Freedom Canceled
No, you can’t decide
to end your pregnancy
and don’t ask a doctor for help
No, we won’t bake a cake for your wedding
It’s against our religion; you are against our religion
and don’t ask the courts for help
No, you’re not a girl
It says so on your birth certificate
and don’t ask your parents for help
No, you are not a boy
so don’t dress like a boy
and don’t ask your teachers for help
No, you can’t use that bathroom
or compete on this team
And don’t ask the coach for help
No, we won’t say “they” instead of “he” or “she”
That pronoun shuffle breaks the rules
of grammar, of society, of propriety
No, you can’t talk about
your two moms or two dads
And don’t you dare say gay
No, you don’t need to wait
to buy a gun
And don’t leave home without it