inside” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Brenda Rose
A visual artist and writer, she lives with her husband in southern Georgia. Her short stories, poetry, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Flycatcher: A Journal of Native Imagination, Ginosko Literary Journal, Muddy River Poetry Review, and other publications.
“Sleeping on Paul’s Mattress” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Kymberlee Rosen
is a mom of two grown humans and their amazing life partners that she sees as frequently as schedules allow. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her husband, two cats and a really stupid, but most lovable dog. Currently, Kymberlee is a graduate student at Pacific University getting her MFA in creative writing. When not writing, she can be found with friends and family either reading, seeing movies, cooking, or traveling.
“The Robin” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Richard J. Rosenthal
recently published "The Etymology and Early History of 'Addiction'" and "Why Dostoevsky Quit Gambling." He is a professor at UCLA, and lives near campus with his beloved wife and their pet roomba.  His poetry has appeared in JAMA and The Sewanee Review.
“What’s the Very First Thing You Do upon Waking” • Vol. 32, No. 1

William Ross 
is a Canadian writer and visual artist living in Toronto. His poems have appeared in Rattle, The New Quarterly, Humana Obscura, Bicoastal Review, Underscore Magazine, Amethyst Review, Bindweed Magazine Anthology, Topical Poetry, Heavy Feather Review, Passionfruit Review,  Anti-Heroin Chic, *82 Review, Alluvium, and others.
“Corporations Are People Too” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Pesach Rotem
was born and raised in New York and now lives in Yodfat, Israel. He received his B.A. from Princeton University and his J.D. from St. John's University. His poems have been published in more than two dozen literary journals including Chiron Review, Permafrost, and Synchronized Chaos. His poem “Professor Hofstadter’s Brain” was nominated for a Best of the Net award. He is a member of the Voices Israel Group of Poets in English and of the Israel Association of Writers in English.
“The Putz Who Saved American Democracy” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Stephen Roth
has lived in Wichita, Kansas his entire life. He tries to find time to write while wrangling a one-year-old as a stay-at-home dad. His work has also appeared on the Necrology Shorts website.
“Mother Nature’s Revenge”Vol. 24, No. 4

Alice Rothchild
is a retired ob-gyn, author, and filmmaker who is writing a memoir in verse for young adults exploring her childhood in the 1950s and ’60s and her development as a feminist physician and activist. Her poetry appeared in a collection of poems and essays titled Extraordinary Rendition: (American) Writers on Palestine and in the literary journals Ariel Chart and Writers Resist. Her other published nonfiction books and contributions to anthologies, blogs, and webzines are listed on her website: She is inspired by the unheard and the forgotten, the awakening of women’s voices and truth-telling in the twenty-first century.

“The thing is” • Vol. 32, No. 4

J. Zachary Rothstein
is an artist, writer, poet, curmudgeon, Ikea-chair philosopher, obscurantist historian, free-lance irritant, underground animator, Day-Glo dinosaur bone collector and street-corner phrenologist (the latter, a practice which he disavows wholeheartedly, although it gives him an excuse to utilize his self-adjusting calipers for the discreet measurement of heads of all sizes). He is sometimes published in a variety of small presses, comes with his own pre-attached basket of deplorables and enjoys arguing about politics, as well as just about everything else. Naturally, he eschews ideologies of all varieties, except his own, which has never been expressed without the use of numerous subordinate clauses. He is short, allergic to NSAIDs, fascinated by all the tiny animalcules that congregate on the tip of his favorite unwashed grapefruit spoon and is adored by millions of fans around the world for no apparent reason. He lives a few clicks south of Madison, Wisconsin, in a modern contraption known as a house.
“Plutoniumclature” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Brian Rowe
is a 25-year-old writer and filmmaker living in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Loyola Marymount University in 2007 with a BA in Film Production. For the past two years he has worked as a Casting Associate for a prominent feature-film casting company. He has written five feature-length screenplays, as well as over 50 short films. His writing appeared in the Los Angeles Loyolan between 2003 and 2007, as well as the magazine The Red & Blue. Brian has written over a dozen short stories and is currently at work on his first novel. In 2008 he wrote and directed a 10-minute short film, Kelly, which led to this story.
“Kelly” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Aaron Rowley
holds a degree in Ancient Greek and currently lives in Mississippi with his wife.
“John Geld” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Michael Royce
His published fiction and creative non-fiction have appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Euphony, jmww, MacGuffin, PANK, Prime Number, and other online and print journals and anthologies. His series collectively called “Mississippi Freedom Summer in Eight Vignettes” was published in the “Best of the Net 2011” by Fringe/Sundress Publications.
“An Encounter in Kochi” • Vol. 27, No. 2
“Finding His Way Home” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Marybeth Rua-Larsen
Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Measure, 14 by 14, The Raintown Review, Two Review, The Barefoot Muse, and The Innisfree Poetry Journal, among others. Her work has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and once for The Best of the Net. She was a finalist for the 2007 Philbrick Award.
“Blind the Windows” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Barry Ryan
is an Irish immigrant living in Sweden, an electronic engineer who has been re-educated as an English teacher with an advanced university degree in English literature achieved as a mature student. "The Migration" is one of his first short stories after an extended pause from writing. His main interests lie within postcolonial literature and this is his first publication in a literary magazine.
“The Migration” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Leanne Ryan
lives and writes in snowy New England. She sold her business and left the golden sunshine of California for the wilds of Vermont in 2006 where she now has time to write. She is currently working on an historical novel set during the California gold rush but, acting on flashes of inspiration, she sometimes escapes from the novel to short stories. "Anything You Want" is the result of such an break and is the first piece of fiction that she has had published.
“Anything You Want” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Chuck Rybak
lives in Wisconsin and is currently an Assistant Professor of English and Humanistic Studies at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay. He is the author of two chapbooks, Nickel and Diming My Way Through and Liketown. His full-length collection, Tongue and Groove, was released in 2007 by Main Street Rag. Poems of his have appeared in The Cincinnati Review; Pebble Lake Review; War, Literature & the Arts; The Ledge; Southern Poetry Review; Verse Wisconsin; and other journals.
“Collateral Damage” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Robert H. Sachs
is a writer and retired lawyer living in Louisville, Kentucky. He has a B.S.C. from DePaul University, a J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law, and an M.F.A. in Writing from Spalding University (2009). His story “Blue Room With Woman,” won Honorable Mention in the Glimmer Train November 2009 Short Story Award for New Writers. His story, “A Mistake in the Parking Lot of the Sarasota-Bradenton Airport,” will be published later this year. While a graduate student, he won awards in college writing contests . He has also won two awards for his photography.
“Marvin Kessler’s Shoes” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Eva Sajoo
teaches at the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. She writes poetry and occasionally fiction, though most of her published work so far has been of the academic variety. She currently lives in Vancouver with her husband and hundreds of books.
“Wombs for Rent” • Vol. 22, No. 2

R.L. Sanford
You can take the boy out of the eighteenth century but you can’t take the eighteenth century out of the boy.
“Executive Profile” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Ian Sanquist
was born in 1990 in the Pacific Northwest, where he currently resides. He is a student at Western Washington University. His fiction has appeared in the Ink-Filled Page, the Birmingham Arts Journal, and Perceptions. His poetry is forthcoming in The Catalonian Review. He graduated from Garfield High School in 2009.
“Desertion” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Emily Jo Scalzo
received a BA in Creative Writing from Purdue and an MFA in Creative Writing with a concentration in fiction from Fresno State. She currently resides in Muncie, Indiana, and is an assistant professor teaching research and creative writing at Ball State University. Her work has appeared in various magazines including Midwestern Gothic, The Mindful Word, Blue Collar Review, Third Wednesday, Melancholy Hyperbole, Leaves of Ink, 7x20, and others.
“Postcards to Whitman from Cuba” • Vol. 24, No. 1
“Stardust” • Vol. 27, No. 1

Dave Schafer
is a freelance journalist and business copywriter who lives in Columbus, Ohio. He specializes in telling non-fiction stories. While he’s had hundreds of bylines (and ghostwritten two business books), this is just his second piece of short fiction to be published.
“Legs” • Vol. 31, No. 3

M. A. Schaffner
has poems recently published or forthcoming in Stand (UK), the Beloit Poetry Journal, The Hollins Critic, ARC (CA), and The North (UK), has authored the collection The Good Opinion of Squirrels (Word Works, 1997) and the novel War Boys (Welcome Rain, 2002).
“Window Shops” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Lauren Marie Schmidt
is the author of three collections of poetry: Two Black Eyes and a Patch of Hair Missing; The Voodoo Doll Parade, selected for the Main Street Rag Authsor’s Choice Chapbook Series; and Psalms of The Dining Room, a sequence of poems about her volunteer experience at a soup kitchen in Eugene, Oregon. Her fourth collection, Filthy Labors, released 2017 by Northwestern University Press, chronicles her volunteer teaching experience at a transitional housing program for homeless women and children in her native New Jersey. Currently at work on a Young Adult novel, The Players, she lives and teaches in Western Massachusetts.
“The English Teacher Gets a Lesson in Inference” • Vol. 25, No. 2
“The Players” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Benjamin Schmitt
is the author of three books, most recently Soundtrack to a Fleeting Masculinity. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in the Antioch ReviewThe Good Men Project, Hobart, Worcester Review, Columbia Review,and elsewhere. A co-founder of Pacifica Writers’ Workshop, he has also written articles for The Seattle Times and At The Inkwell. He lives in Seattle with his wife and children.  
“Shedding” • Vol. 31, No. 4

James Schneider
(or Jim Schneider) has published poems in various online and print journals, including Verse Wisconsin, Abraxas #49, Third Wednesday, Amsterdam Quarterly, and several tanka publications. Also, a poem of his was read (and archived) on Maine Public Radio’s Poems from Here series. He and his wife live in Brunswick, Maine, where they relocated, after forty years in Wisconsin, to be near their grandsons. James is a retired lawyer.
“Door County” • Vol. 23, No. 2
“Blood-Red Dreams” Vol. 31, No. 1

Peter Schneider
is a poet and psychotherapist who divides his time between Brooklyn, New York and Rochester,Vermont. His poems have appeared recently in The Buddhist Poetry Review and A Midnight Snack.
“After Us” • Vol. 26, No. 1

E. F. Schraeder
is  the author of The Price of a Small Hot Fire (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2023), What Happened Was Impossible (Ghoulish Books, 2023), the Imadjinn Award finalist Liar: Memoir of a Haunting (Omnium Gatherum, 2021), and other works.
“Hunger Mouth” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“The History of How We Existed: Out of Print” • Vol. 31, No. 4
“The Internet and I” • Vol. 33, No. 1
“Bees Request Reclassification as Essential Workers” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Gaslit” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Ann K. Schwader
is the author of Twisted in Dream (Hippocampus Press, 2011), and several other collections of dark/science fiction poetry. One of these, Wild Hunt of the Stars (Sam’s Dot, 2010) was a Bram Stoker Award Finalist. She lives and writes in suburban Colorado, and may be found online at
“Times Two” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Roger Sedarat
is the author of Dear Regime: Letters to the Islamic Republic, which won Ohio UP's 2007 Hollis Summers' Prize, Ghazal Games (Ohio UP, 2011), Foot Faults: Tennis Poems (David Robert Books), and Haji as Puppet: an Orientalist Burlesque, which won Word Works 2016 Tenth Gate Prize. A recipient of the Willis Barnstone Prize in Translation, his fiction has recently appeared in Construction Literary Press, Book XI: a Journal of Literary Philosophy, Caesura, The NonconformistKestrel: a Journal of Literature and Art, and Plato’s Cave. He teaches in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Queens College, City University of New York.
“Coffee Shop” • Vol. 33, No. 2

Tova Seltzer
is a graduate of American University, where she studied creative writing and Spanish. She writes prose and poetry about her feelings and/or casually magical events. Her work has been published in AmLit and CICADA Magazine.
“America’s Sweetheart” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Trenee Seward
is an educator based in Houston, Texas. She is a graduate of Florida State and Texas A&M Universities and is currently at work on a short-story collection and a novel.
“Ain’t No White Dolls” • Vol. 21, No. 4

Mary Shanley
is a poet/storyteller living in New York City. She has had four books of poems and stories published. She is also a frequent contributor to online and print journals.
“Truth” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Joseph Shaul
is sometimes in Las Vegas.
x • cover art for Vol. 26, No. 2
x • cover art for Vol. 30, No. 2
The Conjuror • cover art for Vol. 34, No. 1

Dave S. Shearer
is from Suffolk County, NY. He is a graduate of Dowling College. In addition to writing you can find him fishing, practicing martial arts, drinking cheap whiskey, scaring his cats, and hotly debating his friends on trivial matters.
“Blood and Revelation” • Vol. 20, No. 2

John Sheirer
(pronounced “shy-er”) lives in Western Massachusetts and is in his 30th year of teaching at Asnuntuck Community College in Northern Connecticut where he edits Freshwater Literary Journal (submission welcome). His work has appeared recently in Wilderness House Literary Review, Meat for Tea, Poppy Road Review, Synkroniciti, Otherwise Engaged, 10 By 10 Flash Fiction, The Journal of Radical Wonder, Scribes*MICRO*Fiction, and Goldenrod Review. His latest book is Stumbling Through Adulthood: Linked Stories. Find him at
“Visitors” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“It’s a Sign” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Myra Sherman
is a clinical social worker who lives in Northern California. Her fiction has appeared or will appear in The Blotter Magazine, Fifth Wednesday Journal, 10,000 Tons of Black Ink (web), Workers Write—Tales from the Couch, 580 Split (web), Another Sky Press Horror Anthology, Thuglit (web) and others. Her nonfiction will appear in the winter issue of Ars Medica. “Third Strike” is part of her recently completed collection of linked jail stories. She is now working on a novel about a homeless, once-middle-class woman.
“Third Strike” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Linda K. Sienkiewicz
is a writer and artist from Rochester, MI. Her work has appeared in literary journals such as Prairie Schooner, Spoon River Poetry Review, Clackamas, and others. Her MFA is from The University of Southern Maine. A version of this poem appeared in a small chapbook published by March Street Press.
What Every Mother Hopes For • Vol. 23, No. 2

John Sierpinski
has studied poetry at the universities of Wisconsin, Marquette, Iowa Workshop, and the Vest Conservatory for Writers. His poetry has recently appeared in Backstreet Quarterly, Beginnings, California Quarterly, Crucible, Icon, North Coast Review, Pegasus, and Wisconsin People and Ideas. His work is also in two anthologies: Echoes and Waves and Come Be a Memoirist from Baksun Books/Woodland Pattern. He was nominated for the 2013 Pushcart Prize.
“Worn Out” • Vol. 26, No. 4

Caryl Sills
is a retired English professor who has turned her hand to fiction after many years of writing essays and literary criticism. She lives on the Jersey Shore with her husband and their fox terrier, Dylan, who fills the “empty nest” left by three sons. Her brief memoir, “The Home Front,” is included in an anthology from New Brighton Books, Looking Back Stories. A short story, “a broken w,” appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of The Externalist, “A Gull’s Wing” appeared in the November 2008 issue of Word Catalyst Magazine, “Everyone Loves Porgy and Bess” appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Sangam Magazine, and “Cowbirds Can’t Sing” appeared in the October 2009 issue of First Edition Magazine. She is currently working on a novel, 1948, which explores the post-war politics, prejudices, fears, and optimism of American society in that year.
“The Wrong Place” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Steve Slavin
A recovering economics professor, Steve earns a living writing math and economics books, the most recent of which is The Great American Economy. Two volumes of his short stories, To the City, with Love, were published by Fat Dog Books. Although he wrote seventeen books, he is best known for having been Bernie Sanders' college roommate.
“Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Mary McLaughlin Slechta
is the author of Wreckage on a Watery Moon (FootHills) and two chapbooks.
“Two lectures on geography” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Emily-Sue Sloane
( is an award-winning Long Island poet who writes to capture moments of wonder, worry and human connection. She is the author of a full-length collection, We Are Beach Glass (2022), and her poems have appeared in journals and anthologies, including Amethyst Review, Boston Literary Magazine, Corona, Evening Street Review, Long Island Quarterly, Nassau County Poet Laureate Society Review, Never Forgotten: 100 Poets Remember 9/11, Muddy River, Panoply, Poeming Pigeon: From Pandemic to Protest, The RavensPerch, and Suffolk County Poetry Review.
“the work to be done” • Vol. 32, No. 4
“Freedom Canceled” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Noel Sloboda
has published two volumes of poetry as well as seven chapbooks, most recently Creature Features (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2022). He teaches at Penn State York.
“Human Resources” • Vol. 34, No. 2

Carol Smallwood
Her work has appeared in English Journal, Poesia, Michigan Feminist Studies, The Writer’s Chronicle, The Detroit News, 13th Moon, and anthologies. The Published Librarian: Successful Professional and Personal Writing is forthcoming from the American Library Association.
“What Are the Chances” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Walker Smart
is a writer and performer living in Denton, TX. He can found opening for local bands or performing at Spiderweb Salon events. You can hear him read at
“Ant Eater”Vol. 24, No. 4

Carol A. Smith
is an MFA in Poetry candidate at Arcadia University. Over the past 30 years, she has taught language arts, literacy, and college composition. She writes personal and sociopolitical poems, often reflecting upon the intersections of the two. Carol and her husband live in Southern New Jersey. She can be reached at Links to her other work on Instagram: Carolasmith_reader_writer
“Nice People” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Crystal Simone Smith
is a graphic designer, artist, and poet. Her poems have appeared in The African American Review, Louisiana Literature, Obsidian III: Literature in the African Diaspora, Southern Women’s Review, and are forthcoming in Spillway, Nimrod, and Alimentum. Her work was nominated in 2011 for the Pushcart Prize. She holds an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte.
“Bright Spots” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Daniel C. Smith
has published dozens of stories, articles, reviews and poems in the genres of science fiction and horror. His speculative poetry has received an honorable mention in the Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror and has also been included in several anthologies, including Changes, Wondrous Web Worlds, and Dwarf Stars. His first two short story collections, Nano-Bytes and 3 of a Perfekt Pear, are available in print and electronic form from Nomadic Delirium Press (
“Casa Padre” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Frederic Smith
is a Southern Californian who went to Princeton and Cambridge. Before turning full-time to writing, he practiced law. He is the author of numerous short stories and a novel which received the lead reviews in the New Statesman and the Irish Times. He has never quite recovered from the 1960s or seen any reason to disavow its ideals. The decade continues to intrude on his fiction.
“Lost Privileges” • Vol. 25, No. 3
“At a Time Like This” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Timothy Smith
wants to be mysterious.
“The Gatekeeper” • Vol. 20, No. 1

Thomas R. Smith
lives in River Falls, Wisconsin and teaches at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis. His most recent collection of poetry is The Foot of the Rainbow (Red Dragonfly Press). He has also edited several books, including Airmail: The Letters of Robert Bly and Tomas Tranströmer (Graywolf Press). He posts poems and essays at
“Saying Goodbye to the Bush Years” • Vol. 24, No. 3
“Failed States” • Vol. 25, No. 3

VA Smith
lives in Fairmount, Philadelphia, her adopted city, where she reads and writes, hikes and bikes, serves as a home chef/caterer and interior design wannabe, and loves on her family and friends. VA has published in Review, The Southern Quarterly, Southern Review, Pure Slush’s Growing Up, Uppagus. Yes, Poetry, Corvus Review and forthcoming in Verdad, Silkworm, Parkinson’s Poetry, Quartet, Evening Street Review, and West Trade Review.
“The Social Contract” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Craig Snodgrass
is a self-taught artist who has been producing darkly whimsical images out of in his basement in Staunton since 2010. His work is heavily influenced by the surreal side of science fiction. His latest show is AstroGirls and Automatons. Snodgrass’s next show, at the Staunton Augusta Art Center, opens on April 15, 2016. You can find more of his work at
Robot • cover art for Vol. 27, No. 1

Marly Solebello
has her master's in English Education with a concentration in teaching writing. She lives in Maine with her wife and two Australian cattle dogs.
“Luteus: A Satire” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Patty Somlo
has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize three times, was a finalist in the Tom Howard Short Story Contest, and has been nominated for the 2013 storySouth’s Million Writers Award. She is the author of From Here to There and Other Stories. Her work has appeared in numerous journals, including the Los Angeles Review, the Santa Clara Review, and WomenArts Quarterly, among others, and in twelve anthologies, including Solace in So Many Words, which won the Next Generation Indie Book Award for Anthology.
“The Day Off” • Vol. 22, No. 2
“What Needed to Be Done” • Vol. 23, No. 3
“The Gift” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Richard Spilman
is the author of In the Night Speaking and of a chapbook, Suspension. His work has appeared in many journals, including The Southern Review, Rattle, American Literary Review, and The Gettysburg Review.
A Storm Is Rising • Vol. 30, No. 1
“Hate Is a Dog” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Mark Spitzer
is the author of 27 books, most of them about big, ugly fish. His most recent is Beautifully Grotesque Fish of the American West published by the University of Nebraska Press. He is currently a professor of creative writing somewhere in Arkansas and lives part-time in the groovy environs of Rosendale, NY. More info at
“Motorhead Myopia” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Terry Spohn
received an MFA from the Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa. His short stories, prose poems and poetry have appeared in Rattle, The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, The North American Review, Mississippi Review, Ascent, Grub Street, Oyster Boy Review, Eclectica, and other places. His work has also appeared in half-a-dozen anthologies. He lives in Escondido, California.
“leaving Hugo” • Vol. 23, No. 1

David Spriggs
is currently is based in Montreal. He was born in 1978 in Manchester, England, and immigrated to Canada in 1992. He received his Master of Fine Arts from Concordia University, Montreal, and his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Emily Carr University in Vancouver. He has recently exhibited work at the Galerie de l’UQAM in Montreal, the Louis Vuitton Gallery in Macau, and at the Sharjah Biennal 9 in the UAE. His work is in the collections of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the National Museum of Quebec. Lying in a space between 2 and 3 dimensions, his installations use a technique he developed in 1999 using multiple painted layered images in space to create unique 3D ephemeric forms. He explores the representation and strategies of power, the symbolic meanings of colour, movement, and the thresholds of form and perception. The subjects depicted in his work specifically relate to the breakdown and recreation of form and volume—as seen through his interest in cyclones, explosions, and forces.
Half Explosion • cover image, Vol. 22, No. 2

Kevin Springfield
is a former newspaper reporter and current freelance writer. He resides in Texas with his wife and two sons. His writing has appeared in regional sports magazines in Texas, The Fatherlife, and on the Matador Network.
“Neighborly” • Vol. 24, No. 3

Scott T. Starbuck
is the Interim Creative Writing Coordinator at San Diego Mesa College. His poems can be read at or heard at Fogged Clarity. His essay, "Another Short Ode to Kurt Cobain in the Time of Decay of the American Empire," is currently at Drunken Boat and his new chapbook, The Warrior Poems, will soon be published by Pudding House.
“Initiation Poem” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Elizabeth Starer
is a recent college graduate, attaining a major in both English and Art. She is an avid reader with a wide collection of books and hopes of transitioning to a writer. Ms. Starer believes stories can allow an individual to understand the lives and thought processes of others. Through writing, she hopes to force people to think from the perspective of others instead of immediately sticking to their own biases. Most importantly, Elizabeth Starer wishes to simply create stories other people will enjoy.
“The Imjin River” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Steven D. Stark
is the author of four books and has written frequently for a variety of publications including the Atlantic Monthly.
“The Poetry of Timothy Geithner” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Jennifer Sperry Steinorth
began her artistic studies as a dancer, training and performing with The Houston Ballet, Interlochen Arts Academy, The Pennsylvania Ballet and others. She has a degree in literature with emphases in creative writing and philosophy, and pays the piper as a residential builder/designer in Traverse City, Mi where she lives with her husband and two boys. Jennifer’s poems have previously appeared in The Southeastern Review Online, The Dunes Review, The Bear River Review, and Re: Union, and she was a recent finalist in A River and Sound Review’s Duckabush Prize for Poetry. Her first collection, Forking the Swift, was published in 2010. She is a frequent contributor to Foreword Reviews and the vice-chair of Michigan Writers.
“No Cell Mine Long” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Alice Stern
is a violinist writing, living, and teaching in upstate New York. She has been published in The Louisville Review, Primavera, Chicago Quarterly Review, Harpur Palate, Cottonwood, and many others.
“I Hear You Talking” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Robert David Stetten
is a Professor Emeritus in psychology at Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Although his scholarly interest always centered upon the white rat, he finds humans the more fascinating species. His four radio dramas were produced by a National Public Radio affiliate, then made available for all NPR member stations nationwide. Three full-length stage plays of his were produced by the American Theatre of Actors in New York City. He has just recently taken up the short story form and another of his stories has been accepted for publication by Art Times magazine.
“The Colliery” • Vol. 21, No. 2

Don Stockard
Born in Oregon, Don grew up there and in Idaho and Alaska. He spent ten years studying math and science in various universities. He has worked at various occupations from a commercial clam digger to a geophysicist. He spent a number of years working as a freelance writer. He has over 200 credits for short stories in various literary magazines as well as several novels published in the small press. His extracurricular activities have included from time to time bike touring, mountaineering, sailing and canoeing. He is a longtime member of Self-Realization Fellowship. He currently lives in Texas with his wife Maryann and their cats.
“The Saint” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Melanie Stormm
is the sacred oracle who predicted the 15th coming of the Oort Cloud Messiah (who’s RSVP’d and is not coming at all.) She is a brick house who doesn’t answer texts. Her science-fantasy novella Last Poet of Wyrld’s End is available through Candlemark & Gleam. Find her at her virtual home:
“They’ll Call the Cops on Your Fine, Black Ass” • Vol. 32, No. 1

Jacob Stratman
His poems have been published in several journals and magazines, including The Lullwater Review, Plough Quarterly, The Cave Region Review, The Christian Century, and Wordgathering. He teaches in the English department at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, AR.
“The Painter: a poem for my son after an IEP meeting” • Vol. 29, No. 2

Stuart Stromin
is a South African-born writer and filmmaker, living in Los Angeles. He was educated at Rhodes University, South Africa, the Alliance Francaise de Paris, and UCLA. His work has appeared in Dissident Voice, Rigorous, Sheila-na-gig online, River River, Alternating Current, Blood Puddles, etc.
“Accomplices” • Vol. 30, No. 3

George Such
is an English Ph.D. student at University of Louisiana Lafayette, where he has been awarded a University Fellowship. In a previous incarnation he was a chiropractor for twenty-seven years in the state of Washington. His collection of poems, Where the Body Lives, was selected as winner of the 2012 Tiger’s Eye Chapbook Contest and is forthcoming.
“Coated” • Vol. 25, No. 2

Vishal Suchak
is an Indian author. He is a former advertising professional with a career spanning Mumbai, New York, and Jakarta; and a writer, an INTJ and a minimalist. After taking a sabbatical to supplement his education, he set forth to pen the Earthling Trilogy, the first of which is “The Carol of the Reactors.” You may write to him at or learn more at Vishal also teaches Civics/Political-Science to a small group of underprivileged junior high-school students.
“The First Lie” • Vol. 33, No. 3

Lee Sullivan
is better known as Cindy Moffett, a freelance science writer and former television writer and producer from Knoxville, Tennessee.
“Affordable” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Thomas Sullivan
is the author of Life In The Slow Lane, a memoir about a hair-raising summer spent teaching driver’s education to teenagers (available at A collection of his short essays is also forthcoming from Coolbeat Audiobooks. Thomas’s writing has appeared in 3AM Magazine, The Externalist, and Dogmatika, among others.
“Ready to Retire” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Diana Brawley Sussman
lives, works and writes in southern Illinois. She is the Director of the Carbondale Public Library. Her writing has appeared in the journal Kalliope, the anthologies Thinking Outside the Book; Revolting Librarians Redux: Radical Librarians Speak Out, and elsewhere. She has fiction soon to appear in Subtle Fiction. She recently toured her local court house and jail. The short story "Fly the Yard" is her response.
“Fly the Yard” • Vol. 23, No. 1

Colleen Sutherland
is a professional storyteller and journalist from Seymour, Wisconsin.
“A Candle at the Window” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Denise Sutherland
had poems published in the Caribbean Writer, Volume 35, 2021. Also, she recently had a poem accepted by Front Porch Review for the July 2023 issue. Writing creatively, reading poetry and novels are some of her favorite  pastimes. Although, she's a native New York City girl, she often daydreams about the rural life. She currently lives and works for a government agency in New York City.
“elite and insignificant” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Richard Swanson
Slightly bi-polar in Madison, Wisconsin, he writes an approximately equal number of nature and social-commentary poems.
“Corporate” • Vol. 20, No. 2
“Next Door” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Laura Sweeney
facilitates Writers for Life in central Iowa. She represented the Iowa Arts Council at the First International Teaching Artist's Conference in Oslo, Norway. Her recent and forthcoming poems appear in Folia, Wordrunner eChapbook, Yellow Chair Review, One Sentence Poems, Red Savina Review, Main Street Rag, Midwest Review, Canadian Woman Studies, Aji, and the anthologies Nuclear Impact and Beer, Wine, & Spirits. She is associate editor for Eastern Iowa Review.
“Ways to Get from Here to There” • Vol. 28, No. 4

R L Swihart
currently lives in Long Beach, CA, and teaches high school mathematics in Los Angeles. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in various online and print journals, including Barnwood, Bateau, elimae, and Rhino.
“Through the Alembic of Duarte” • Vol. 22, No. 3

Aziz Talbani
is the Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. He has taught at the institutions of higher education in Canada and the United States in the fields of teacher education and educational leadership. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and presentations.
“Heaven’s Sigh” • Vol. 22, No. 2

Terry Talbot
Toy Gun • cover image, Vol. 27, No. 2

MaryEllen Talley
has poems recently published in Raven Chronicles, U City Review and Ekphrastic Review as well as in anthologies All We Can Hold and Ice Cream Poems. Her poetry has received two Pushcart Nominations. Experience working in special education as a speech-language pathologist (SLP) in Washington State Public Schools and volunteering in a women's shelter inform her poetry.
“a long walk in dry boots” • Vol. 30, No. 2

has been earning minimum wage, and writing about it, for 17 years now. No, really. His novel Jobseeker is doing alright on Amazon UK. He was shortlisted for the Erbacce 2020 Poetry Prize. His latest collection, Shop Talk: Poems for Shop Workers is published by Penniless Press.
“the blessed sickness” • Vol. 31, No. 3
“absurdity to make Camus wince” • Vol. 33, No. 4

Erik Tate
Poems and stories have appeared recently in publications such as The Blotter, Breath and Shadow, Brilliant Record Magazine, Occupoetry, Speedpoet’s Zine, Storyteller Magazine, Stray Branch, and Taylor Trust.
“Garbage” • Vol. 26, No. 1

Laura Tate
is a retired elementary school teacher who taught remedial reading mostly to children in poverty and learning disabled children in rural central New York. Her years of teaching gave her a close look at how many American children and families lack opportunities easily afforded by those born into families of wealth. Public education, when at its best, is able to do good things, but, she believes, will never be enough. Children, teachers, and even administrators are increasingly stressed and exhausted. The same children who arrive at school hungry are having to practice active shooter drills and lockdowns. She’d like to think that her poems about school might encourage new understanding about some of these hard truths. She now lives in northern Virginia, in the D.C. area. She’s been writing poetry for many years and her work has appeared in several magazines recently.
“Ghost Boy” • Vol. 34, No. 2

John Tavares
Previous publications include short fiction published in various little magazines, literary journals, and anthologies, online & in print: Blood & Aphorisms, Plowman Press, Green’s Magazine, Filling Station, Whetstone, Broken Pencil, Tessera, Windsor Review, Paperplates, The Write Place at the Write Time, The Maple Tree Literary Supplement, The Writing Disorder, Gertrude, Turk’s Head Review, Outside In Literary & Travel Magazine, Bareback Magazine, Rampike, Crab Fat Literary Magazine, The Round Up Writer’s Zine, The Acentos Review, Gravel, Brasilia Review, Sediments Literary Arts-Journals, The Gambler, Red Cedar Review, Writing Raw, Treehouse Arts, The Remembered Arts Journal, Scarlet Leaf Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, Mgversion2>Datura, Riverhawk, Quail Bell, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Grey Borders Magazine, Free Lit Magazine, Montreal Writes, Yarnswoggle, Queen Mob's Tea House, Westview, New Reader Magazine, Event Horizon, IO literary Journal, Fishbowl Press, Otherwise Engaged Journal. Also, over a dozen of his short stories & some creative nonfiction in The Siren, then Centennial College’s student newspaper. Following journalism studies, his articles & features were published in various local news outlets in Toronto, including community & trade newspapers such as the East York Times, the Beaches Town Crier, & Hospital News, where he interned as an editorial assistant. Born & raised in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, John is the son of Portuguese immigrants from the Azores. His education includes graduation from 2-year GAS at Humber College in Etobicoke with concentration in psychology (1993), 3-year journalism at Centennial College in East York (1996) & the Specialized Honors BA in English from York University in North York (2012). He worked as a research assistant for the Sioux Lookout Public Library & as a research assistant in waste management for the SLKT public works department & regional recycle association. He also worked with the disabled for the Sioux Lookout Association for Community Living.
“Fifties Scoop • Vol. 30, No. 4

Chere Taylor
enjoys wasting many hours of her life buried in a good book or binge-watching bad cinema on Netflix. She has a passion for reading, writing and almost everything involving the works of Stephen King. She is currently working on her first novel. You can find her stories in Another Realm, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Avalon Literary Magazine, and Books ‘n Pieces Magazine. She’s also been known to lurk around her Inkitt account at
“Romancing the Butcher” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Ed Taylor
is the author of the novel Theo and the poetry collections Idiogest and The Rubaiyat of Hazmat. His stuff has appeared most recently in North American Review, Gargoyle, Great Lakes Review, Southwest Review, New World Writing, Louisville Review, and elsewhere.
“Leaf” • Vol. 26, No. 4

Marilyn L. Taylor
A former Poet Laureate of Wisconsin, she is the author of six poetry collections. Her poems and essays have appeared in many anthologies and journals, including Poetry, American Scholar, Measure, and Able Muse. She has taken first place in a number of poetry contests, and recently received the 2015 Margaret Reid Award, an international competition for poetry in traditional forms.
“If you’re watching Face the Nation • Vol. 27, No. 2

Patricia Temple
is a retired teacher. She lives in Alabama. She has been published in The Heartlands Today, Fugue, Wisconsin Review, Portland Review, The Acorn, Deep South Magazine, Green Hills Literary Lantern, and Persimmon Tree.
“A Hundred Years Ago” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Sarah Terry
is currently an MFA student at the University of New Hampshire, and received her BA in creative writing from Columbia University. She works as an educator and guide at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire, where she teaches acting, makes tissue boxes into guitars, and raises baby brook trout, among other things. Her work has previously appeared in Strange Horizons and Popcorn Press’s Cthulhu Haiku and Other Mythos Madness. You can visit her website at
“Blue Fairy” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Judith Terzi
Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as Atlanta Review (International Publication Prize, 2015), Caesura, Raintown Review, Spillway, Unsplendid, and in anthologies such as Malala: Poems for Malala Yousafzai and Wide Awake: The Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond. If You Spot Your Brother Floating By is her latest chapbook from Kattywompus Press. Her poems have been nominated for Best of the Net and Web.
“Good News Sestina” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Portia Tewogbade
is a former English instructor at Georgia Tech and Federal Government College in Kaduna, Nigeria, where she taught for several years. Her short fiction has won awards from the Sandhills Writers Conference and the Atlanta Writers Club. It has been published in African Voices magazine and was recently accepted for publication in the Hawaii Pacific Journal, Kweli Journal (online) and an anthology of women writers to be published by the UUCA Women Writers Group. During a Dry Season is her first novel. Portia lives and writes in Lithonia, Georgia, near her hometown of Atlanta.
“Insurable Interest” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Albert Thomas
isa poet living San Francisco, CA. He is an alum of Yale University, where he studied Political Science and African-American literature and poetry. Albert’s poems have appeared in or are forthcoming in Rogue Agent Journal, Gravel, Podium, and Radius. He recently received a nomination for the 2016 Pushcart Prize.
“Stutter Song • Vol. 27, No. 2

Everson Thomas
A failed nude model, volunteer astronaut, wolf catcher, private investigator, and fashionista, Everson Thomas has decided to give writing a go. Writing out of the mystical lowlands of East Anglia, progress is slow.
“Awake?” • Vol. 32, No. 2

Holly Gabrielle Thompson
is an MA student in the English department at Wake Forest University, where she focuses on creative and pedagogical approaches to poetry, critical theory, and medical humanities. An emerging poet, Holly enjoys writing in a plurality of voices, exploring historical, fictitious, and personal dimensions. Her work has been published in The Beatnik Cowboy. Her cats are the first to hear all of her poetry; they rarely enjoy it.
“Rome Fell in a Day” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Marjorie Thomsen
lives in Massachusetts with her family. Her poems have received awards from the New England Poetry Club and the Lucidity Poetry Journal. Her writing has been published in Blast Furnace, Contemporary Haibun Online, Halfway Down the Stairs, Poetica Magazine, Red Claw Press’s anthology on Sleep, and others. She holds a Masters in Social Work from Catholic University.
“Full Service” • Vol. 24, No. 2

Lisa Timpf
resides in Simcoe, Ontario on a one-acre property which provides adequate space for playing fetch with her seemingly tireless Border Collie, Emma. Lisa enjoys cycling, organic gardening, and bird-watching. Her writing has appeared in Star*Line, Eye to the Telescope, The Martian Wave, Third Wednesday, and New Myths. Lisa's website at includes updates on her latest projects, as well as a bibliography of published works.
“One Last Time” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Jeanie Tomasko
has been published most recently in Qaartsiluni, Right Hand Pointing, Phantom Kangaroo, and Lilliput Review. She grew up on the streets of Madison, WI, and continues to roam them in her car as a home health nurse. She lives with her husband, kids who (hopefully) will leave home soon, and a few cats who (hopefully) won’t.
“Desiderata” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Steve Tomasko
fiddles with photographs when the writing muse is off on vacation (which has been a lot lately). Changing into a Bird is the result of one such fiddling episode.
Changing into a Bird • Vol. 27, No. 3 cover
Sunflower Eclipse • Vol. 28, No. 3 cover

Dino Tomic
was born in Croatia but is now living in Norway. He is a 23-year-old tattoo/digital artist and loves making creepy/horror stuff.
Rape • cover image for Vol. 23, No. 3

Mark Trechock
retired a few years ago from rural community organizing in North Dakota. He lives and writes in Dickinson ND. Recently his poems have appeared in The Big Windows Review and Smoky Blue SBLAAM. His poems will soon appear in Pembroke, Triggerfish, and Weber—The Contemporary West.
“Monument” • Vol. 28, No. 3
“Fine Print” • Vol. 29, No. 1

Euphorbia esula • Vol. 31, No. 1

Douglas J. Troxell
lives and writes in Macungie, Pennsylvania where he eagerly awaits the day the Internet reaches its full capacity so he can live a more simple life digging holes and filling them in again. His work has previously appeared in The Eunoia Review, Fiction365, Dark Futures, The Story Shack, and Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.
“Election Day” • Vol. 22, No. 2
“Capacity” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Rebecca Troy
attended Chelsea College of Art and Design located in London, UK, and has a BA in Feminist Theory from State University of New York Empire. Rebecca has written two novels, and one graphic novel. Her second novel is YA fiction set in the rural South during the Civil Rights movement. Her short stories can be found (soon) in Beorh Quarterly (Autumn issue 2014), and Deep Water Literary Journal (Spring issue 2014). Rebecca is also an avid writer of screenplays, and teaches film and creative writing in her community. She is a recent graduate of Goddard College’s Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing.
“The History of Fruit”Vol. 24, No. 4

Joel E. Turner
His fiction has appeared in Ambit, Proof, 3AM Magazine, and New Millenium Writings. His first novel, Generation ’Dex, is about the securitization of human potential, and is seeking a publisher. He is working on a novel about an Anglo-Saxon riddle passed down since the fourteenth century from a monk in the Abbey at Malmesbury. He lives near Philadelphia and designs analytic software for banks.
“The Interview” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Mary Turzillo
won a Nebula for her 1999 novelette, “Mars Is no Place for Children,” and her 2007 short story, “Pride,” was on the final Nebula ballot. Her novel, An Old-Fashioned Martian Girl, was serialized in Analog. Recent books include Ewaipanoma, Dragon Soup (with Marge Simon), and Your Cat & Other Space Aliens, a Pushcart nominee which appeared on the preliminary Stoker ballot. Her work has appeared in Analog, Asimov’s, F&SF, Cat Tales, Fast Forward 1, and other anthologies and magazines in English, Italian, and German. She is working on a novel, Isidis Rising. She lives near the Cleveland Airport with her husband, NASA scientist and science fiction writer Geoffrey Landis. Her son, Jack Brizzi, is an artist.
“Rat” • Vol. 20, No. 1

Ann Tweedy
Her first full-length poetry book, The Body's Alphabet, was published by Headmistress Press in 2016. It was awarded a Bisexual Book Award in Poetry and was named as a Lambda Literary Award finalist and a Golden Crown Literary Society Award finalist. She is also the author of three chapbooks—White Out (Green Fuse Press 2013), Beleaguered Oases (2nd ed. Seven Kitchens Press 2020), and A Registry of Survival (Last Word Press 2020). Additionally, she has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and two Best of the Net Awards. Her poetry has been published in Clackamas Literary Review, Berkeley Poetry ReviewRattleGertrude, and many other places. In addition to writing poetry and essays, she is a legal scholar writing on both tribal civil jurisdiction and bisexuality and the law. She currently serves as an Associate Professor of Law at the University of South Dakota, where she focuses on Native American Law.
“Pretend Play” • Vol. 23, No. 1
“Intersection—Falcon Heights, Minnesota” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Agnieszka Tworek
was born in Lublin, Poland. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Southern Review, Poetry Northwest, Rattle (Poets Respond), The Shore, Lake Effect, and in other journals.
“Border Interrogation of a Ghost” • Vol. 35, No. 3

James Tyler
holds a BA in English from Austin Peay State University. He spends most of his time either writing or reading. This story is the first he has ever had accepted. He’s spent time with the homeless in downtown Nashville where he was inspired to write this story. He’s also spent time as a patient in mental institutions where he gained insight on the human condition. He completed and is revising three novels and going over many short stories.
“Nothing to Lose” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Jason Isaac Ulrich
24, is an author, independent filmmaker, voracious reader and, above all, a student and teacher of life. Having grown up in the suburbs of Northern Virginia, he attended George Mason University, majoring in English Literature, later transferring to Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, where he currently resides. Mr. Ulrich is currently working on several pieces of writing, including two books and a play.
“Generation Rx” • Vol. 22, No. 1

Rami Ungar
is a sophomore at Ohio State University studying History and English. His hobbies include scary stories, Japanese graphic novels and crime shows. He has been writing since he was ten. His dream is to be a novelist on par with Anne Rice, Stephen King, and James Patterson.
“Aasif” • Vol. 23, No. 3

Andrew Valentine
His short stories have appeared most recently in Able MuseBlacktop Passages and Badlands Vol. 8. He cut his teeth as a journalist at Eugene Weekly, where he wrote for 8 years before moving to Portland. His current project is a semi-memoir about White privilege, division and healing. He loves you and your human condition.
“Bullets to Spare” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Coen van der Wolf
(Leiden, 1982) has been published by In ParenthesesThe Raintown Review and The Antonym, among others. The recipient of a master's degree in Ancient History, he is training to become a teacher.
“Go Tell It on the Mountain” • Vol. 34, No. 1

Jessica Van Devanter
is an emerging writer based in San Diego, California. She attended Seattle University, and is currently enrolled in the Creative Writing Certificate Program at University of California San Diego Extension. Her work has been published in Gone Lawn Journal.
“Climate Change” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Britomarte Van Horn
has spent most of the past twenty years in Durham, North Carolina. She's practical enough to live in a multi-generational cohousing situation, but frivolous enough to write books. You can contact her at
“Never Was Right” • Vol. 29, No. 4

John Vanderslice
lives and works in Conway, Arkansas, where he serves as the associate editor of Toad Suck Review. His short fiction has appeared Seattle Review, Laurel Review, Crazyhorse, Sou’wester and several other journals. He also writes plays and poetry and has published the novel Burnt Norway on
“No. 117” • Vol. 22, No. 4

Ryan Vann
is a 24-year-old college student and PC repair technician in Southern California. Ryan is a new writer, and “Not Alone” is his first published work. He hopes that his stories will be enjoyed more often than not.
“Not Alone” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Wendy Vardaman
From Madison, Wisconsin, she has a Ph.D. in English from University of Pennsylvania. She is the new co-editor of the Wisconsin poetry journal Free Verse. Her poems, reviews, and interviews have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals; a collection of poetry, Obstructed View (Fireweed Press), is due out Summer, 2009.
“Golden Jubilee” • Vol. 20, No. 2

Jean Vermette
is a native Mainer, a 55-year-old self-employed woman electrician, sometime educator, social activist, and story writer. Besides writing, her biggest project at the moment is clearing the wooded lot that she and her partner bought to build their house on.
“Dream Weavers” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Ana Vidosavljevic
is from Serbia, currently living in Indonesia. She has her work published or forthcoming in Down in the Dirt (Scar Publications), Literary Yard, RYL (Refresh Your Life), The Caterpillar, The Curlew, Eskimo Pie, Coldnoon, Perspectives. She worked on a GIEE 2011 project: Gender and Interdisciplinary Education for Engineers 2011 as a member of the Institute Mihailo Pupin team. She also attended the International Conference “Bullying and Abuse of Power” in November, 2010, in Prague, Czech Republic, where she presented her paper: “Cultural intolerance”.
“Time Killer” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Heather Villa
a former cartographer, told stories with maps before she became a freelance writer in 2011. Her byline has appeared in The Writer, National Catholic Reporter and Appleseeds, among others. She sometimes writes about difficult subjects. She also completed her first middle-grade novel. Visit her at
“My Peanut-Butter-Sandwich Life” • Vol. 26, No. 4

Marc Vincenz
has published fourteen books of poetry, including more recently, Becoming the Sound of Bees, Leaning into the Infinite,The Syndicate of Water & Light, and Here Comes the Nightdust. Vincenz' novella set in ancient China, Three Taos of Tao, is forthcoming from Spuyten Duyvil Press. Vincenz is also a prolific translator and has translated from the German, Romanian and French. He has published ten books of translations, most recently Unexpected Development by award-winning Swiss poet and novelist Klaus Merz (White Pine, 2018) and which was a finalist for the 2016 Cliff Becker Book Prize in Translation. His poems have been published in many journals, including The Nation, Ploughshares, The Los Angeles Review, World Literature Today, Raritan and Plume. His work has received fellowships and grants from the Swiss Arts Council, the Literary Colloquium Berlin, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry. Vincenz is editor and publisher of MadHat Press, and publisher of New American Writing.
“Advanced Tree-Planting” • Vol. 24, No. 1
“The Great Pause” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Daniel Vollaro
is a writer from New Jersey who now lives and works in the Atlanta suburbs. He writes both fiction and nonfiction, and his work has been published in Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Blue Moon Review, Fairfield Review, Thrice Fiction, and Timber Creek Review among many others. His memoir Reservoir: Tales from the Other Jersey was published by Gypsy Daughter Press in 2021. He teaches writing at Georgia Gwinnett College.
“Remember You Are Dust” • Vol. 29, No. 1
“Under the Mango Tree” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Timothy Volpert
is a poet and musician from Topeka, KS, where he drives a bookmobile for the public library. His work has appeared in Kansas City Voices, Stone Highway Review, and Inscape, among others. He loves you, and wants the best for you.
“This Woman Breastfeeds in Public. You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!” • Vol. 25, No. 3

James P. Wagner
is a young writer about to earn his B.A. from Dowling College with a major in English Creative Writing and a Minor in Literature. He has been writing since he was 12 years old and intends on going to graduate school for creative writing in the fall. His ultimate goal is to earn his Ph.D. and become a college professor for writing and literature. He has published short stories in several magazines including Riverrun, Struggle Magazine and Golden Visions and has been a featured poet for Long Island’s Performance Poetry Association. In addition to writing, which he does every day, James is an active martial artist, painter, linguist and musician.
“The Hunt” • Vol. 20, No. 1

Naomi Beth Wakan
A poet and personal essayist, she has written/compiled over thirty-five books, including Haiku—one breath poetry (Heian International), an American Library Association selection. Recent titles are Segues, Late Bloomer—on writing later in life, Compositions: notes on the written word, and Book Ends: a year between the covers, all from Wolsak and Wynn. Naomi is a member of Haiku Canada, Tanka Canada, The League of Canadian Poets, and Poetry Gabriola. Her poetry and essays have been printed in numerous magazines including Geist, Room of One’s Own, Moonset, and Red Light, and have been read on CBC. She lives on Gabriola Island with her husband, the sculptor Elias Wakan.
“Keeping Clothes White” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Benjamin Walker
lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from Hollins University. His poetry has appeared in PANK, SOFTBLOW, Orange Quarterly, OccuPoetry and other journals. New work is forthcoming from Prick of the Spindle.
“The Summer Georgia Killed Troy Davis” • Vol. 23, No. 2

Will Walker
Work has appeared in many venues. A chapbook, Carrying Water, was published by Pudding House Press, and a full-length collection, Wednesday After Lunch, is a Blue Light Press Book Award Winner (2008). He received a bachelor’s degree in English history and literature from Harvard College. He attended numerous writing workshops with Marie Howe, Thea Sullivan, Gail Mazur, Robert Pinsky, Alan Shapiro, and Mark Doty. He was also an editor of the Haight Ashbury Literary Journal. When not putting pen to paper, he enjoys placing bow on string and playing the cello. He and his wife spend their summers in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
“Lies I Tell Myself” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Miles Walser
iis a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Individualized Studies in English, Social Justice, and Youth Studies. In 2010 he represented the U of M at the College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational where his team placed 3rd in the nation and he was named Best Male Poet. He has also represented Minneapolis, Minnesota and Madison, Wisconsin at the adult national level in poetry slam, and appeared on Group Piece Final Stage with the former team. In 2012 he won the award for Best Poem by a Male Poet at the Wade-Lewis Poetry Slam Invitational. His work has appeared in literary journals The Legendary, Used Furniture Review, and The Bakery as well as the audio podcast IndieFeed. His first collection of poetry, What the Night Demands on Write Bloody Press will be released in April 2013.
“Negative Space” • Vol. 23, No. 4

Amanda Walton
took her Masters in English with a concentration in Fiction at Longwood University in 2006. She is now working as Lecturer of English at Longwood University where she teaches composition, writing for active citizenship, American Literature and practical issues for the beginning writer courses in Longwood’s Creative Writing program. She has read her work at the Southern Humanities Council Conference numerous times between 2004 and 2009.
“What The Shadow Knows” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Jennifer Wang
Her fiction comes out of the struggles of her Indian-Chinese family members to survive the slums of Mumbai. After pursuing several careers, graduating from Harvard Law School, and raising a family, she founded (2018) the Stanford Alumni Fiction Writers’ group, dedicated to the critique and support of local writers. Recently, her short story “Demon King” was published by Green Hills Literary Lantern, and “The Blessing” was published by After The Happy Hour Review.
“An Auspicious Time” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Patrick Wang
is a senior at Northview High School. His writing has been published or is forthcoming in the New York Times, Chautauqua Journal, Eunoia Review, and Blue Marble Review, among others. When he isn’t writing, he is busy editing Ephimiliar Journal and working on his art, which recently served as the cover for the Daphne Review. He is a proud defender of minority voices, his favorite television shows, and the Oxford comma.
“School Shooting in 4 Dimensions” • Vol. 30, No. 4

Karma Tenzing Wangchuk
A Vietnam War vet and ex-Buddhist monk, he is the author of several poetry chapbooks including Shelter | Street: Haiku & Senryu (Minotaur Press, 2010). He lives in Port Townsend, Washington, where he is a resident monitor in a homeless shelter.
“Or Something” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Bonnie Minden Ward
was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. Her poetry was selected for a juried poetry post at Multnomah Art Center in Portland, and also for a public art piece at Greenway Park in Beaverton, Oregon. Her poetry has been published in Voice Catcher, and she continues to write gratefully with Portland Women Writers.
“Like Always” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Christian Ward
is a UK-based writer who can be recently found in Red Ogre Review, Discretionary Love and Stone Poetry Journal. Future poems will be appearing in DreichUppagus and BlueHouse Journal
“Public Concern” • Vol. 33, No. 1

Michelle Boyd Waters
is a high-school English teacher in a rural Oklahoma district. She founded a web-design and hosting company and served as an award-winning newspaper reporter before deciding to nurture young writers in the classroom. She provides resources to other writing teachers through and her nonprofit
“Weathered Crossroads” • Vol. 29, No. 3

Phyllis Wax
writes on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan in Milwaukee, WI. She grew up in the Washington, DC, area, which might be why social justice issues push their way into much of her work. Her poetry has appeared in many publications, including Writers Resist, Jerry Jazz Musician, Rise Up Review, Spillway, Peacock Journal, Gyroscope Review, Wordpeace, New Verse News, Your Daily Poem. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, as well as the Best of the Net and Bettering American Poetry anthologies.
“Wonder Woman on Farwell Avenue” • Vol. 24, No. 4
“Trickle-Down” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“Why Don’t They Man Up?” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Dear Sheraton Hotel” • Vol. 34, No. 3

“Pro-Life?” • Vol. 35, No. 3
“Great Again” • Vol. 35, No. 4

Logo Wei
and spouse live in the upper Midwest with their puckish quadruped. He has worked with patients, students and those enduring homelessness. Logo's poetry has appeared or will appear in Pedestal Magazine, Parhelion, Grist, and others.
“Later Leah Jesus Damn” • Vol. 30, No. 1

Sam Herschel Wein
is a graduate of Washington University in St Louis who currently resides in Chicago. He has been a fellow at Tent: Creative Writing for Nonfiction in Amherst, Massachusetts, and is currently the Editorial Assistant at Construction Magazine.
“Knife Party” • Vol. 26, No. 3

Eric Z. Weintraub
is a USC graduate from Los Angeles, CA. Including "La Laguna," he is currently writing a collection of short stories about undocumented immigration. He also serves as co-founder for The Storyboard Project, a transmedia organization working to assist emancipated foster youth. He is the author of the one-act play "Detention" (2006), recipient of a New Short Fiction Series Emerging Writer Award, and first place winner in the creative writing category at the 2013 USC Writer’s Conference. Read more about his short stories at Contact him at
“La Laguna” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Dylan Weir
is a Chicago poet who will be pursuing his MFA at the University of Wisconsin–Madison next fall. He earned his MA in English at DePaul University and has work in (or forthcoming from) After Hours: a Journal of Chicago Writing and Art, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, Cleaver, Mobius, H_NMG_N, Literary Orphans, The Legendary, Red Paint Hill, and others.
“Recovery. A Nonfiction.” • Vol. 26, No. 2

David Weiskircher
grew up on a farm in the tree-studded hills of Ohio, but then moved to Florida where there are no trees. From there he made a short hop to Atlanta, a place that provided plenty of trees and a BA degree in English. He worked for Corporate America hoping he'd come to love it, but such was not the case. But one day he looked beside him and found his love standing there... and patiently waiting. He has several self-published books available on Amazon. Many have to do with his wife’s struggle with, and ultimate death from, breast cancer. In these books, as in his suspense novels, the reader will find at least one dog prominently mentioned, because dogs have always played a significant role in his and his wife’s life.
“The Right Way” • Vol. 28, No. 4

Laura Grace Weldon
has published two poetry collections, Blackbird (Grayson 2019) and Tending (Aldrich 2013). She was named Ohio Poet of the Year for 2019. Laura works as a book editor and teaches community-based writing workshops. She lives with vast optimism on a small farm where she'd get more done if she didn't spend so much time reading library books, cooking weird things, and singing to livestock. Connect with her at
“Civil Discourse” • Vol. 28, No. 4
“Bring Back Bees” • Vol. 31, No. 2

Ed Werstein
A regional VP of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, he was awarded the 2018 Lorine Niedecker Prize for Poetry by the Council For Wisconsin Writers. His work has appeared in Stoneboat, Blue Collar Review, Gyroscope Review, and several other publications. His chapbook Who Are We Then? was published by Partisan Press. His full-length book A Tar Pit To Dye In is available from Kelsay Books.
“The Way Philanthropy Works” • Vol. 21, No. 2
“Time Is Money” • Vol. 25, No. 1
“Money” • Vol. 27, No. 1
“Calumet 2018” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“Stock market closing in on all-time high” • Vol. 30, No. 3
“Hover Cars” • Vol. 32, No. 4

Neil Weston
Neil’s speculative poems appear at a variety of venues, from Scifaikuest to Tales of the Talisman and Futuredaze (an anthology of young-adult science fiction); and at Space and Time Magazine and Hungur Magazine. His speculative flash fiction can be found in Big Pulp and 100 Horrors Anthology.
“The Flight” • Vol. 24, No. 1

Lynn White
lives in north Wales. Her poetry is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. Find Lynn at and
“Survivors’ Stories” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Marie White
believes that art is as important as water or breath. She was born and raised in Southern California and presently lives with her three children in the sultry piedmont forest of North Carolina. She began the Mary-el Tarot in late 1997, finishing it in 2012. In the early days her big goal with this tarot was to have one that was powerful, beautiful and balanced between male and female energies. This idea grew and evolved as this tarot unfolded, and at the end represents the greatness of the balanced human soul, which is itself a reflection of the balanced universe. A journey from perfection in innocence to experience and enlightenment.
XVI The Tower • cover image for Vol. 24, No. 2

Quinn White
is the author of My Moustache (Dancing Girl Press, 2013) and Orienteering (Origami Poems Project, 2013). Her poems appear in or are forthcoming from journals such as Gargoyle, Bayou Magazine, Weave Magazine, and Sixth Finch.
“Exile” • Vol. 24, No. 4

Scott Wiggerman
is the author of three books of poetry, Leaf and Beak: Sonnets, Presence, and Vegetables and Other Relationships; and the editor of several volumes, including Wingbeats: Exercises & Practice in Poetry, Bearing the Mask, and Weaving the Terrain. Poems have appeared recently in Gyroscope Review,  Mollyhouse, Unlost, Shot Glass Journal, Red Earth Review, and Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry column.
“Concoctions/Dreams/Ether” • Vol. 31, No. 3

Casey Wiley
The 2009 Emerging Writer Fellow at Penn State Altoona, he is a 2009 Creative Nonfiction MFA graduate of George Mason University. His nonfiction and fiction has been published, or is forthcoming, in Pindledyboz, Emerson Review, Monkeybicycle, Word Riot, and Fringe, among others, and was selected for a Finalist for Glimmertrain’s Short Story Award for New Writers. He is working on a book about Social Humor, comedy and why he’s not very funny. He lives in Vienna, Austria.
“Boxer” • Vol. 21, No. 1

Neal Wilgus
is the author of many poems and short stories, many of which are speculative, political, or both. He lives in Corrales, New Mexico, without internet or e-mail.
“Snowed In” • Vol. 24, No. 4

James Wilk
is a practicing physician in Denver, Colorado, specializing in medical disorders complicating pregnancy. His work has appeared in Measure, The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Blue Unicorn, Barefoot Muse, The Raintown Review, The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine and others. My 2007 chapbook, Shoulders, Fibs, and Lies, is available through Pudding House Press.
“Hands” • Vol. 20, No. 3

Ian Willey
is a sociolinguist from Ohio residing in western Japan. He has published hundreds of short-form poems, and his (somewhat) longer work has appeared in One Sentence Poems and Dime Show Review. He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2019. 
“The Riot Act” • Vol. 31, No. 1
“The Important Thing” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“Breaking News • Vol. 31, No. 3
“Stay Safe, People!” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“The Road to Good Intentions” • Vol. 32, No. 3
“The Puzzle” • Vol. 32, No. 4
“An Inconvenient Truth” • Vol. 33, No. 2
“Refugees from the Future” • Vol. 33, No. 3
“The Chasm” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“Collateral Damage” • Vol. 34, No. 1
“States of America” • Vol. 34, No. 2
“Learning Apathy” • Vol. 34, No. 3

“Mantra Ray” • Vol. 35, No. 1

Ken Williams
worked as a social worker for the homeless, primary the mentally ill, but including veterans, women, the elderly, drug and alcohol addicted and the physically disabled in Santa Barbara, CA, for over thirty years. His dedication to his clients has been acknowledged by the Board of Supervisors, the State Senate, State Assembly, A.C.L.U. Santa Barbara Chapter, Housing Authority, California chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Mental Health Association, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and others. The late Paul Walker highlighted his work in the documentary SHELTER, which Paul produced. His writings have appeared in Columbia University’s Columbia Journal, Cecile’s Magazine, the Huffington Post, The Criterion, The Fear of Monkeys, VietNow, Haggard and Halloo, Scars Productions, Edhat, noozhawk, Down In The Dirt Magazine, the Santa Barbara Independent and the News-Press. He is a disabled combat Marine veteran of the Vietnam War. FRACTURED ANGEL is his most recent novel.
“Mercy Flight” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Patricia Williams
Her poems have been published in print and online journals and anthologies including About Place, Bramble, Liquid Imagination, Midwest Review, Poetry Quarterly, Silver Blade. She authored a chapbook, Port Side of Shadows (Finishing Line) and a collection, Midwest Medley (Kelsay Books), named Outstanding Poetry Book for 2018 by the Wisconsin Library Association. The Waupaca Wisconsin Arts Committee chose her poem as one of 16 to be imprinted in the sidewalks along Waupaca’s Main Street.
“Remembering Emmet Till” • Vol. 32, No. 3

Elisabeth Willmott
resides in Kent, Ohio, little more than a stone’s throw from the Cuyahoga River. A greengrocer and plantswoman by trade, she strives daily to expand community access to healthy, local and organic food. Natural historian, gardener, fiber artist, and lacrosse mom, she unwinds by playing outside as much as possible.
“The Last Sheaf Standing” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Dan Wilson
is a lifelong resident of Michigan and currently lives in Pontiac, about 30 miles north of Detroit. He has a B.A. in English from Wayne State University and a M.A. in English from Oakland University. He recently retired from a large company and teaching Composition and Business writing part-time.
“A Day at the Office” • Vol. 29, No. 4

Erin Wilson
poems have recently appeared in Watershed Review, Peacock Journal, MockingHeart Review, and Rust + Moth. She lives in a small town in northern Ontario.
“Filling Up at the Moonlight” • Vol. 28, No. 2

Keith S. Wilson
is a Kentucky poet and recent graduate of Northern Kentucky University. Many of his poems express his love for his family and explore his experiences as a biracial (black/white) man. His poetry has appeared in the journals NKUExpressed and Appalachian Heritage.
“gambit” • Vol. 20, No. 4

Vicki L. Wilson
is a freelance writer and children’s book author who lives in New York.
“Opening the Previously Untouched Apollo 17 Moon Rock Sample” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Kirk Windus
is a fiction writer and poet from western New York. He holds a journalism degree from St. Bonaventure University. His work has appeared at Across the Margin and Literally Stories. His poetry will soon be published at Typehouse Literary Magazine and Ink in Thirds.
“Skin” • Vol. 27, No. 3

Laura Winkelspecht
is a poet and writer from Wisconsin who writes with the hope of finding some lightning among the lightning bugs. She has been published in One Sentence Poems, Rat’s Ass Review, The Lake, Poets Reading the News, Millwork, and others. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee.
“The Colossus Steps Down” • Vol. 30, No. 3

Jake Winkler
is a musician, eater of foods, learner owning which things he’s an asshole about, procrastinator, poet, consumer of stories across creeds and races, weight lifter, wearer of unreal lettuce, and rugger bouncing between jobs and continents, trying to figure it all out using whatever form of expression presents.
“Vonnegut’s Babies” • Vol. 28, No. 3

Dale Wisely
is the founding editor of Right Hand Pointing and also edits One Sentence Poems, Unlost Journal, and Unbroken Journal. He is alive in Alabama.
“A Frontier of Ethiopian Futurism” • Vol. 24, No. 1
“Heroin” • Vol. 30, No. 2

Laura Madeline Wiseman
teaches writing at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She is the author of 25 books and chapbooks and the editor of two anthologies, Bared and Women Write Resistance, selected for the Nebraska 150 Sesquicentennial Book List. She is the recipient of the 2015 Honor Book Nebraska Book Award, a Wurlitzer Foundation Fellowship, and an Academy of American Poets Award. Her work has appeared in Feminist Studies, Mid-American Review, Arts & Letters, Calyx, and The Iowa Review. Her book Drink won the 2016 Independent Publisher Bronze Book Award for poetry. Her latest book is Velocipede (Stephen F. Austin State University Press). Through a Certain Forest is forthcoming from BlazeVox [books].
“Like a Glowing Fire, after War” • Vol. 28, No. 1

Ian Woollen
lives and works in Bloomington, Indiana. His day job is psychotherapy. His short fiction has appeared in a variety of journals, including The Massachusetts Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Juked, and Fiction Southeast. His latest novel, MUIR WOODS OR BUST (Coffeetown Press) won a 2017 INDIES Prize (for Humor/Satire).
“Surprise Proposal” • Vol. 31, No. 1

Sandra Yagi
is a painter who lives and works in San Francisco, California. She attended the University of Colorado at Denver, graduating with an MBA. After 25 years working in commercial banking risk management at a large financial institution, she bailed out of her job to pursue a full-time art career. Her work is fueled by contemporary culture, and a curiosity for the macabre. She uses a combination of imagery that is drawn from modern symbols and icons merged with religion, mythology and science. Her paintings can be found in the collections of Ben Stiller, Paul Ruscha, Axl Rose, Robert Williams, and other important art collectors. Recent works may be viewed at Bert Green Fine Art in Los Angeles, CA and at her website.
Jeanne d’Arc • cover art for Vol. 20, No. 4

John Yohe
Born in Puerto Rico, grew up in Michigan, spent years in Oregon, and now lives in Colorado. He has worked as a wildland firefighter, bike messenger, wilderness ranger and fire lookout. Fiction Editor for Deep Wild Journal.
“Me There” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Jane Yolen
A Grand Master of SFWA, Grand Master of SFPA, Grand Master of the World Fantasy Association, author of over 350 books, past president of SFWA, has been called the Hans Christian Andersen of America. Much of her output is poetry, and she has a subscriber list of over 720 people to her poetry-a-day list.
“When We Were Put in Camps” • Vol. 27, No. 3
“Theology” • Vol. 27, No. 4

Abraham Younes
is interested in the little people, those seemingly ordinary individuals enmeshed in broader historical circumstances, and the realities they build within those circumstances to find meaning in what can often be a vast and confusing world. He grew up in Alexandria, Louisiana and now attends Rice University.
“right of return” • Vol. 25, No. 4

Bethany L. Young
has been writing zines and trying to overthrow the government since age 12. She strives to add anthropological flair to her counterculture writings. Ms. Young is a lifelong advocate for gay and lesbian rights and gender equality.
“Hopeless Romantic” • Vol. 21, No. 3

Mark Young
was born in Aotearoa / New Zealand but now lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia. He is the author of more than sixty books, the most recent of which is with the slow-paced turtle replaced by a fast fish, published by Sandy Press in May 2023 & available through Amazon. A free downloadable pdf of visuals & poems, Mercator Projected, will be published by Half Day Moon Press later this year.
“clusters of titanium dioxide” • Vol. 26, No. 3
“A patriot’s tale” • Vol. 27, No. 1
“Tectonic Drift” • Vol. 27, No. 4
“The Word Factory” • Vol. 28, No. 2
“Art Informel” • Vol. 29, No. 2
“One of the five movements?” • Vol. 29, No. 4
“He Developed an Export Plan for Industry” • Vol. 31, No. 2
“A / red alert / remains in place” • Vol. 32, No. 2
“Sailing to Byzantium” • Vol. 32, No. 4
“A quantum state” • Vol. 34, No. 4

Steve Young
has spent most of his career as a print and radio reporter, editor and news director. He’s filed over fifty features for NPR covering, among other things, the economy, education, the environment and gay marriage. He has won a number of national awards, including the 2007 DuPont-Columbia award (the broadcast equivalent of the Pulitzer prize) for his ground-breaking series on hidden poverty on Cape Cod. Steve also has an MFA in fiction from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. He’s had six previous short stories published, two of which were nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best American Short Stories. Steve has also been lugging around a finished novel for the past few years which, alas, remains unpublished. He grew up in Vermont and now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
“Count Rumford” • Vol. 25, No. 1

Bänoo Zan
is a poet, librettist, translator, teacher, editor and poetry curator, with more than 200 published poems and poetry-related pieces as well as three books: Song of Phoenix: Life and Works of Sylvia Plath was reprinted in Iran in 2010; Songs of Exile, her first poetry collection, was released in 2016 in Canada by Guernica Editions and was shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award by the League of Canadian Poets in 2017; Letters to My Father, her second poetry book, was published in 2017 by Piquant Press in Canada. She is the founder of Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night), Toronto’s most diverse poetry reading and open mic series (inception: 2012). It is a brave space that bridges the gap between communities of poets from different ethnicities, nationalities, religions (or lack thereof), ages, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, poetic styles, voices and visions.
“Letter to the Terrorists” • Vol. 31, No. 4

Emily Zhang
is a student from Maryland. Her work appears in Word Riot and theNewerYork, among others.
“An Apology” • Vol. 25, No. 4
“Poem about Race” • Vol. 26, No. 1
“Forgotten and Forbidden” • Vol. 26, No. 2

Mark Zimmermann
lived in Japan 1990–2001. His first book of poems, Impersonations, was published by Pebblebrook Press in 2015. He teaches writing and literature courses at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, and lives with his wife Carole and two cats.
“Bedpans” • Vol. 28, No. 3
“Truck Commercials” • Vol. 31, No. 4
“Yoshi Hattori” • Vol. 33, No. 4
“Cancer Drug Commercials” • Vol. 34, No. 3

“Bomb Threats” • Vol. 34, No. 4
“Jessica Mitford, America Still Needs You” • Vol. 35, No. 2

Jamie Zipfel
is a Midwestern transplant in the Middle East who’s curious about deltas, the mixing places where identity and emotion get complicated. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and a B.S. in Communication from Ohio University, as well as an M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Harvard. She teaches academic writing at NYU Abu Dhabi, where she co-hosts a weekly writer’s roundtable. Her chapbook Object Permanence was long-listed for the 2023 Kingdoms in the Wild prize. Recent work can be found in The Splint, Alternating Current, on Medium, and at
“Alewife Station, MBTA, Spring 2023 Season” • Vol. 34, No. 3

Donald Zirilli
is a Healthcare IT manager with an English Literature BA from Drew University. He was the editor of Now Culture, the art editor of The Shit Creek Review, and remains a Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow Gang Member. His poetry was published in The 2River View, Anti- poetry magazine, ART TIMES, Nerve Lantern, River Styx, and other periodicals and anthologies. He and his wife live in an idyllic corner of New Jersey with two dogs and two cats. His chapbook, Heaven’s Not For You, was published in September, 2018, by Kelsay Books.
“The Transgender Moment” • Vol. 30, No. 3