Double Fuck the Party Central Committee
i. 草 cǎo
cǎo grass; straw; draft of a manuscript
ii. 泥ní
ní mud
iii. 马mǎ
mǎ horse
iv. 挡 dǎng
dǎng block; hinder; resist; obstruct; cover; keep off;
v. 中央 zhōngyāng
zhōngyāng central, short for central committee
vi. 草泥马挡中央cǎo ní mǎ dǎng zhōngyāng
cǎo ní mǎ dǎng zhōngyāng The caption to a photo of Chinese visual artist
Ai Weiwei (艾未未), naked, holding a figurine of a grass and mud horse over
his crotch.
In some versions the caption substitutes裆 dāng (crotch) for 挡 dǎng (block)
vii. 肏 cào
cào to copulate, fuck
viii. 你妈 nǐmā
nǐmā two characters that mean “you” and “mother”; combined, “your mother.”
In Chinese, “your mother” of similar gravity as the English “fuck.”
ix. 党 dǎng
dǎng political party, the Communist Party
x. 肏你妈cào nǐmā
cǎo-ní-mǎ a homophone for cào nǐmā.
xi. 肏你妈党中央
“Fuck your mother, or double fuck, the Communist Party Central Committee.”
Ai Weiwei disappeared on April 3rd, 2011 after his arrest
by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee.