Silence Is the Necrosis of Your Future
Suicide is a word I hold close by
listening to it for its intent,
making sure its shadow
is nowhere near my heart
I’ve attempted twice,
so I know how swiftly,
how insidiously suicide
can creep its claw-toed
poison into my veins
leading to my brain
Stray thoughts, passive thoughts
and then full on ideation
The warning signs tell half
the battle, but when air becomes
a half thought, and not a necessity
When the cars speeding by outside
seem desirable to run into
When the bridge looks like
a savior
You know it’s time to reach out
You know it’s time to get help
You know it’s time to grab on
You know it’s time
Not your time to go
Not your time to leave
Not your time to give in
Not your time to give up
When even the Sun screams at you
for something you did ten years ago
When even the rivers seem to be calling
your name
When light becomes darkness,
and darkness becomes scorn
and scorn becomes resentment
and resentment becomes torment
and torment becomes depression
and depression becomes you
You must take a step back
You must breathe
You must breathe
You must remember
You must remember your name
You must remember your purpose
You must remember the love
The love, the love, the love
You must douse yourself in love
You must grab your close ones
while they reek of love
You must make the resentment
into something tangible and beautiful
You must love